Campfire Stories
A collection of stories about hunting with traditional bows.
Some are new stories, and some were published in past issues of Traditional Bowhunter® Magazine.
Antelope and a Decoy
Eight doe antelope streamed by 12 yards from the shooting hole in the ground blind, heading straight to my decoy. I jerked the black face mask down over my face in the sweltering[...]
In the Eye of the Beholder
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not much different from the average hunter. I, too, occasionally love to take a buck or a bull that would demand the envy of everyone, to know that[...]
Hunting With a Back Quiver
Many archers like to use a back quiver for roving or the 3-D range, but dislike them for hunting. Their reasons are numerous: My arrows rattle around and make noise. My heads get[...]
Bowhunting for Mule Deer: Be Prepared
When you’re daydreaming it never seems like it ought to be all that difficult to get an arrow into a decent mule deer, but the fact is very few animals are what you[...]
Aldo Leopold and the Search for a Land Ethic
Chick, chick…chick, chick…chick, chick: the sound carried clearly through the dreary October morning air, closing quickly to within a few yards. With the beat of my heart the only other sound I could[...]