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Dang! Is there anyone who didn’t get snow and cold this week? We are between storms here in SW Idaho, and hoping that roads are clear on Tuesday when I have to take T.J. in for shoulder surgery. We’ve had very little snow until now, and it sure is pretty when you don’t have to go anywhere.
Apr/May issue was mailed this week and should be delivered around the end of February, as long as the Post Office does their thing. It’s been rough the past two months getting magazines to people. (Subscribers who don’t have Feb/Mar should email me at webmaster@tradbow.com)
Otherwise, we are all good here.
Cold and snow here in my part of NM …
Seems like everyone is getting hit . I think I’ll just stay inside today and read Traditional Bowhunter…
Wishing TJ an easy surgery and quick recovery…
Scout aka Ray
High winds over this way. Hate it when my arrows fly sideways
Suggested reading; Traditional Bowhunter / Feb.-Mar. 2011 ‘The Advantage of Long Distance Practice’ G. Fred Asbell. I don’t always agree with everything Asbell writes but he really scored spot on with this article.
Oh, and I forgot to report, all four of my beehives have survived winter so far. *fingers crossed* Beekeeping is my break from tradbow. 😉 What are some other hobbies you have besides traditional bows?
I have an 80 gal. aquarium and quite a bit of cactus landscaping or wildlife habitat depending if you listen to me or my wife. Been known to do a bit of rod & reel fishing but more than likely bowfishing out of my canoe.
And predator calling ………………. love to squeeze the rabbit.
I remember that article – I’ll pull it up and read it again…
Although it might have to wait— I clicked up the latest digital copy of tradbow, that I noticed just arrived !
I dabble in leather work . Knife sheaths, holsters, archery stuff etc . Especially handy hobby in the winter…
Scout aka ray
-2* with a -20* wind chill here now. I sure glad I’m retired and not on call with the electric company any more.
I spent a long day yesterday thawing my daughter’s water line. Got it going around 10pm and got my stuff gathered up and home around 11:30. Sat dow2n in the recliner and woke up after 3am.
Lots of hobbies here. Building bows, arrows, game calls, reloading, etc. I have some flame Maple burl laminations I’m going to use for my first take down bow build. It’s just got to warm up a bit.
I hope my bees survive Robin. It’s danged cold out there. I made a bee vacuum with interchangeable baskets this past week. Just need some #6 hardware screen to finish the baskets. That size is very hard to find.
Some of my game calls
This is a bow I built for a cousin several years ago. He passed away from cancer and the bow came back home. There’s a pretty good story involved about this that I may write about.
My cousin shooting the bow on the first outing.
Enough for now.
My 2021 will take on the same schedule as all the other years:
Dec thru March: Ice fishing.
April-May: Turkey Hunting.
June thru August: Camping/fishing.
September; Bear hunting.
Oct-Nov: Deer/Elk hunting.
With bow shooting occurring at any time of the year.
Speaking of bees ………………………….
I’ve got five gallons of Mead working in the back room. Should be ready to enjoy around the campfire by this fall.
Made a bud vase for my mom’s 82 valentines day
I like your game calls Dennis! I’ve been dabbling in buck grunts myself:
Tried to upload the grunt call, but I guess it was just too much for internet to handle…
Yesterday, Monday, was a work day. My laundry room is an enclosed porch on the north side of my 100 year old house and one cold day last week I went to wash my clothes. The washer drain had frozen. Not the drain that the washer dumps water into but the drain on the washer itself.
I got out my trusty heat gun and pumped a bunch of hot air under the washer and finally got it thawed and the washer drained. I then noticed a slight drip on the hot water hose feeding the washer. OK, I’ll get a couple of hoses and replace them since they are 16 years old and I shut off the valves on the hot and cold lines.
A while later I look and there is water on the floor. The old valves started leaking around the stems so I added new valves to the list.
So yesterday I start replacing the valves and hoses. Not everything went smoothly but there was no major hangup in the process. Hopefully these will last at least another 16 years.
Perfect day today; Mid 70s with a light breeze & sunny skies.
My shooting today; Not so much. I try to shoot an American Round, 9/7/5 scoring, once a month just because. My goal is to shoot a 675 with my hunting bow. Didn’t have my mind right and my final score showed it. Maybe next month.
I decided I needed to go for a woods walk and swap out my trail camera cards. These have been out since mid December. I got to the first camera, a real cheapie, shut it off and swapped the card. Turned it back on to check the battery voltage and everything was fine.
Second camera is a new Wildgame camera and this is it’s first outing. Battery is still good, swapped the cards, and headed for camera three.
Number three is the oldest of the trio and has been in these woods for probably three years. I mounted it a little higher than normal because I had one camera drown here last year.
Got home to check the videos.
For some reason #1 had no videos. I’ll have to check it next outing.
Camera #2 had 1017 videos on it. Very few had animals in them. The Wildgame cameras have very good photo and video quality but their sensors are way too sensitive. I think a mosquito would trigger it. LOTS of videos of woods. Wind, rain, fog, snow, anything and everything triggered it. Right around two weeks ago the night videos started getting dark. The IR LEDS started flickering and fading out over the next week. I need to bring it home and put it in a baggie of dessicant. Maybe it got wet????
Camera #3. Old reliable. Somehow it got reset to take pictures, not videos. The videos are much better quality than the pictures. I wound up with 2238 mostly grainy pictures of deer, squirrels, and a few coyotes. For some reason it would detect something and then take a picture every ten seconds for a couple of hours. Maybe it is time to retire this one.
Here’s a few shots of the woods. It was a good day to be out.
I spotted this tree a couple of months ago and showed it to my 8 year old granddaughter and explained what bird did this. She thought it was neat. We have lots of Pileated Woodpeckers around this area and when they go to work it sounds like someone is beating the tree with a hammer.
This gives an idea of the size. The hollowed out area is around ten feet high.
Went out to try calling in a coyote or other critter today and swap out a couple of trail cameras. I didn’t get any takers on the free meal offering so I wandered the woods looking for shed antlers. Strike two. If the bucks have shed their antlers they hid them.
I put out a brand new Wildgame trail camera two months ago. It has great video but the trigger is so sensitive I think a bug would set it off. The LED lights are also flickering and dimming. Within the past week it almost filled a 16GB card and completely drained the batteries four days ago. I have it in a baggie of desiccant to see if it might have gotten damp.
A old time tree stand that’s seen better days.
And a view of the woods beyond it.
Robin, have you ever tried catching bees with a swarm trap? I started putting some together today and will hang them out next week.
These are fiber plant buckets. I coated the outside with a water sealant and then plugged all but one hole in the bottom of each set. This will leave an entrance hole for the bees. I’ll hang a used hive frame inside, put the two bucket halves together with screws and seal the top of the seam. I’ll drill a small hole in the back end for ventilation.
The used hive frames will give off the wax and propolis odor which will help attract bees to it.
Hi Dennis. I have not tried making swarm traps. And I have never seen a swarm of bees in my area, but I should probably have some kind of trap in case the bees in my hives decide to take off. Your design looks very interesting. Let us know if you catch a swarm.
Been some rainy weather here the past couple of days. At least SE Ks hasn’t had to deal with the severe weather down south.
Worked on my taxes today…. 🙁
I had been staring at my laptop for so long that I didn’t realize the temperature had dropped 12*. I knew it was raining but didn’t look outside until just a few minutes ago. My yard looks like a lake and my road is flooded.
Prayers up for the folks that have tornado and flood damage. I can deal with my small event here.
Ditto what aeronut said– I hope every one back east gets thru the latest storms ok …
We could use some rain here in NM . Got some snow in the mountains but more precip would be better
Scout aka Ray
I went out yesterday to hang two more bee swarm traps. I have access to about 800 acres of timber and river bottom land that is owned by the company I retired from. I did some high water travel and turned around at one point. I knew the water was too deep. This is three days after the rain we had and the water in these pictures is still moving at a pretty good clip.
My turn around point. I could see water over the road at least 3/4 mile ahead and know there are two spots that are wallered out. County grader doesn’t maintain much down here and this water is moving toward me.
Looking back where I came from. The water crosses back across the road about 1/4 mile away and runs off into an old creek drainage. It is deep at that corner but is passable.
The wood ducks love this flooded timber.
Been hitting Roosevelt Reservoir hoping to catch the beginning of the Carp Rut. They’re just starting to move into the shallows in the afternoons. Soon ……………..
I think that shooting at moving carp that are underwater w/refraction while standing up in a moving canoe is the ultimate in ‘Instinctive’,
Did a job yesterday that wasn’t real fun but necessary.
I took my pickup to help my daughter get a new entertainment center Monday. I could hear a whine coming from the right side of the truck but wasn’t real sure what it was since the wind was blowing about 30 mph with gusts.
Yesterday I jacked up the truck and spun the right front wheel. Yep. Wheel bearing. Hardest part was driving the races out of the hub but it is back on the road.
My sister has always said that we kids grew up under vehicles since Dad was a mechanic. Growing up around farm machinery helped too. Seems like everything needed to be fixed. A school friend told me recently that he was always impressed as we grew up that my family could always fix whatever needed fixed. To me it was just natural and I wondered why other people couldn’t fix things.
On the other hand, plant me in an office and I’m lost.
Today it’s go check my swarm traps to see if I have any renters and then build some more swarm traps.
Took my pickup for a test run yesterday. No more bearing whine. I went down to the company lake to check my swarm traps. No luck yet. Temperatures are still too cool. While I was there I checked the Bald Eagle nest. This nest has been active for about 20 years now and I could see at least one chick in the nest now. Several years ago I spotted 13 eagles around the lake one winter day during the migration. This is as close as my phone camera would zoom in on the nest and one adult (sitting up and to the left of the nest).
I thought I would add this. This is not how I would recommend how to plant trees unless you want an impenetrable wall.
There was two small open tracts of land here totaling about ten acres. Our company biologist decided we needed to plant Pecan and Oak trees. He ordered the pecans and acorns and we stored them in our warehouse. Each of these bags were about 200#s apiece and there were a lot of them. I told the biologist that that was way too many seeds to plant in those small plots and he stated that half of them wouldn’t sprout. We ate so many pecans we were sick of them.
Planting day arrived and he hired a local farmer to disc up the plots. He then brought in a manure spreader and loaded equal amounts of pecans and acorns in each load and spread them on the plots and then ran the disc over them again.
This took place around 2002 or 2003. The trees are now fighting for space and are 30′ tall and more. You can’t even throw a rabbit through the mass. I don’t know where our biologist got his information about half of the seeds wouldn’t sprout but they didn’t know squat about the Neosho River bottom soil. It would surprise me if there was a dozen seeds that didn’t sprout. The only trees that are more than 2-3″ in diameter are the ones near the very edge.
About 2007 we burned off the grass on the lake dikes and also the tree plots. The biologist came by about a week later and had a fit telling us we had killed all the trees. I told him it would be a good idea to have someone make a couple of passes through them with a small brush hog. He would not hear of it.
This is what the forest looks like today. It would be a great place to cut tipi poles.
Happy Easter back at ya !!!
Might I suggest a uTube listen to;
tab beniot shelter me
Best blues gospel song ever !!!!! (Even if you’re not into blues or gospel)
Happy Easter to all
Enjoy the spring…
Scout aka Ray
Well, I decided to get the Covid vaccine. The first round didn’t bother me until I pushed my brother’s truck out of the mud that afternoon. I leaned over and put my shoulder against his hood and started shoving and we got unstuck. Just normal stuff for me. My shoulder was a little sore the next day from pushing on the injection site.
Yesterday I got shot #2. Today my arm is sore, but still functional. If I have to push on any vehicles it won’t be with that shoulder again. Other than that I don’t have any ill affects from the injection.
Then I learned that these shots are only good for 5-6 months and they are giving booster shots to people who have been inoculated already . WTH??
I got shot #1 ………………….. Nothing. No ill effects.
Shot #2 on the other hand was like a two day long hangover from Hell.
Now I’m hearing booster shots may be needed every six months to a year and virus mutations faster than the vaccine can keep up with ????
It’s a brave new world out there.
Here’s an FYI about the vaccines.
I got this text from my lady today. She works for the hospital.
Good thing you didn’t get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Hospital sent out an email this morning don’t take it, it’s causing serious side effects blood clots.
Hospital said the CDC was actually going to pull the vaccine effective tomorrow but there was still a few places giving it.
I got the Moderna.
I have had both phizer shots. I did not have much side effect…
I look at it similar to flu ( although it Is a worse variation) I take a shot for that every year. This appears to be going in that direction. Probably have to take a shot every year for this…
Good luck to all, in avoiding this virus
Scout aka Ray
Since we have drifted onto the covid vaccine, I have received the Moderna vaccine, and ended up with blood clot in leg (calf). A very strange coincidence.
Just in time to ruin any early season turkey hunting.
I’m posting pic of my voluptuous legs that show the swelling. If inappropriate, please delete.
Not for me
Sorry to hear you are having this problem. I hope it can be easily sorted out ..My best wishes to you sir
Scout aka Ray
Been busy as heck here lately.
Had to do some work on my septic tank drain, lots of hair like roots.
Installed a rain gutter on my daughter’s house–needs two more.
And among other things acted like a beekeeper. I made some swarm boxes and hung them in various places around the lake owned by the company I worked for. I’ve been checking them every two to three days and yesterday evening it finally paid off. I had a swarm moving into one of my planter bucket swarm boxes. The cluster of bees seen in this picture is maybe 1/5 the total size of the swarm.
I set up a hive box and lowered the buckets down and eventually set them on the hive box so I could separate the buckets.
Notice the shrubbery standing taller than the grass. Those aren’t tree saplings. It’s lots of poison ivy I’m wading through but I’m not allergic to it,
I separated the halves of the trap and shook the bees into the hive. This is just part of them.
A look inside the top half. Every bit was totally covered with bees before I shook them into the hive. They can hang onto the rough interior of the bucket pretty good.
You always have to have a hero shot.
I found the swarm around 5pm yesterday and went home to gather the stuff needed to box them up. After getting them in the hive box you have to make sure the queen is in the hive. I didn’t spot her but the way they were marching into the hive and fanning makes me certain that she was in there. Then I waited until they settled in for the night before I plugged the entrance and loaded them in my truck for the ride home. It was 8:30 when I got home and put them in the apiary.
This was my first swarm catch and it was an interesting adventure. The bees were very docile even through all the jostling and bumping. It was a lot of work but I probably came home with close to $200 worth of bees.
I videoed all of the catch and will post it on youtube later.
That’s awesome! I’m glad your swarm trap worked. Sounds like a good way to catch them, and an easy way to lower the swarm to a comfortable level, rather than going 30′ up in a tree. I’ve never caught a swarm. Kerri and I added more boxes this weekend so ours would have more room and NOT swarm. Still early up in this part of the country, but I’m seeing lots of swarms being caught in our local club FB group. All four of our hives are booming, and I did a walk away split to give a hive to a friend. *fingers crossed* Thanks for the update.
I’m glad to hear your hives are doing well. Even though you add a super to the hive they may still swarm. Inspect your hives for any queen cells and if you find any move that frame and do a split or destroy the cell.
My hives have started making queen cells but they don’t have any eggs or larvae in them yet. I think the deep freeze we had set them back a little bit here on swarming.
If it quits raining this morning I’m going to go open the door on the swarm hive. Since it’s 50* today and raining they may be a little irritable.
FYI the swarm traps are made out of large fiber planter buckets. I made both vertical and horizontal types to see which the bees prefer. So far it’s one vote for vertical.
I Finally got the bee wrangling video trimmed and posted on YouTube. Here’s the link.
Great job!
My daughter surprised me with this today. To you folks, I’m Webmom, but to three little darlings, I’m Meemaw.
What are the rest of you doing?
Hi Mom – aeronut
Great job with the bees you all. I have never spent much time with bees but looks interesting. I know we need more of the lil darlins out there working, so my applause to you both.
Working on sorting out my archery gear…. couldn’t go to the mtns yet for turkey due to medical reasons . Looks like a no go for this spring . Working on getting sorted out for the fall …
anybody have any success this spring?
Scout aka Ray
Bowfishing’s been slow so far this year.
Robinhooded an arrow in the paperplate that I was shooting at from the 50 or 55 yard line a couple of weeks ago.
Shot Conejo Valley Archers (Calif) Traditional Challenge last week. Very pleased with my shooting & won a bow in the raffle.
I have Robin hooded a few- but not at 50yds – haha well done ….
What bow did you win in the raffle?
Scout aka Ray
It’s a slightly used 75# Martin……………………. That I can pull about 12 inches. It’s one of the older wood riser with the ball bearing for limb pivots.
One of the vendors donated it to the raffle table to get rid of it. They run the raffle table with containers to put your tickets in next to each item . This keeps you from wasting your tickets on the scented candles that you may not want and saving them for the knife that you do want. My ‘friends’ knowing that I normally shoot 60#s hounded me to buy a ticket for the bow……. like they did …… for a god cause,….. yadda yadda yadda. Ok …….. bought a ticket for the bow just to shut them up. When they ran the raffle and came to the bow they pulled my number. I told them that number’s no good & to pull another ticket. The girl held the container upside down and said ‘There AREN’T any other tickets. For some reason, my ‘friends’ thought that this was hilarious. So now I have a ‘workout bow’ to try and pull every once in a while.
Good times.
Somebody once opined that a measure of greatness was the ability to do something hard and make it look easy. I submit that we don’t fully realize just how great some of our noted trick shooters were / are until we try to duplicate shots that they do.
I saw a picture of Mr. Hill standing on one foot with his other leg out in front of him, parallel to the ground, bow in the arch of his foot and drawing the arrow to his waist. Cool ………… How hard can that be ??? ……………. Gotta try it.!!!! Really really bad idea. Not only is it hard to do but the hips and lower back were not meant to draw bows and promptly let you know that if you keep it up they’re going to hurt you.
I’m just going to keep on shooting my 60# ……… take a few shots with my 70# and work on getting the 75# to full draw.
Ahhh yes friends haha.
Sounds like an interesting bow, I vaguely remember that model. Too much power for me these days. 60 is the strongest I have. I don’t shoot it much anymore. I haven’t tried any trick shots in awhile either….have enuff challenge just trying to hit the target in a standard fashion haha 😆
Scout aka Ray
I went out to fill the birdbath (bee waterer) and noticed a lot of bees around a nuc box that I did a walk away split on around a week ago. I figured it was probably other bees robbing the hive so I opened it up. I was surprised to find this queen inside.
I am thinking I may have caught a small swarm that moved with the split. There was not enough time for them to produce a new queen.
I decided to check the swarm that I caught eleven days ago. They have been drawing out a lot of wax and there are eggs and larvae in different stages of development already and they have cross combed two frames very badly. It’s amazing how quickly they work.
So now if the queen stays in the nuc box I doubled my hives in just over a week.
Sounds like your plan is working …
How many hives are you trying to end up with?
Scout aka Ray
Four hives will keep you busy as a hobby. I’m going to keep the swarm boxes out and keep doing splits and get some more going. My cousin has asked for a couple of splits to set up at a friend’s house at his request and Nucs can be sold.
I’m going to do inspections on the hives today to see what progress they are making and also check for hive beetles and other problems.
Had quite a day yesterday. Finished my hive checks that I got rained out of the evening before and got stung on the end of my trigger finger through my rubber glove. It was my fault because I mashed her when I pulled a frame. Finger is Ok and slightly swelled.
I went out for a drive to check the swarm traps and saw this young Great Horned Owl. It was either having a hard time learning to fly or it had accidently fallen out of the nest.
I got to the trap where I caught the first swarm and saw activity around it so I went home and got my stuff and did another catch.
This swarm is about 1/3 the size of the first one. The bees were all congregated at the top of the bucket. The end of the planter bucket is 12 inches in diameter and the bees are about 1.5 inches deep.
I think they had gone into the bucket that morning or maybe the evening before just before it started raining. They really didn’t want to leave the bucket. Every time I shook them onto the hive and table about half would go back to the bucket. After the fourth or fifth shake I laid a shirt across the open end until the majority had calmed down and gone into the hive. I had one sting my leather glove, again, because I had mashed her but it didn’t get to skin this time.
I failed to spot the queen but I’m sure she is in the hive because they all marched in and stayed. I’ll find out tomorrow afternoon when I open the door and let them check out the area.
Being in the middle of a couple of thousand bees flying about you is a neat experience. The bees were never aggressive toward me during the transfer from the bucket to hive even through all the shaking and bumping.
Have you had to deal with any of the African-ized ones yet ???
Evil creatures not to be trusted.
I am always amazed the bees allow someone to handle them as much as you do without mishap…
Tha africanized ones were a big deal when they first showed up down here in the SW. I used to see swarms of them . I haven’t heard or seen much about them in the last few years?
Scout aka Ray
Raymond, I watch several YouTube videos of beekeepers trying to learn as much about bees as possible. A couple of my favorites are in Mississippi and Louisiana and most of the time they don’t wear any protective gear.
There is a guy that does regular videos of removing killer bee hives in the south. Look up Killer Bee Guy on youtube sometime.
The weather plays a part on the bee temperament too. Most of the time a swarm is pretty docile because they don’t have a hive to protect but cool damp weather can get them a little cranky.
I’ll check out the killerbee videos. Bee temperament due to weather changes makes sense….
Do you think the drop in bee numbers is due to natural causes – changes in agriculture- fewer people having apiary’s … or all the above?
Scout aka Ray
I thought I’d give everybody a peek at the place I’ve been bee hunting. I retired from the big electric company here in Kansas and I have access to right at 800 acres of timber and lake ground. The best thing is it’s only about six miles away from my house.
We’ve been having some rain so it’s a little muddy.
I call this the Wood Duck Marsh or mid summer it is Skeeter Flats. Plenty of water for them right now and my mushroom hunting area in under water.
I took some video in this section of timber a few years back when I was turkey hunting. The ground was saturated and every step was squishy underfoot. Every step would result in a big cloud of mosquitos swirling up about knee level.
Had a swarm of bees go by me today on my archery range. Interesting sound that they make. I just stood still and they went on to find whatever they were looking for.
Question; How did TJ’s shoulder surgery turn out ??? It sounded pretty intense. Get well wishes, Happy rehab-ing and all of that !!!!
Here’s hoping that no news is good news.
Hi Everyone. Sorry I’ve been missing in action.
T.J.’s surgery went very well. He had four rotator cuff tendons and a bicep tendon repaired mid-February. The first few weeks were kind of hard, mostly uncomfortable sleeping. He does his therapy religiously, and at 6 weeks they said he looked like someone 4 or 5 months in. He has great range of motion. Now he’s able to lift small weights during his therapy and the pain is all but gone, (except when he forgot and threw a pillow at our cat who had jumped on our table). He’s doing so well that he decided to go on the annual fishing trip in Alaska in June with his buddies. He won’t be fishing, but he was going to cancel since he can’t lift anything. They encouraged him to come as long as he could still cook. LOL And that means we get more salmon, halibut and rock fish.
No pulling a bow for a while, but I expect he’ll be released in July to start slowly. It helps that the surgeon is a hunter, and the head of the hospital is a subscriber to the magazine. Small world.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to write a book. Thanks for asking about T.J. I hope all of you are well.
Awesome !!!! ………………………… and all’s well in S.E. Arizona. (Although rain would help).
FWIW; Some time back a friend of mine had surgery and the Doctors tried to hold him back. (Yeah, right.) Anyway, he got some really large, lightweight rubber bands and a (gasp) release. It didn’t take too long and his form got really good, houseflies were in serious peril and I’m pretty sure that the cat stayed on the floor.
Glad to hear TJ is mending well. I know a couple of guys that went through that surgery and didn’t follow the therapy regimen. It didn’t work out well for them.
Richard, when I was in southern Arizona (on a different kind of hunting trip) I heard and saw three large swarms fly over camp. You could hear them coming. We also saw a large swarm in a tree when we were out the first day and I told everybody to circle way around it.
My brother sent me this picture. He went out to gather eggs last Sunday and when he reached into the nest box he felt fur. He got out his flashlight to see what critter had gotten into the nest and found three kittens and two eggs. Next day was three kittens and four eggs.
One of their cats had moved in with the chickens over the winter and they get along fine.
I was watching my granddaughter last Tuesday so we went to look.
Ha ha. Good idea about the rubber bands. We have a squirt gun, but it wasn’t handy at the moment.
And yes, the therapy is so important with shoulder surgery. We also know people who didn’t have great results because they didn’t do their part. T.J.’s surgeon was more concerned about him overdoing it during the first six weeks.
Too funny about the kittens. Lately one of our chickens has taking to picking on our older cat. Pretty funny to watch.
I am pleased to hear TJs surgery went well . Best wishes for a quick and compleat recovery.
Yes I would go to Alaska and have fun…
“Lest we forget ”
Scout aka Ray
I pulled up to the mailbox Friday and could see something sticking out of the grass by the edge of the road. Turned out to be this big fella.
I was staying with my granddaughter that day and on my way home I did a swarm trap check. I had another swarm move into the same trap that I caught the last two in. Out of seven traps I caught three in this one and none in the others.
Saturday evening was gathering time and I brought them home.
Here’s another short video to cure any insomnia you have.
I had a visitor when I went out to get the mail yesterday. Another turtle has shown up and I think it is a Red Slider. I found one a couple of years ago under my Mulberry tree and it looked like it was trying to dig a hole to lay eggs. I went out a little later to check and it was gone. I must have disturbed its digging and it moved on.
Looks like you have a lot of turtles in your area. Reminds me of my grandad’s old line-
“A turtle cant get anywhere unless he sticks his neck out” . How true…..
Scout aka Ray
Interesting video … at the end of the summer , how much honey do you end up with?
Is the lake still in Co ownership ?
Scout aka Ray
There’s a lot of factors Raymond.
I’ve got two strong hives, I started two more from splits from those hives, and four swarm catches. Two of those swarms are going to northern Missouri tomorrow with my cousin who got me started.
The amount of pollen and nectar in the area will affect the amount of honey produced as well as the strength and activity of the hive.
For an example last year I had a colony collapse because of a wax moth invasion and that can happen very quickly. The moth larvae didn’t get into the honey supers and I was able to save the honey. I got over 4 gallons from that one hive. I’m hoping for a good yield this year.
One of my nephews did a cut-out at a building yesterday and told us it was a very huge hive and they didn’t get it all. They are getting more hive boxes to get the rest.
On another note, we got back home yesterday from the Dallas-Ft Worth area. My nephew’s wife had a fatal stroke and we went down for the funeral.
I really hope that I never have to drive in that rat race again. Normal traffic is terrible and the rush hour traffic is unbelievable. But despite the frayed nerves of being the one behind the wheel we made it home safe and sound.
I’ve got my elbow all tuned up and I’m shooting daily gain, which is really good for my mental health.
When I’m not injured, I can shoot every day. I’ve been using carbons since I picked up the trad bow in 2015.
I break about a dozen shafts a year, and got tired of having un-recyclable, un-biodegradable shafts, so I ordered a wood test kit from 3Rivers and figured out a recipe that will work out of my Dwyer in surprisingly short order. I’ll order some shafts and what not from Addictive Archery later in the week.
Glad you got your wood arrows set up David. A lot of people have a terrible time getting them tuned and don’t understand the physics involved in it.
I made and sold a lot of Poplar and Hickory shafts at 3D shoots years ago and had some very interesting conversations with customers about them.
I shot aluminum for many years but all I have shot for the last 20 or more years is Poplar, Hickory, River Cane, or Bamboo. I have bounced Hickory shafts off of a lot of rocks and bionic (steel) targets and destroyed a lot of field points but I’ve never broken a Hickory shaft.
Good luck in your shooting.
Greatjob on tuning up the wood arrows. It can be a long road sometimes…
I mostly shoot wood arrows anymore for the reasons you mention.
Are you turning your own hickory shafts ? I noticed there are a couple outfits selling them .
I think the next arrows I build will be hickory. I haven’t tried hickory yet, and if there as tough As I have heard ,might be just the ticket here in NM
Scout aka Ray
I’ve got the doweling machines and sold shafts for several years. When I got into the substation division at the electric company I didn’t have time to do that any more since I was on call most of the time. My last year of work I had almost 500 hours of overtime.
If you are thinking of trying Hickory send me your draw weight and address and I’ll give you three to try out. These are a full 36″ length.
Without digging some out and checking most of the 11/32 Poplar shafts are in the 350-400 grain range and the same size Hickory are in the 600 grain range. These are 36″ shafts, not 32″.
They are heavier but what you lose in speed is gained in kinetic energy.
Heck ……….. the unit that I hunt just has an endless parade of vehicles slowly driving up & down the dirt roads, usually the wife or girlfriend driving and the ‘hunter’ riding while holding a bow with an arrow nocked. In the years that I’ve hunted there, I’ve run into exactly one other hunter in off of the road.
I think my Dwyer Original must be magical, because it tunes pretty easy with about everything I’ve tried. I used a test kit from three rivers and got a recipe figured out. Now I have a dozen shafts from Addictive Archery in the garage with their final coat of wipe on poly drying.
I ordered a new nock insert for my Bitzenburger from an EBay vendor. They shipped it and it vanished into the maw of the post office. So I have another coming from Lancaster. Soon as it is here I’ll put some arrows together and make some stuff happen.
I’ve seen dudes riding around in the back of trucks with their compounds, but they’ve never seen me. I’ve been tempted to sneak up on them at a rest break and ask if that particular strategy actually works, but I get the feeling my time would be better spent doing something productive like slamming my hand in a car door.
I think that they ‘hunt’ that way ’cause they don’t know how to hunt any other way. More than once on a two track or in a sand wash I’ve heard a vehicle coming and simply stepped off to the side in the shade of a tree but still in plain sight and watched them drive on by with no recognition. Kind of annoying when it happens a mile back in a Wilderness Area.
Sorry to hear that you’ve had a problem getting something from eBay. I’ve had really good luck with them.
Reminds me of the time…
I had gotten lucky and shot a little buck. I was in the George Washington National Forest (my second home) and shot this little buck down by a creek. I drug it up to an access road that I knew to be on the ridge. I had just gotten the deer up to the road and was standing there leaning on my bow recovering my breath and wondering how I was gonna get this deer home as my jeep was parked elsewhere.
And owing to what I thought was my great luck, here came a pickup and it was slowing. Surely this fine fellow hunter was stoping to offer his assistance. He did stop. And in a voice many decibels louder than necessary he worried about the weather and lack of road access. Never once did he mention the little 5 pointer laying there. I thought it best not to enquire about transportation.
I have no idea why that fellow was in the forest to start with. I don’t think he was hunting.
As soon as our tedious conversation was concluded, I rested the little buck in the shade of an oak and moseyed back through the woods to my jeep.
Not knocking compound bows or the users of them by any means, but way back when, when we hunted we had our longbows (what my bunch used) wood or al arrows and we pretty much had the Federal Rec area to ourselves during archery season.
But as the years of progression in the development of the compound world things began to change. People would buy compound bow, a release and become proficient in a day or two in their backyard and then they became instant archery hunters.
With only one road in and out needless to say our world changed.
Our little camp area became a mini city with no cease of activity day or night.
I saw shots taken from the back of pickups at unbelievable distances. I saw no kills and fortunately no deer hit and wounded (I’m sure some of the latter did happen) but there would be a herd of folks trying to find where a launched arrow had landed (carbon arrows have never been cheap).
I luckily ended up having a 13,000 acre ranch to hunt and roam on and did so with much pleasure for 26 years.
The ranch sold and that ended for me, big time sad, and I thought about the Fed land again then I thought deeper and remembered those launched arrows and now, with me deep in the mesquites and sagebrush in camo and longbow in hand, I didn’t hunt last year.
That was really hard but I’m still here, not arrow shot or snake bit, (another story but one year the rattlers were so bad we would not get off the road or trails to hunt until we could see really well).
I just feel very fortunate to have taken nearly 70 deer in my lifetime (not all with archery gear by far) and I can feel good about “It was a great ride”..
And I have to agree with my wife, at least partially, that at 76 it’s about time to admit that I’m not bulletproof (arrow proof either) and think before I go traipsing off through the tulies by myself with bow in hand.
Right now a pinched nerve has my right hip and thigh buggered up so the not bulletproof thingy is ringing its bell…
I’m not giving up on hunting by far, just biding my time.
And, the 55-60 pound bows?????? The 40 and 45 #’ers have my name on them nowadays…
It took a lot of years to figure out that over bowing oneself is probably the worst thing one can do for one’s archery expertise…
I can still shoot my 55#’ers but can I do it from a cold shot? If I’m bundled up from the cold? From an awkward position???
I bet I could from the back of a truck…but I won’t…
Be well and safe all… there is something to all this that’s going on…We’ve lost a great friend and promoter (from Oklahoma) of archery and I know two more who have been ill, recovered…mostly…
By the way, to those who may recall Doc Nock, he passed away in May. He stirred up some lively conversations at times but he was a good guy and a good friend of mine. RIP David….
I try to look at compound shooters as future traditional archers ………… but sometimes I have to look really hard.
Good to see your post……I was worried you might have ” gone under “. I am glad to see you are still kickin, and thinking about the next hunt. We old geezers gotta keep moving forward, even if it’s a bit slower than in the past….
Best wishes to all —-Have a wonderful 4th of July holiday—remember all those folks in the past who sacrificed for it. Go easy on the fireworks please, if you live out here in the west especially — fire danger is pretty extreme this summer…
Buena Suerte
Scout aka Ray
Thanx Robin !!!
My tribute to Monte Python’s Killer Rabbit. That’s target #7 on my home range.
I take my archery real serious, but if ya can’t have fun, too …………………
It doesn’t look like I’ll be bowhunting this year.
I worked for the electric company and retired as a substation journeyman. Doing that job I was the lead man on the crew and spent most of the time on the ground looking up at the others up in the buckets. About three years before I retired (six years ago now) I would get the feeling that four or five people were standing on my shoulders. It didn’t happen often, just enough to be annoying. Some stretching and head rolling would relieve this feeling after ten or fifteen minutes. I called it my baby elephant wanting a piggyback ride.
A year ago last June the baby elephant jumped on and would not go away. A trip to the health clinic and then a prescription for muscle relaxers and pain pills didn’t relieve it much A trip to the chiropractor finally unpinched the nerve in my neck and got the elephant to get off.
Recently I have had the baby elephant try to climb aboard along with tingling in my right shoulder and forearm. Yesterday a trip to an orthopedic doctor and x-rays revealed a bone spur on my vertebrae and they are scheduling an MRI to do some further investigation to plan the course of action.
My muscles in my right arm have been cramped up long enough that shooting my bows does cause some irritation so I have decided to do my hunting with either my Nikon or possibly my flintlock. We shall see what the future holds.
Sorry to hear about the spur. I understand there’s a roto-rooter for it that makes quick work of removing it.
I have a friend that just had his neck done. He’s in a neck brace and hoping to have it off in time for some black powder hunting in a few weeks. The operation cleared up his pain. Now he just needs to get the neck brace off so he can see where he’s walking.
Getting old ain’t for sissys.
For those interested in Plains Indian archery , check out Comanche Archery by Lars Anderson. He gives his take on how the Comanche might have shot their bows to become the legend they were.
On you tube – worth a look …
Scout aka Ray
I’ll look that up Ray. Sounds interesting for sure.
My bone spur is still there. The insurance apparently knows more about medicine than the Dr. so they denied any MRI and told me I had to go through physical therapy for six weeks first. The therapist put me in traction twice a week for three weeks with no relief from the spur and told me to go back to the Dr. Now the Dr. is trying to get the insurance to approve the MRI since I didn’t go through the full six weeks. Three weeks cost me $240 in copay. I’m thankful I’m not on the govt healthcare plan anymore or I would be paying full price of $1200. I hope I get something done in the next year…….or two…..or….
On another note I went out for a woods walk and changed the cards in my trail cameras. Found a few rubs and a couple of scrapes. As much as I want to I won’t be hunting this year. Dragging out a deer would not be possible with this bone spur. Dragging out the doe I shot last year was an excruciating ordeal and I wound up taking the tailgate off my truck and using it as a ramp to finally load her up. I’ve devised a winch set up to load deer now but still won’t be able to drag one out of the woods. Looks like my weapon will be my Nikon this year.
The bucks are starting to chase the does here. I had several videos of them. Here’s a frame grab from one of the trail camera videos. Two does bickering over a choice Bur Oak acorn.
I need to take some lens cleaner next time out. These cameras have been hanging for 3-4 years now. I’m surprised they still work.
Here’s another shot of a rub with my Remington Model 41 .22.
Sorry to hear about the health issues holding you back this year. Hopefully next year. I am in a similar place, no bowhunting for deer this fall for me looks like . However my insurance is handling it well so far.
Great shot of the does sparring. We’ve got a lot of geese and cranes passing over my house now heading south. Always enjoy hearing / seeing them . They stop off for the night, in the fields on the Sandia (Pueblo) Rezervation along the river ( Rio Grande) a little downhill from me….. winters coming…
Scout aka Ray
When I was younger we used to go out to our river bottoms in the evenings and watch the ducks and geese fly to the fields to eat by the tens of thousands. The flyways have changed over the years and now it’s just smaller bunches we see. I sure miss that.
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Have a great day with family and friends.
We have snow on the mountain today above 8000ft…
Scout aka Ray
Cold, damp and windy all day over here.
I didn’t move to Arizona to be cold !!!
AZ winter beats a Montana one all hollow. – haha.
I think you mentioned you were near Globe. Doesn’t stay cold there long… here in high middle NM going to be 60 +- no wind and sunny. Doesn’t even feel like fall yet this year , much less winter?..
Scout aka Ray
I finally had my MRI done yesterday. Laid inside of the machine and listened to it buzz and beep for fifteen minutes and for the rest of the day my upper teeth/jaw hurt. You can’t have any metal in there but does it affect teeth fillings?
I spent last week in Tulsa, Ok at the ABABMX (American Bicycle Association Bicycle Moto Cross) Grand National races watching my youngest daughter race. This is her 11th year. Saw a lot of old friends and made some new ones too.
She is riding as a team member of Bombshell Bicycles and her points standing is high in her class so they traded her old bike out for a new one free of charge.
She qualified for Wednesday’s Race of Champions and did pretty good in her class.
3711 riders had pre-signed for the Race of Champions and there was a long line at the registration trailer signing up that morning. I don’t know what the rider count for the Grands event that started on Thursday and finished late Sunday evening.
I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving.
That’s awesome…about your daughter’s success. Not so much about the MRI but I hope they find whatever is wrong. Those machines are kinda creepy.
All is well here. Just sent the Feb/Mar issue to press. Y’all should be getting a new magazine by the end of December. We are so thankful for all of you!
Congrats to your daughter Aero! Really nice accomplishment. I bet she gives you a run hiking in the hills, too. best, dwc
I’ve been way off the grid, working, working. Wanted to check in with PA archery opening in my WMU this Saturday. I wish you all great hunts, lots of tasty meat and safe returns. All the best, dwc
Good to see you stopping by the old campfire David! And glad your daughter is keeping you busy Aero!
Good luck with those PA deer David. They can be surprisingly arrow proof
I’ll do a little catch-up here.
My MRI showed that I have Stenosis and Spondylosis(sp) in my neck. Stenosis is kind of like carpal tunnel in your wrist but it’s in your neck. Spondylosis is problems with the disks.
On January 18th I had four vertebrea in my neck fused together so now I have a neck full of titanium wedges and plates. The good news is the elephant that was sitting o my shoulders hasn’t climbed back on. I still have some aches and pains but nothing like before. Dr said average time for full fusion to take place is around a year. Everyone in the hospital staff commented that I did extremely well for a person my age of 66.
Now I am trying to gain back the muscle loss in m y left leg caused by that D****d Moderna vaccine shot I took a year ago last May. I wish I’d left it in the bottle.
I’ll be getting an addition to the family on the 11th next month. My BMX daughter and her boyfriend are getting married. He’s a good kid and I am pleased as punch.
I wish everyone success in their hunting adventures this year. I’ll be leaving the bow and flintlock at home when I venture out this year.
Aero, good news all around. I wish you a speedy recovery and a happy wedding!
We have rain here for the opening day of archery. Supposed to be better this afternoon, so I’ll do somethings at home and see what I can shake up later.
All the best to ya!
We had a pretty decent Monsoon Season over this way. Gotta love sitting out on the patio watching the lightening storms. Pretty awesome !!!!
I really like watching an active lightning storm. About six years ago I was out one stormy night on a trouble call around 3am to do some switching. There was a lot of lightning so I grabbed one of my GoPro cameras hoping I’d get some good video. I had put a mount on the dash of my bucket truck to video the weather and other stuff along the way.
This is just an example of what you deal with when you work for an electric company. We had the post office beat on working in harsh weather conditions.
I know the working for power company deal. If only I’d had a phone with camera or such back in the day. It’s hard to to describe what I can see in my mind of the beauty and power and destructive power of storms.
I was once hunting bow season in NM and a storm suddenly came over the mountain I was near. Lightning to beat all get out. Here I am with a quiver on my back and a bow quiver both filled with aluminum arrows.
It didn’t take me long to have those lightning rods in one place and me hunkered down in another.
Nice Lightening Aero! After we got home from our Thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, I remarked to my son that we had all these great pictures taking during good weather, but nothing taken during the crazy storms we endured. I wish we had had the presence of mind to take video, sound, and pictures. Just the sound of a storm on the top of a mountain can shrink up your nether’s 🤪
A few years ago I was hiking in the Smoky Mtns and got caught in a storm and thankfully there wasn’t a lot of lightning. Three+ miles from the car and no rain gear. I was headed downhill pretty quick because I’ve been knocked off my feet by the concussion from a nearby lightning strike. The big Cedar tree didn’t fare as well.
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