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  • Donnie
      Post count: 19

      I was about 20 miles from the nearest paved road…. and I locked my keys in my truck.

      (Forgot to take them out of the ignition! 🙄 )

        Post count: 19

        Outstanding Job!!! Congratulations on yer deer!!!! 8)



          Post count: 19

          There is an old saying that goes…. “If it was easy…. it would be called “Killing”…. NOT Hunting!”

          Taking the life of an animal is not a pretty thing…. and I believe with all my heart that it SHOULD be earned…. and not given. Shooting an animal using archery equipment…. ESPECIALLY Traditional equipment says a lot about you as a “Hunter”…. and you SHOULD feel proud of your accomplishment!!!!

          Congratulations on taking your deer!!!!! I’m sure you will remember this season for the rest of your life!!!!!



            Post count: 19


            Good Morning!

            I NEVER cut my arrows. I have found that the longer the arrow…. the more forgiving it is. There are so many weight options out there….. There is no need to cut arrows down anymore. (Unless you just like having short arrows.)

            I paper tune…. and I have my bow set to where I am shooting “Bullet Holes”. I can shoot a 400 carbon, (30″ uncut) with the big brass insert (I forgot what the weight of the large brass insert is)…. with a 75 grn. Field Tip or Broadhead…. or I can shoot a 300 carbon (32″ uncut) with the large brass insert and a 145 grn. Field Tip or Broadhead…. and get the exact same results!!! (Bullet holes when paper tuning!)

            I guess my suggestion to you is this…. Wait until you have a more consistent release and form before you start cutting arrows. (Its kinda hard to make e’m longer again!) In the mean time…. Experiment with the different weights. Try dropping down to a 100 grn. or even a 75 grn. Field Tip. Try a slightly stiffer arrow shaft…. and play with the weights again. All the while…. you will be shooting…. (hopefully) gaining better form and release…. and you will be learning some very valuable information about your bow…. and the nature or arrow spine!



              Post count: 19

              WOW!…. What great stories, and wonderful meals…. I may just have to keep my “Snickers & Ravioli” story to myself……….. 😳



                Post count: 19


                I do the EXACT same thing! I like to “Rove” & “Stump Shoot” and many of my shots boarder .on the “Hail Marry” shots. 😈 I just love seeing my arrow in flight! It also allows my eye and brain to see the arc of the arrow.

                By doing these longer shots it ALSO shows me what shots are just too far to be taking. And… it all comes together for me when I draw my arrow on a deer or an elk. My mind’s eye already KNOWS what IS…. and IS NOT too far!



                  Post count: 19

                  Reg makes a very good point…. I also am CONSTANTLY shooting (Roving…. Stump Shooting…. ect…) and am constantly “In Touch” with what feels (looks) like the right distance. It fluctuates from terrain to situation….

                  The truth of the matter is this…. “I have killed more deer and elk with my recurve than I ever did with a compound”…. and I attribute it to this…. “With a compound… I was always concerned with “Distance….” With my recurve…. I “JUST KNOW” if the range, and situation is right…. there is NO doubt in my mind about making the shot. (Sometimes its a shorter distance…. and sometimes its at longer distances. Again… depends of the terrain and situation) My inner calculator tells me if I’m in range or not.

                  Above all…. I shoot all the time because I LOVE IT!!!! And THIS keeps me “In Touch” with my effective range…. whatever THAT is……. 8)



                    Post count: 19


                    Hee!… Hee!…

                    No… That’s not it…. Its just that she will never have the fine penmanship that I have! 8)

                      Post count: 19


                      Do we limit the bow poundage…. (Whats a good poundage for a “pass-through”?) And… Can YOU recoment a good broadhead? :D8)



                        Post count: 19

                        Thats OK…. She can try to brag, but there is one thing that I can do that she will never be able to do. I will ALWAYS be able to write my name in the snow! 8)

                          Post count: 19
                          in reply to: It is almost time! #33772

                          I feel as though there is a little piece of me that is gonna be “un-done” this season… due to the fact that because of my new position at work…. and moving to a NEW area…. I’m gonna miss this season! But, “YES”…. my mind and my heart is OH SO READY…. I’m just gonna have to wait till next year! 🙁

                          I guess I will just have to read about all of yer hunting trips…. and imagine what it would have been like to be there with Y’all!!!!

                          So………….. BE DESCRIPTIVE!!!!!!!!!! 😀



                            Post count: 19


                            It didnt start out as anything but friends…. but she is definitely proving herself to be a keeper…. With or without the Archery…. and her attraction to archery is like icing on the cake! 😛


                            “Stunned” to say the least!…. And the company really is fun… even if for now its just shooting in the backyard. I really look forward to taking her to a 3-D shoot! Archery has really given us lots to share!


                            I guess yer right…. there COULD be worse things…. (I Suppose….) But spending twice as much money on Traditional Archery Equipment could be viewed as an “Investment in Life”. Guess I better get on it and start making my shopping list!…. Birthday list…. Christmas list… Easter list…. ect… ect… 8)


                            I guess ANY woman who tolerates all that we put into archery is a keeper! And…. “No hard feelings if ya hate me…. even a little!” (I’m sure I’ve been hated for a lot less!) 😉

                              Post count: 19

                              Mixed emotions on my part. I do not own a Quad… nor can I afford one. I’m not against them…. as long as the owner is responsible. But as far as HUNTING is concerned…. I have had to learn to adapt.

                              Today’s Outdoor Sporting industry pushes SO hard to make the “novice” and inexperienced hunter believe that… “If you have THIS bow”…. or “If you have THIS 4-Wheeler”…. or “If you have THIS brand of arrow”… ect… ect… “You will be more successful.” And when it comes to 4-Wheelers….. I see the same thing out in Oregon. Many “Wannabe” hunters buying the latest and greatest 4-Wheeler and are using it in an inappropriate manner. And though it is VERY frustrating… (especially when you took it upon yourself to walk many miles into the woods,) I have found a VERY bright Silver lining around this cloud!

                              These “hunters” don’t like to get too far form their equipment…. and all I have to do is find the area in which they CANT get into!!! (Very brushy…. heavy timber!) The more I see road hunters…. whether they are in their trucks…. or on their quads…. the more I KNOW that they keep the deer and elk away from the roads…. and push them back DEEP into the thick cover! I find myself hunting completely ALONE…. and usually there is plenty of game around.

                              I learned to adapt…. and I’m seeing more game than ever!!!



                                Post count: 19

                                The places that I hunt are VERY brushy…. So its very common for me to find myself with shots between 20 to 25 yards. (or less) But… I have taken longer shots.

                                The truth is…. I really dont limit myself. When I see a deer or an elk, I dont even think of the distance anymore. Instead… I just KNOW whether or not I can make the shot.

                                I think the terrain that I hunt limits my shot distances…. but when I practice…. I try to shoot at the longer distances… it sure seems to make those 30 yard shots look a lot closer!

                                On an avarage…. Im probably shooting deer and elk at around 20 yards.



                                  Post count: 19


                                  This may sound kinda funny to you… but I think it would be really cool to kill a deer or an elk from a tree stand! 😛

                                  I have hunted from the ground all my life with great success. I simply use the natural cover that I have in my area. (I live in the Pacific Northwest.) One of my favorite set-ups it to find a Douglas Fir tree (one that is close to a game trail,) which has branches that hang to the ground. I simply back up into the branches, clear out a little spot inside, and hide in the dark branches. This is also great since it rains a lot here. You can go inside the heavy branches of a doug-fir and stay relatively dry.

                                  I tried a tree stand a few years ago and really enjoyed it! I primarily hunt elk, which means I walk a lot!!! If a see a deer… GREAT… but I’m primarily out there for the elk. When I tried the tree stand… I saw a lot of neat things!!! AND!!! I wasn’t tired when I went home that night! 8)


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