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in reply to: Need Recommendation #150586
I feel they are shoot good, but as mentioned was more concerned about shelf bounce. I assumed went a little stiff or it was form issue since it was no a constant thing.
My bow has such a small shelf my chubby fingers sometimes get equal or slightly above the shelf. I felt it after the first few shots and it was definitely popping off the finger pretty bad. Do I mad an adjustment to my grip, but would every now and then get some tail kick with arrow but others flew like lasers.
I will definitely try the plate today.
Thanks again for everyone’s help/suggestions!
in reply to: Need Recommendation #150563I am a primarily a whitetail hunter/hog hunter that is the main purpose. My set up try to keep me 15ish yards for hunting mainly for the fact I am not confident pushing out past 20+ yards. I’ve not hunted yet this year with my long bow due to the fact I’m unsure/not confident with the arrows and it is a mind game now.
in reply to: Need Recommendation #150540Will definitely be trying anything that is suggested. I started with the black eagles as I they were suggested from a guy that shots long bow (new as well) he said he had great luck. They way I view arrows is the more the merrier. Will to try anything.
Not sure how accurate this is, but these are my two current arrow set up
Black eagle vintage- full length (34”) 42g insert with 75g weight. Total weight 659g
GPP 10, FOC 21.9%, est. speed 182.4, ft/lbs 42.9Black eagle instinct- full length (34”) 100g outsert , total weight 669g, GPP 10.2, FOC 20.3%, est speed 182.8, ft/lbs 49.6
These are off of 3 River not sure how accurate just an idea was trying to get both total weights as close to get hopefully similar drop for easier grouping between two. Thoughts, concerns, or anything about these #’s
in reply to: Need Recommendation #150517My bow is a MADDOG custom Prairie predator Longbow 57″ 55lbs @ 28” my draw is between 30-31” the builder stated his bow was very close center cut.
I am thinking about ordering some 400 spine arrows and checking those. I was really interested in shooting wood, but felt they would be even more confusing. I have read so much about arrows high FOC vs overall weight etc. I was worried it would be even harder to get figured out maybe I was wrong lol.
I will have to look when I get back for the spine of aluminum arrows. I believe all three times I’ve bought aluminum arrows from them they suggested different spine. Which is why I tried my own way, and with hopes to be able to do more and more or my archery setup on my own.
in reply to: Need Recommendation #150497Thanks! My biggest concern was the shelf bounce, but this did not occur with every shoot. I assume this was/is due to form or grip. If when I shot there was no shelf bounce then the flight seemed great, but if there is shelf bounce it reflected in poor flight obviously.
I read this could be due to nock height, stiff arrows, or form. I never noticed the shelf contact with previous aluminum arrows so I may try some 400 spine just to check.
Most of my local bow shops know nothing of traditional archery, the one that does would not even entertain me wanting to go with carbon arrows (aluminum only).
Thanks again for help!
in reply to: Need Recommendation #150478Thanks! I will definitely check out the clubs/mentors. This is definitely addicting, coming from compound archery I will likely never switch back.