About Lou Phillippe

A lifelong traditional archer and bowhunter, Lou Phillippe lives in the mountains of Colorado with his wife and their three dogs.

Lightning Strikes Twice – Two Moose Tags

When Kim Young found the envelopes from Colorado Parks and Wildlife in the mailbox, she casually took them inside to open them and endorse the $2,064 refund checks for unsuccessful nonresident moose applications. She and her husband Craig had both applied for the first time, holding virtually no hope of drawing one. But [...]

Lightning Strikes Twice – Two Moose Tags2023-12-27T12:46:49-07:00

Elk Tactics for Traditional Bowhunters

The wide-racked herd bull stood facing me at six yards, moaning, drooling, and mooing like an Angus. A string of slobber nearly reached the ground as he rocked back and forth. I knelt behind a three-foot spruce with my longbow, hoping for a shot opportunity on this last morning of a long season. [...]

Elk Tactics for Traditional Bowhunters2018-04-06T18:52:33-06:00
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