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in reply to: Need advice #134483
Well said, Mr. Graf. I could not agree more. A lot of folks also ask me why I choose to fly fish when I could catch more fish easier if I used a spoon or bait with a spin cast outfit. It’s not just catching the fish, or shooting the deer (moose or caribou in my neck-of-the-woods), it’s the whole of it, the experience, adventure, place, striving to become a better hunter, the”me” of it …the tradition of it all.
Welcome back! My story is somewhat similar, although along the way I used a compound for quite a while. Now that I’ve picked up the recurve again I can say I’ve never had so much fun shooting a bow. Congratulations on taking this fine buck. You’re way ahead of me in that regard as I never even had a close opportunity on a moose around my home area this year. Nice bow!
in reply to: Return to traditional archery and bow hunting. #134019Thank you so much for your informative reply. Thanks to you I’m making money in the stock market, my daughter has been accepted into a sought-after college program, and I’ve taken it upon myself to try different ways to cook all of the upland birds I’ve been shooting. As for posting photos here…My next try will have to wait. This is the last day of archery moose season, and tomorrow I may climb into the mountains to photograph Dall sheep, and who knows what else. Thx
in reply to: Return to traditional archery and bow hunting. #133970Dear Webmother,
Yes, please. I need all of the help I can get. Perhaps some good stock market advice? How best to deal with daughters? Maybe just a great recipe? But mostly on how to post photos here.
in reply to: Return to traditional archery and bow hunting. #133864Recurve, Bear, Tigercat, Bow quiver, Interior Alaska-7809.jpg
Split finger, three fingers under, anchor with your index finger, anchor with your middle finger, stand up straight, bend a wee bit, wiggle your butt, keep your butt still…what matters most here is that you pass that blasted stone. And then go outdoors and shoot your bow how you please.
Wishing you a smooth and thorough pass-through.
in reply to: Return to traditional archery and bow hunting. #133382Thanks! I believe I figured out my photo uploading problem. My images are huge! I guess I’ll have to down-res them in order to get them to load up here. In the meantime…if you care to look at the sort of images I do here in Alaska you can check out my website at
in reply to: Return to traditional archery and bow hunting. #133358Thanks! If it ever stops raining perhaps I’ll get out more. So far this is turning out to be a very strange and wet fall in Interior Alaska. We usually have snow on the ground by the first week of October, but the forecast is for lots of rain and no snow on into November. Quite strange. But the moose won’t mind it so much, and since they live out there rain or shine, I guess I’ll just have to get wet…often.
in reply to: Return to traditional archery and bow hunting. #133353Thank you! This is an enjoyable group and a nice place to visit.
in reply to: Return to traditional archery and bow hunting. #133351And a “hello” back atcha! It is indeed fun and challenging and quite rewarding in so many ways. Hope to have some luck next month on a moose and/or a caribou.
in reply to: Return to traditional archery and bow hunting. #133340Dear Webmother,
Thanks for the welcoming! It’s going to take some work on my part to learn to download photos properly, but even old guys can learn new tricks if they work hard enough at it.
As a 30-year freelance writer and photographer, I should know how to post photos anywhere, but I don’t.
When I’m finally lucky enough to find myself facing the task of field dressing another moose or caribou, but this time having performed the task with traditional gear, I’ll likely send the story and photos along to TBM. I think I licensed some photos to TBM way back in the dark ages? I’ll get busy.
Thanks again for allowing me to chat here. It’s raining today so I figure that’s a great time to get outdoors and shoot my recurve in typical hunting conditions.
Have a nice day!