About Robin Conrads

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So far Robin Conrads has created 179 blog entries.
The secret to life is a bad memory and a good sense of humor.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Organic apple cider vinegar is an item you should always have in your home and your camping gear. It is important that you buy organic, like the brand shown below. Distilled vinegar doesn't have the same healing properties. It can usually be found in the Health Food section of the grocery store. Mix [...]

Apple Cider Vinegar2025-01-15T13:06:55-07:00

Frostbite Prevention and Treatment

Many traditional bowhunters go afield when the weather is very cold; it’s part of the challenge of hunting, but it can also be dangerous if you aren’t prepared. Frostbite can happen in a matter of minutes, and the body tries to keep your vital organs warm by cutting off circulation to your fingers [...]

Frostbite Prevention and Treatment2024-12-17T20:56:59-07:00

Dutch Oven Pumpkin Dump Cake

Instead of fussing with pie crusts and taking up oven space to bake a pumpkin pie this holiday season, try this decadent but simple Dutch oven dessert you can cook outside. Cee Dub is pretty well known here in Idaho, but if you want more information, Dutch oven recipes, and more [...]

Dutch Oven Pumpkin Dump Cake2024-11-06T12:01:57-07:00

Bury Your Dutch Oven

Dutch oven cooking is fun and easy! Do you ever wish you had a hot meal waiting when you got back to camp from a long day in the field? Here's a video showing how to do it. Burying a Dutch oven is one of those things you often hear about [...]

Bury Your Dutch Oven2024-08-08T15:05:04-06:00

Five Blister Prevention Tips

When you do a lot of stalking on the ground, you can cover a few miles in no time. The quickest way to make a hunt uncomfortable is to develop blisters while you are hiking. Here is a quick video with a few tips on how to avoid blisters. Is there [...]

Five Blister Prevention Tips2024-07-03T11:45:30-06:00

Video: Improve Your Shot with Proper Form

15 years ago Clay Hayes converted from a compound bow to a traditional bow. Since then he has become a great resource for woodsmanship and traditional archery information. In this video Clay explains some basic tips including: Proper Back Tension Aiming: Instinctive Vs. Gap Shooting Point On Distance Proper Form [...]

Video: Improve Your Shot with Proper Form2023-12-06T11:12:44-07:00

Encountering a Trophy Mule Deer With a Traditional Bow

Remi Warren is known for his incredible footage, but it's usually with a compound bow in his hands. This short, self filmed video captures a moment where Remi experienced the rush of seeing a trophy mule deer while hunting with a recurve bow. How he was able to get such a close [...]

Encountering a Trophy Mule Deer With a Traditional Bow2023-10-18T10:57:40-06:00

Keep Your Cooler, Cooler!

To help foods stay frozen in your ice chest, freeze a brine solution in a reusable container and place it into the chest. A frozen brine solution is slower to melt than ice and will keep food frozen longer.Fill a clean milk jug with water, leaving about 1" of space for expansion. Add [...]

Keep Your Cooler, Cooler!2023-06-19T13:35:22-06:00

Casting Animal Tracks with Kids

Here is an oldie but goodie Clay Hayes video on getting your kids outdoors to look for wildlife tracks. Casting animal tracks with kids is a fun family outdoor activity to help parents and children learn about the wildlife nearby. Even if you live in a neighborhood or large city, you [...]

Casting Animal Tracks with Kids2022-06-12T16:29:17-06:00
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