I enjoy hunting with traditional longbows, but the same issues arise every year with my usual hunting methods: tree stands, ground blinds and stalking. I don’t have enough patience to sit for long hours in a tree stand; most ground blinds are not tall enough for shooting longbows; and with stalking, I’ve had mixed results.
Fortunately, when my family purchased a new deck umbrella, I had an idea of how to use the old one to help overcome some of the issues I faced while hunting with a longbow. The old umbrella measures seven feet across and weighs only four pounds! Similar deck umbrellas cost about $20 new. Some models are available that are even lighter in weight.
To camouflage the umbrella, I used Krylon camo spray paint, olive drab and green for a base color, and black and tan to highlight and provide depth. For stencils to spray over, I used local plants such as ferns, pine, dogwood, and cedar to create a breakup pattern and create a 3D effect. I’ll probably make a couple of see-through openings using mosquito netting.
The best part of my “new” umbrella blind is I can stand up to shoot my longbow, and use it for cover when spot and stalk hunting. If caught in a squall, I’ll even have a large umbrella to rest under! Plus, it’s easy to make, inexpensive, and easy to use!
This is a cool idea! Thanks for sharing!
This is a brilliant idea! I have been wanting to make a lightweight ground blind, because I also have a tough time sitting still and I love to hunt on the ground. I also have wanted an umbrella for rainy days, because most rain gear is so loud and hot to hike in. I actually have some really lightweight silpoly camo 1.1 oz fabric (ripstopbytheroll.com) that I got for my ground blind project, and now I am going to figure out how to make an umbrella with it. Thanks for the inspiration!
Great idea! Thank you for sharing.
Another killer idea — simple yet effective
Great thought and imagination will have to investigate this further
Am stealing that idea, thanks a ton for sharing your creativity
I’ve been wondering what to do with that old umbrella. Now I know. Thanks
Simply awesome! Great idea and it’s so versatile. Thanks for sharing the bit of ingenuity!
I’ve tried camo sheets, but needed a pack to gather it all up and carry it in. The umbrella sounds effective and quick to set up.
Though an interesting idea, I am inclined to use in place of the umbrella, a camo poncho.
The poncho is lighter, much much less bulkier, can be changed into a number of shapes an forms, the poncho can be used as a temporary overnight shelter, be used as an improvised flotation device when crossing semi-deep bodies of water, and can keep you dry and warm in a downpoor.
I think I will continue to carry my poncho and leave the umbrella at home.
Good job. Thanks tor sharing. And yes…his arrow shafts are awesome.
Ya…I’m a camo netting fan for the most part when it comes this sort of thing but this certainly seems to be a good option for quick deployment on the ground. I have an umbrella designed for use wrapped around a tree which I also painted w/camo…btw I shoot a recurve. It is used while sitting in a 3-legged , collapsible chair on the ground. In addition, 1 1/4″ square fish netting is glued over it and then green and brown pipe cleaners twisted on for local vegetation to be applied while in a stationary position. No reason the netting and pipe cleaners couldn’t be used on the above setup as well.
Super idea! Wish I had thought of it. It leaves tons of options as well. With your permission, I might include it in a future TIPS article.
Pretty cool idea,, for years i have used a couple of regular umbrellas in this manner but never thought of using one large one… Wally World here i come.. probably on the end of summer sale rack now..
Thanks for passing it along..