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  • SDMFer
      Post count: 54

      I had the opportunity to talk with a former chief of the forest service this morning and I was very pleased to hear the issue of ATV/OHV abuse is actually making it to the top. They can hear us, he acknowledged the abuse and the need to conserve backcountry habitats. An interesting point he brought up, there are enough roads on USFS property to make it to the moon (maybe back).

      Back to the topic, with a united voice via BHA its easier for those in a management role to hear the desires of those prefering quiet muscle powered recreational opportunites.

        Post count: 54
        in reply to: Bring it. #41230

        Dave, I’m not sure why they aren’t cranked down in Colorado. I was out last weekend for two days and heard bugles all day and into the evening.

        Of course, all but maybe one of the buglers only had 2 legs. The actual bulls I ran into were all still with other bulls holed up in some nasty country waiting for the Labor day weekend concert to end.

          Post count: 54

          I use an eberlestock X2 as my day pack. It can, and has, easily handle(d) a hind quarter. The only problem I have with my X2 is that its a bit big and I have tendancey to fill it for no reason other than that there is space available (i.e. an extra everything plus more food than I could eat in a day).

          Then I have a Kelty Cache hauler that can handle more weight than I’m willing to put on my back which I use for the work aspect of the hunt.

          Few years back I took a hind quarter off firt trip with my X2 and the 2nd hind, 2 fronts, and remainder (loins etc.) on the second trip. But that was a rifle hunt and a testement to hunting above the truck.

          Last years archery cow, again hunting above the truck, I was able to get all of my camping gear and a front 1/4 first trip with my kelty and a hind plus steaks on the second. Luckily that day I had help to take the other front and hind 1/4s or I would have had to make a third trip.

          I would highly recommend either of those packs to anybody looking for new ones.

            Post count: 54

            A second for what Don mentioned, know where your going to be hunting. Your ATV is just as illegal in designated wilderness areas as the motorized version.

              Post count: 54

              An old thread, but I wanted to share this because I thought you all may appreciate it. Last weekend (6-9) I got married to an extremely understanding you woman. We’ve been together for 8 years prior and she’s had to endure 5 years of spending September pretty much (cats keep her company)alone. We had a mutal friend, and hunting partner, act as the officiant of our wedding. We had written the ceremony and vows ourselves, but gave some creative leeway to the officiant if he thought he could word things better than we had written them for him. So, as part of or vows which were pretty much straight out of the standard text of wedding vows (richer/poorer, sickness/health,etc.) he threw in that I would take her even if she remained a Penguins fan. Which was hard to swallow since I have a pretty strong (border line hatred) dislike for the Pittsburgh Penguins, but I said I do. For her vows he threw in that along with all the standards, that she remain understanding of my absence in September and all Septembers to come. Lucky for me she said I do. Now all I have to do is get used to wearing this ring thats been bugging me for almost a week now.

                Post count: 54

                I was going to weigh in on this earlier, but just got around to it.

                Anyway, it’s about this time of year that I shift to really start focusing on getting ready for elk season. From the end of hunting season until now I pretty much neglect cardio and work on getting stronger via weight training.

                Starting a couple weeks ago I made the shift and started running in the morning before work. Right now it’s about 5 miles but by Sept 1 I will increase distance and decrease average mile times. After my run it’s home for breakfast before a 3 mile bike ride to work.

                My work schedule gets hectic in the summer so my total gym time decreases. But, as far as resistance training I focus on 5 key lifts that I begin each daily weight session with one of. Those are lunges (walking or standing), power cleans, squats, dead lifts, or pull ups. I use a weight that lets me get a minimum 50 total reps in 5 or more sets, often doing “pyramid sets” with increasing then decreasing weight. On office days I can get my gym session in over a lunch hour, otherwise it has to wait until evening. After key lifts I will work all other major muscle groups (chest, back, core, legs) with a single exercise and get at least 50 reps. Rest between all sets is kept at around 30 seconds. I can get a gym session that leaves me pretty much fried in 45 minutes or so.

                Weekends are for active recovery which generally entails hiking or biking.

                I like to think it helps come September, both mentally and physically. 77 days until Archery antelope opener.

                  Post count: 54

                  I’ve posted many times on the issue of OHV abuse on public lands. I have no reservations in stating that,”Until they can be effectively managed (like other animals) ATVs and OHVs should not be allowed on public lands”. A small user group should not be allowed to cause the majority of resource damage on public lands; as stated by others it goes back to an attitude of entitlement.

                  My suggestion to all of you is to continue to contact the public land managing agencies about the ongoing abuse. Its worked pretty well for me to take pictures of ATV damage and send it to the USFS regularly.

                  In my neck of the woods each spring I find new damage on public land where good old boys with ATVs and jacked up trucks decide to create a new mud pit and tear stuff up or get bored staying on the trail or road so they make a new one. So I take pictures and send it to the local Forest Service Office. Some times even catching the jack asses in the act of tearing stuff up. Keep putting in in their (USFS, BLM, etc.) face, eventually they won’t be able to ignore it. Not that they intentionally ignore the issue, I understand they (agencies) are understaffed and over burdened with other tasks and can’t spend all their time “patrolling”. However, if enough concerned citizens stir the pot at the local levels it might just trickle up the chain of command.

                    Post count: 54
                    in reply to: Sheds #10509

                    Didn’t find any sheds. Instead, being the first really nice day of the year found lots of !@#$’s on ATVs and jacked up trucks tearing up our public lands. Mud season is upon us!! So I took lots of pictures and sent a scathing email (its becoming a spring time tradition for me) with attached photos and license plate numbers to the forest service office. While the wheels of bureaucracy turn slow, at least it got the ball moving. I heard this morning that the FS is locking a bunch of gates in the area at least until it dries out and bumping up patrols by both LEO’s and other personel through the rest of “mud season” and on into the summer.

                    I’ll take that over a few shed antlers anyday.

                      Post count: 54
                      in reply to: Sheds #63457

                      I didn’t draw a turkey tag this year so won’t be spending too much time chasing them. Sun is up and the cabin fever is about too kill me so I’m headin to the hills, hopefully I’ll find a least one knife handle laying out in the grass.

                        Post count: 54
                        in reply to: Meat grinder blues #48037

                        I would highly recommened getting at least a 1hp grinder. I upgraded, sort of, from a hand crank to a cheap walmart grinder a while back and found that the cheap one worked really well on nice clean deer meat. That grinder couldn’t handle elk or trimmings very well. I recently came to own 1 hp commercial grade from Cabelas which is amazing, haven’t been able to slow it down yet. A friend of mine just bought a 1hp cheaper version from Cabelas, i think it cost him around $100, other than being a bit louder I can’t tell the difference in ability or quality of grind between his and mine. As far as making sausage goes, try and get one that has the sausage attachment, even tho it counts as a frill, i really like having the sausage stuffer.

                          Post count: 54
                          in reply to: "The Grey" #19089

                          Since Dave mentioned Ed Abbey, and this is a moving picture thread. I recently finished Postcards from Ed, and out of curiosity this morning I searched for “The Monkey Wrench Gang Movie”, and apparently Hollywood is going to butcher another novel with a slated release for 2013. At least thats what I learned from the internet this morning.

                            Post count: 54
                              Post count: 54
                              in reply to: Water!! #46201

                              One solution to the water bottle noise that I’ve recently been turned onto are platypus soft bottles. You can squeze the air out of them preventing the excess noise.

                                Post count: 54

                                At this point the count down is at 22 days until I can start; the anterless tag I hold opens Aug. 15. Won’t be able to look for anything with antlers until Sept. 1 though.

                                  Post count: 54
                                  in reply to: Montana or Wyoming #46495

                                  A month or so back a report came out claiming Laramie, WY to be a great place to retire. While I’ll never have the luxury of retiring, I have lived in Laramie for the past 3 yrs and can tell you it wouldn’t be at the top of my list. Especially if you want to chase big game, while there are a few wilderness areas close and lots of public land with plenty of elk, the majority of it is over run with people from the Colorado front range and elsewhere. Something I think has gotten worse in my short time here. Not to mention the booming ATV/OHV industry in the area, it makes quiet spots hard to find.
                                  Just wanted to add this incase you had came across the previosly mentioned article about retiring in Laramie.

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