Managing Buck Fever

I was thirteen years old and had just finished crawling through knee-deep Wisconsin snow in December to position myself within bow range of a deer feeding in a cut corn field. In addition to the numbingly cold temperature, I recall feeling heat pounding in my ear drums and slight trembling throughout my body. [...]

Managing Buck Fever2024-08-22T08:42:20-06:00

Bury Your Dutch Oven

Dutch oven cooking is fun and easy! Do you ever wish you had a hot meal waiting when you got back to camp from a long day in the field? Here's a video showing how to do it. Burying a Dutch oven is one of those things you often hear about [...]

Bury Your Dutch Oven2024-08-08T15:05:04-06:00

Traditional Wisdom: Choosing A Traditional Bow

Many people are upping the excitement and challenge of bowhunting by electing to use traditional bows. As a reader of TBM, you likely need little help deciding on a traditional bow, yet most often hunters considering the switch turn to those already involved for advice. Bowhunters who have five or more decades of [...]

Traditional Wisdom: Choosing A Traditional Bow2024-07-26T15:30:31-06:00

The Woods Look Different At Night—Use A Compass

Over twenty years ago, a friend of mine was giving me an impromptu lesson on coon hound training along a familiar creek on our farm. When his pup finally treed, we started into the woods at the creek crossing and three hundred yards later, turned left, away from the creek, and walked fifty [...]

The Woods Look Different At Night—Use A Compass2024-07-17T10:12:06-06:00

Five Blister Prevention Tips

When you do a lot of stalking on the ground, you can cover a few miles in no time. The quickest way to make a hunt uncomfortable is to develop blisters while you are hiking. Here is a quick video with a few tips on how to avoid blisters. Is there [...]

Five Blister Prevention Tips2024-07-03T11:45:30-06:00

Three Common Mental Shooting Mistakes

You’ve done your shooting homework by establishing a repeatable, torque-free grip on the bow and locating an anchor point that places the nock under your dominant eye, aligning your draw arm elbow with the arrow. You’ve mastered the proper method of pulling with your back muscles and following through after the shot. The [...]

Three Common Mental Shooting Mistakes2024-06-11T15:25:47-06:00

Opportunity Calls

I was cow-calling for a bull elk one September day deep in the bottom of a canyon. While there was daylight on the canyon rim 500 feet above, evening had come early to where I sat. I was well hidden in a little copse of saplings that grew by a meandering, almost silent [...]

Opportunity Calls2024-06-05T10:13:44-06:00

Make Archery Target Rugballs!

Buying targets and setting up an archery range can cost thousands of dollars. In this piece, I’d like to share how to create inexpensive targets and a fun way to set up a challenging archery range that can surely boost your hunting accuracy. A few years ago I read about the Muzzy Invitational [...]

Make Archery Target Rugballs!2024-05-14T14:47:47-06:00

Product Spotlight: Zing Archery Broadheads

When it comes to archery and bowhunting gear in general, we have a lot to choose from. When making a decision, knowing where a product comes from, or knowing that the people behind the scenes might share our same core values is sometimes all the info that we need. Let’s take a quick peek at [...]

Product Spotlight: Zing Archery Broadheads2024-04-16T17:24:19-06:00

Shooting: Practice

I don’t hear the word practice very often in conversation with traditional bow shooters. We talk about shooting instead. There is such pleasure in simply shooting traditional equipment, but there’s something about the word “practice” that conjures up visions of something regimented, work, necessity, and not specifically a pleasurable task. Conversationally we put [...]

Shooting: Practice2024-04-10T10:08:41-06:00
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