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The Ultimate Challenge by Jeff Stonehouse
Quick Trip for Elk by Robb Sager
What’s the Fuss all About? by Gavin Steele
Bowhunting for Mule Deer: Be Prepared by G. Fred Asbell
Wicked Carp by E. Donnall Thomas, Jr.
Bowfishing Without a Boat by Beka Garris
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Traditional Wisdom by E. Donnall Thomas, Jr. Life and Death on the Tundra
To Skin a Cat by Various Authors Tree Stands
Hunting Hogs in Africa by Rean Steenkamp
Corner-Crossing Conundrum by Terry T. Clapp
Wild Cuisine by Beka Garris Wild Turkey Taco Rollups
Everything is Sacred by Janet Houlihan
Traditional Bowhunting 101 by Tim L. Lewis Blood Trailing
Book Reviews by David Tetzlaff Traditional Bows and Wild Places by E. Donnall Thomas Jr.; My Sixty Years on the Plains by W. T. Hamilton
Campfire Philosopher by Jason R. Wesbrock Stop Apologizing

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