Forum Replies Created
in reply to: East Texas Hog Hunt #7920
Thanks for the pics. They bring back fond memories of my years living and hunting in Florida.:)
in reply to: New Member #27898Welcome catfish. I hope you find this site as helpful and inspiring as I have!
in reply to: Testing an iPad version of TBM #27893TBMADMIN wrote: [quote=TKO]Please assure me Traditional Bowhunter Magazine isn’t going to become a strictly electronic magazine like some of the big name publications that have recently faltered. I have nothing against “e-zines” but nothing can ever take the place of my beloved “analog” reading materials.
Rest assured we have no plans to go digital only. A growing number of our readership want the magazine on electronic readers, but the large majority of them don’t even use or like computers. The digital is in addition to the print version. You are welcome to chose the version that suits you best. 😀
I hope I didn’t sound “anti digital”. I like the idea of a digital version of the magazine and would probably actually even embrace the e-zine by subscribing. I just really enjoy the nostalgic feeling I get when I pick up an old (Some over 30 years)issue of one of my favorite magazines. I’d like to have a substantial library of actual Traditional Bowhunter magazines to give to my sons in 20 or 30 years. 😀Thanks,
Tomin reply to: Testing an iPad version of TBM #25691Please assure me Traditional Bowhunter Magazine isn’t going to become a strictly electronic magazine like some of the big name publications that have recently faltered. I have nothing against “e-zines” but nothing can ever take the place of my beloved “analog” reading materials.
in reply to: Recurve or longbow your choice and why? #25682I just started shooting a recurve a couple months ago and I love it. I also got to shoot a longbow a while back and I loved it also. In fact, I shot it every bit as well as my recurve. Now I really want a longbow too.
in reply to: Please introduce yourselves, I'll start #25628Thanks, Dale. I wish you the best in your pursuit of the illusive, Vermont grown, wide racked, albino mulie…er…I mean retirement.
Tomin reply to: Good news from the Doc! #24696sapcut wrote:
….weight is falling away as exercise become possible again
Are you suggesting Dr. Ed is less FOC now?
Hahaha! I too suffer from extreme foc although my percentage is “falling” also.
Good to hear your’e doing well Doc!
in reply to: Please introduce yourselves, I'll start #24684My name is Tom O’Brien. TKO are my initials. (My Grandfather was a boxing fan) I have been married for 14 years to my version of the perfect girl. Taryn and I have 2 sons. Ethan, age 6 and Michael, age 2. I got into archery (compounds)in 1986 or 1987 and even worked in a pro shop in Sarasota, Fl for several years. I just started shooting traditional a couple months ago after almost a decade long break. My brother and I decided to give it a try and we were both quickly hooked. My 6 year old son Ethan also loves to shoot with us. Although I am an embarrassingly poor example of one, I too am a Christian. I am trying however. I currently live in El Dorado, Kansas but we are thinking of a possible move to Idaho in the next couple years. I love hunting, fishing, camping and just about any shooting sports. I also enjoy expedition type off roading. I like building dual purpose, off road vehicles. I like to build and ride custom, one off choppers (motorcycles).
Anyway, in a very condensed nut shell, that’s me.
Thanks guys. I’m currently experimenting with different materials under the Bear hair. I’ll let you know what works best for me.
Thanks again,
Tomin reply to: New to TBM and traditional archery in general #37948Strait-Aero wrote: TKO, you made a good choice in coming here to help you in your traditional bowhunting. The commaraderie here is top-notch, plus there isn’t alot of bickering and sm artalecky remarks like some other public forums; the folks here are genuine and not afraid to give freely of there time and experiences. Welcome aboard!:D
That’s good to know. My brother and I have spent almost eight hours shooting in the last ten days and I have come to the realization that my instinctive shooting is…well…um…pitiful. I believe I shall have to stop for a moment and assess my situation. I know my form is in need of some serious adjustment. Having never shot sans release adds yet another strata to my already lofty goals.
Thanks Steve. I was thinking the same thing. I also considered reshaping the shelf then refinishing the bow.I will most likely use your idea as it is faster and basically achieves the same effect.
Thanks again,
in reply to: Longbow buck #28576I can only imagine the jubilation one must feel when successful with traditional equipment. I’ve just begun to shoot traditional and can hardly wait for the opportunity to hunt in this fashion.
in reply to: Anyone own a Shakespeare? #28546I have a Super Neceda X30 and I like it so far. I’ve had it since 1997 but just began shooting it last weekend. Mine is 50# @28″ and is 54″ long. It seems smooth and quiet but, being new to traditional archery, I have little with which to compare. I also have a Bear Super Kodiak, 65# @ 28″, 60″ long. This bow also feels smooth and seems quiet though not as smooth as the Shakespeare. Perhaps this is a function of the difference in draw weights.
in reply to: New to TBM and traditional archery in general #28536John Carter wrote: Kiora,Welcome aboard.
As you travel this path your going to find people that like to keep it as simple as possible,and your going to find guys that break things down and start sounding pretty complex in their efforts to understand things they probably don’t “need” to know,but want to anyway,,,,,I’m one of those last guys.Well what ever,we’re all on the same path and both approaches are good for the person travelling them.
Take your pick an tell us your stories brother.
John, I too am “…one of those last guys.” I certainly have nothing against those who wish to keep it simple but, I tend to become very “involved” in whichever endeavor I have chosen. I suspect I am now engaged in a way of thinking which will consume me both mentally, and quite possibly financially, for many years to come.
In this instance, I have not to choose as the path I follow has chosen me. Although, being new to traditional archery, I have no stories to tell as of yet, fear not, for I shall surely amass many tails of trials, tribulations and successes as I travel my new path.
I’m happy to have a few like minded individuals with which to travel!
in reply to: New to TBM and traditional archery in general #26276Frank H V wrote: I’d like to welcome you too Tom.
FrankThank you Frank. I do feel welcomed here. I’m amazed at the volumes of information contained within this site!