About Robin Conrads

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So far Robin Conrads has created 179 blog entries.
The secret to life is a bad memory and a good sense of humor.

Water Filtering Basics

Randy Newberg, Hunter explains the basics of water filtration, the types of systems available and his preferences for the style of hunting he does. Gravity flow systems, hand pumps, straws, and sterilization pens are discussed here. Chemical treatments are not part of this discussion, though Randy carries Aquamira drops for emergency [...]

Water Filtering Basics2022-04-26T14:29:44-06:00

Historic Footage of Art Young Hunting a Grizzly Bear

Throwback Thursday takes us way back to one of the pioneers of bowhunting in the United States. Amazing footage from Art Young's 1926 grizzly bear hunt fueled the fire for many others who desired adventure and challenge in bowhunting with a simple traditional bow. See Next: 3 Yards Away from [...]

Historic Footage of Art Young Hunting a Grizzly Bear2022-01-31T13:17:20-07:00

Comparing Broadhead Styles

If you ever have a chance to see one of the great collections of vintage broadheads that travel around the country, do it. One might think that putting a point on an arrow shaft to make it more lethal to deer and other game animals might be a simple matter, but the amount [...]

Comparing Broadhead Styles2021-12-13T10:05:17-07:00

Rebuilding a Target

About a month ago I went to our local archery range to find a pile of really shot-up 3-D targets in the parking area, which had been replaced with new ones

Rebuilding a Target2021-12-01T09:18:32-07:00

How to Use a Compass and Map

Krik of Black Owl Outdoors thoroughly yet simply explains how to navigate with just a compass and a map. Regardless of why and how you spend your times in the great out of doors, you should at least know the basic of map and compass navigation and basic orienteering. [...]

How to Use a Compass and Map2021-08-04T19:18:05-06:00

Meet The Champs: The Wilhelm Brothers

Walt and Kenneth Wilhelm, are in the Archery Hall of Fame. In the 1930s they appeared in these Paramount newsreels. The shots they make will amaze you! Howard Hill shot with these two men, and they are in many of his videos. Enjoy this blast from the past! Kids, please don't [...]

Meet The Champs: The Wilhelm Brothers2021-03-03T12:40:25-07:00

Digital Issue: Apr/May 2021

Featured Articles Co-Editor's Note by E. Donnall Thomas, Jr. Chasing Turkeys in the Tropics by Darren Haverstick COVID-19 and spring Turkeys by Nathan L. Andersohn Leading Ladies by Dale A. Klug Interview Abe Penner of Cari-Bow Custom Bows by T. J. Conrads Backcountry by A. Preston Taylor To Build A Fire [...]

Digital Issue: Apr/May 20212021-05-06T11:56:11-06:00

Skin A Cat – Knives for Traditional Bowhunters

A full tang blade Helle knife top, and partial tang below. Helle sells complete knives as well as tangs and parts to make your own. I remember my first knife. My father gave it to me when I was quite young. It was made by Schrade with two folding blades made [...]

Skin A Cat – Knives for Traditional Bowhunters2021-02-26T10:02:13-07:00

Traditional Archery Hunter Dave Peters

Jay Peters shared this video with us, and we thought our readers might enjoy it as well. So many traditional bowhunters are down to earth, good people, like Dave. Here's what Jay had to say: "I interviewed my uncle who was 73 at the time of this interview. He has been [...]

Traditional Archery Hunter Dave Peters2021-01-11T12:14:55-07:00

Digital Issue: Feb/Mar 2021

Featured Articles Cliffhanger Ram by Brandon Ray Light Bow, Big Moose by Todd Szmania Traditional Fire by Alfred Gemrich Adventure in the Goat Cliffs by G. Fred Asbell Never Forgotten by Alan Altizer Interview with Matt Schuster by E. Donnall Thomas, Jr. Primitive Bowhunter by Billy Berger A Stone Hunting Point for [...]

Digital Issue: Feb/Mar 20212021-01-15T18:55:59-07:00
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