Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Whats you FOC? #51674
I pick my arrow up tomorrow Troy. Ill do the math and post. As for me and uping my FOC. I can say that Ill stop for now because the season is at hand.
in reply to: Plaid Shirts #46395David Petersen wrote: Shrimp — continue to go up in price as my income goes down.
No kidding about the prices, WOW! Wool is pretty classy stuff in my book. Ill hit the thrift shops to see if i get lucky. It might be a little hard to do living in the Southern Tip of Texas where Temperatures of 100 are the norm. Ill keep searching…
in reply to: Right or Left Fletching Arrows #44799And I was just about to try out Right helical Fletching……
in reply to: Bareshafting pics #35530bully26 wrote: Troy,
The reason I ask is because my first arrows were fletched paper tuned at just 3ft and I wound up bareshafting the same length. Maybe there is a shortcut?I hate to speak for Bully but since we’ve been tuning together for about 3 weeks now, I Will. I think what he’s trying to ask is, If he is supposed to theoretically have the same flight with a bareshaft as with a Fletched arrow, can he just skip the bareshafting and start tuning with a fletched arrow? Will he reap the same results? Bully, jump in if I’m messing this up. The only thing I might suggest is correct one thing at a time.
in reply to: Eichler's Bowfishing Set up #35508bully26 wrote: Nice, here comes the bareshafting fiberglass fishing arrow thread!
negative on paper tuning bowfishing arrows….Just wondering if anyone else sets up there gear in this manner and if it works out fine. Im just afraid of an arrow jumping back at me and slapping me in my face or skewering me.
in reply to: Bareshafting pics #34317Troy I have to admit that you’ve set a standard for me as far as tuning is concerned. I know that this is not just a myth and that perfect arrow flight is attainable. Thanks for your time and information that you share. We all benefit from this, especially someone like me that is completely new to this passion.
in reply to: Bareshafting pics #31975One more question, at what height is this target you are shooting at. Is it at eye level or are you shooting down at it? Are you shooting your bow vertically or canted?
in reply to: Bareshafting pics #31972Troy, its obvious to me that the flight of this arrow is sweet. But if you could, would you please shoot through a sheet of paper @ about 3 yards. I know its not your cup of tea but if you can find a little time to do it, I’d love to see the paper tear. I’m having a hard time thinking that the arrow is completely out of paradox at 3 yards or less. That arrow looks perfect in the target.
in reply to: Let's see your fall hunting set up! #31650That’s some heavy artillery there. I cant wait to see aswell.
in reply to: Bareshafting pics #31642One more thing, this could be as effective on a new bale of hay right?
in reply to: Bareshafting pics #31637Step by step, this is what we’ve been waiting for Troy. And this is Exactly what Bully is has been trying to figure out. It cant get any clearer. I noticed that you pick the less used portion on your Foam Target for your shots. Ill be posting my progress with my Paper tuning and then it looks like ill have to try this method out as well. Now i just have to convince my wife that this is real hard work.
Thanks again Troy!
in reply to: Today discouraged at first, encouraged later #27567Troy Breeding wrote: I fletched the silly things with right wing feathers, but I used the left wing fletcher…. You guessed it, brain F@%#..
Troyman I would have blown a fuse after all that work and then. Dust yourself off and get back into the fight.
in reply to: pics of todays bareshaft tuning. #27556Troy Breeding wrote: Bully,
In the past I’ve dumped my 340 shafts due to them getting too short for my likeings when using broadheads. Troy
I’m fortunate in that I only have a 27″ DL. I’m able to cut what i need without running out of shaft……..lucky me
in reply to: pics of todays bareshaft tuning. #27550jaytbuzzard wrote: Troy, when you say stiffer shafts, do you mean the spline number would go up or down? I’m going to start bareshafting some Beman ICS Hunter 400’s. I’ll be shooting about 250 grains up front. Thanks.
I think, and correct me if im wrong Troy. The goal here is to to find the lightest arrow possible in order to boost our FOC and tune it to perfection. ( an arrow with a minimum weight of 650 total grains) I have a beman 500 tuned with a 21% FOC that is flying like a dart and is tuned out perfectly with 250 up front. Point being I’m looking for an UEFOC Arrow to hunt very large game (Texas Nilgai). That is why I’m spending weeks tuning these bad boys. To answer your question Jay, The dynamic spine gets stiffer with every cut you make to the shaft whether you shoot a 500 or a 300 spined arrow. The more weight you add up front to gain FOC, you weaken the shaft. With Troys advice i started with my insert plus the field point of equal weight of my BH and a full length shaft and started tuning from there. Document you progress till you get what you want. I hope I helped an did not twist things up for you. Troy has been one busy bee keeping up with all of our tuning and giving us tips as we go along. Troy thanks again………..
in reply to: pics of todays bareshaft tuning. #27117Troy Breeding wrote: CS,
From your picks it looks like you have basically tail left kick, not enough vertical to be concerned with.
@ 20 yards group 3 whas hitting about 3 to 4 inches to the right of my target with a bareshaft. I’ll be making microcuts to tune this one out. So what you are saying is that I should be able to see a perfect little hole with this bareshaft once its tuned. So perfect flight is attainable with a bareshaft? I shouldnt have to rely on fletching to get this perfect flight, fletching will only stabilize my arrow quicker and get it out of it paradox quicker.