Home Forums Campfire Forum Caught with my pants down!

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    • Clay Hayes
        Post count: 418

        Yep, I hate to say it but I defiantly was! This past weekend we packed into a roadless area to do a little elk hunting. The evening we got there, as we were setting up camp, a little raghorn bugled about a hundred yards from camp. Well, two days later, as I was squattin’ in the bushes, the little SOB came up, bugled and started making a rub not 50 yards away. I sat there holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a role of TP in the other. My bow was back at camp, 50 yards in the other direction.:oops:

      • Steve Sr.
          Post count: 344

          Was he upwind or down? 😆

          Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

          Sounds like a fun time regardless.


        • MontanaFord
            Post count: 450

            Been there, done that. Not with elk, but with whitetails a couple times. A little buck once, and a couple does another time.


          • oldcentaur
              Post count: 11

              I feel your pain. Years back, had an elk screaming his head off; unfortunately, I had last night’s chili and beans that just had to get out about the same time! Although I had some relief, the elk headed for parts unknown.

            • Todd Smith
                Post count: 167

                I always carry my weapon of choice to the, ahh, squat-house. Once, while on a primitive hunt I shot a deer wearing nothing but my red long-johns!

                Ha! What a sight that must have been.


              • Chris Shelton
                  Post count: 679

                  happeneds to the best of us, I also carry my wepon everywhere! Never had luck with it though, couple close calls, one time I had a doe wait untill I was completely done and starting to move again to jump up and alert the rest of the deer in Maryland!

                • PagosaBow
                    Post count: 61

                    Thats a great story never happened to me..well not yet anyway! I try never to be with out my bow at arms reach.

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