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    • Robin Conrads
        Post count: 916

        I saw this on Facebook and thought I should share it here. I’m looking forward to this one!

      • Konrad
          Post count: 62

          Very cool…it is a shame how the “realists” want to spoil a good legend (my father is one of them).”Robin Hood was really a hood, a bandit, etc, etc, etc…

          I still believe in Santa, no matter what the realists say.
          Every year my hair gets whiter and whiter and he looks more and more familiar in the mirror! Living proof he must exist.

          Robin Hood lives in my back yard.
          I have seen the arrows.

        • David Petersen
            Post count: 2749

            Good one, Robin (Hoodrad?). I too really look forward to seeing it — title? — even though I’m yet to see Avatar. Risking being called a “realist” by Konrad (K — it’s the literalists who drive me nuts :P), I noticed right off that they seem to have infused the Robin Hood legend with shades of Agin Court (sp?) re lots of archers and huge volleys of arrows. And too, none of the archers is wearing a finger tab or glove, which would be a bit nasty with those 80-120 lb. English longbows. But hey, it’s show business. I can’t believe they’re doing this one yet again. The power of legend, and bring it on.

            Robin — I don’t do Facebook or the like. Can you provide us with a regular link so we can forward this to friends? Thanks, dave

          • Robin Conrads
              Post count: 916

              Arrgghh. Every time I try to post the link I end up with the video. Thanks, Patrick…in advance? 😯 You saved the day, just like Robin Hood…

            • Patrick
                Post count: 1148

                It won’t show the link unless you format it like this:


                🙂 You’re welcome. A cross between Robin Hood and Back To The Future 😆

              • tom-wisconsin
                  Post count: 240

                  Agincourt is a great book. The English Long Bowman were great for real. I think everyone loves a hero who robs from the rich and gives to the poor. But only the evil rich and the worthy poor.

                • David Petersen
                    Post count: 2749

                    Ho-ho … once you get started on all the related links it can eat an hour before you know it. My favorite is “The Battle of Crece from the French perspective.” Had to watch it twice before I “got it.” Ouch!:twisted:

                  • LimbLover
                      Post count: 299

                      I honestly think it is going to be “Gladiator” with longbows but I’ll see it because…well, there are longbows in it!

                      I recently just saw the Errol Flynn Robin Hood for the first time. INSTANT Howard Hill fan. That is by far the greatest Robin Hood movie ever IMO.

                    • William Warren
                        Post count: 1384

                        Dave! Just order Avatar via Netflix!

                        I love all the Robin Hood versions. My son used to watch the Kevin Costner version over and over. Move over Kevin, Russell’s taking over. I bet this one is destined to be a favorite too!


                      • Patrick
                          Post count: 1148

                          David Petersen wrote: My favorite is “The Battle of Crece from the French perspective.”

                          😆 I just watched it.

                        • LimbLover
                            Post count: 299

                            Okay I changed my mind. I’m watching that special on the History channel and this movie looks like it is going to be sweeet!!

                          • Cottonwood
                              Post count: 311

                              Now you went and done it….. Now I have to go to the theater and see this.

                            • T Downing
                                Post count: 233

                                I saw the movie Friday night. Won’t spoil it for anyone but it is completely a different and new take on Robin of the Hood. The movie glorifies the Longbow and the footage is authentic. I also watched the History channel special on RH and it was cool to see Russell Crow comment about how much he enjoys shooting traditional bows. I liked the movie, fun entertainment. The terms archer and bowmen truly are found in our traditional ranks today. I can’t say the same for the other bowhunters out there. 😀

                              • tom-wisconsin
                                  Post count: 240

                                  I loved the History special. I wonder if the longbow will become more popular. I shoot a recurve but I am putting a longbow on my wish list. Can’t wait to see Russell Crow as Robin. I have seen the Errol Flynn version about forty times now. I have loved that movie since I was very young. Made my first bow with a stick and string when I first saw that movie.

                                • mittenm
                                    Post count: 54

                                    Gene and Barry were up our place in Illinois doing some editing for our sequel to Primal Dreams with me and brothers. We took a break at 10:00 PM to go watch Robin Hood. Brothers of the Bow do Robin Hood! It was very entertaining – and the movie wasn’t bad either. Dave, if you watch close you will see that Russell has thin cups of leather on each of his shooting fingers, they appear almost as tape. Interesting! I haven’t see that before. I guess the actual bows he was shooting in the movie were in the 37 to 40# range. Mike

                                  • turtlebunting
                                      Post count: 103

                                      i seen it… its desent…. i wish i waited for it to come on dvd. BUT DID LIKE THE CLOUD OF ARROWS AND NECK SHOTS!!!!!:roll:

                                    • Cottonwood
                                        Post count: 311

                                        The real Robin Hood is on the History channel at 2pm, I hope they repeat it, and I’m going to record it on my digital cable TV recorder. To bad I won’t be able to make copies, but I’m sure they have it available to purchase.

                                      • Hank
                                          Post count: 20

                                          I saw the movie not enough bow.

                                        • Cottonwood
                                            Post count: 311

                                            Tom-Wisconsin wrote: I am putting a longbow on my wish list.

                                            Tom why wait, if you can finish one, they can be had for under $100.00 at http://www.woodbows.com/index.html

                                          • David Petersen
                                              Post count: 2749

                                              Tom — I just checked out the site. Amazing they can do that and make a profit. You know anyone who has one of their products? A 50# longbow for $80, with a one-year guarantee? I think I spent close to that much just for materials for every wood bow I’ve built, not to mention shop tools and machines, sandpaper, etc. I’d love to hear more from anyone with experience with these folks. Dave

                                            • Bert
                                                Post count: 164

                                                Just saw ‘Robin Hood’ yesterday- should be subtitled ‘When England Had A Pair’! Sort of mix of Robin Hood and Gladiator with some Braveheart throw in- it’s actually the story of what led up to our favorite outlaw. Good movie for the not squeamish- wife didn’t want to go- perfect for a rainy matinee. Agree it could have used more longbow scenes but the shot at the end of the lethal rain of arrows on the receiving end-ouch!- and nothing like a good, fast steed with Russell Crowe wielding a war hammer bonking French in their helmeted heads to get the blood up! Well acted bad guy in Godfrey, Friar Tuck is a hoot and Maid Marian actually looks English. If this is Max von Sydows(sic) last movie, he goes out like a warrior. Go see it in a theater( theatre for Pothunter) and answer the riddle, what has eighteen legs and goes nowhere?

                                              • talon
                                                  Post count: 2

                                                  [quote=Bert]Just saw ‘Robin Hood’ yesterday- should be subtitled ‘When England Had A Pair’! :?hi all speaking from england and i cant agree more with that title (i wish we had a pair still lol) fantastic site by the way its just a shame we cant hunt with bows in blighty so i get to live out my dreams of hunting by reading all the exploits of you guys 🙄 ive got to move my arse over to the usa

                                                • Bert
                                                    Post count: 164

                                                    talon wrote: [quote=Bert]Just saw ‘Robin Hood’ yesterday- should be subtitled ‘When England Had A Pair’! :?hi all speaking from england and i cant agree more with that title (i wish we had a pair still lol) fantastic site by the way its just a shame we cant hunt with bows in blighty so i get to live out my dreams of hunting by reading all the exploits of you guys 🙄 ive got to move my arse over to the usa

                                                    Talon-welcome to the site where we were all born in the wrong century! By all means get your ‘arse’ out of England and get over here to the USA, where there are still shrinking pockets of freedom- oh, and bring a job! You might want to seriously consider Canada, you can bowhunt, there are still jobs, just stay out of the Toronto region- it’s infested with Libs. Tallyho, Bert

                                                  • talon
                                                      Post count: 2

                                                      thanks for that bert,ive always loved canada unfortunately
                                                      i dont think a time clock engineer carries enough weight
                                                      to qualify for citizenship:(
                                                      being english doesnt grant us much in this age ,but i still love the more traditional way of life guns reached a technological high with the percussion cap:wink:
                                                      though nothing beats seeing an arrow hit the mark now if i could only get the hang of flint knapping:D

                                                    • Mark Turton
                                                        Post count: 759

                                                        Hi Bert, Thanks for the translation.

                                                        ‘two countries divided by a common language’ Winston Churchill

                                                        As for ‘having a pair’ what you trying to say….


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