Campfire Stories2021-04-26T17:16:29-06:00

Campfire Stories

A collection of stories about hunting with traditional bows.

Some are new stories, and some were published in past issues of Traditional Bowhunter® Magazine.

Morels—A Bowhunter’s Spring Bonus

Spring is a magical season when simply being outdoors can feel exhilarating. Turkey hunting and mushroom foraging are two of my favorite springtime activities. Combining the two can yield a daily double of[...]

Bullfrog Bowhunting Expedition

With mosquitoes swarming my face and neck, I poised myself and held steady for the shot. My target tensed as it grew nervous, ready to jump into the swampy green depths. With a[...]

Bowfishing Circa 1947

Bowfishing has become an increasingly popular sport. Some of us indulge in it during the off-season to keep hands and eyes tuned for big game hunting in the fall, while others see it[...]

Oak Brush Paradise

Bowhunting to me has always been, in its truest form, a reason to dive into the natural world. I feel the act of hiking through the mountains comes with greater satisfaction when the[...]

Backcountry: Sharing the Woods

Heather and Meghan practice casting on the fly rod. Fishing, especially while backpacking, is another easy avenue to introduce people to consumptive outdoor activities. I was a quarter-mile from the trailhead when I[...]

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