About Don Thomas

Co-editor Don Thomas and his wife Lori divide their time between homes in rural Montana and somewhere warm. He has been writing for the magazine since 1990. His books can be found at www.donthomasbooks.com

Thanksgiving Turkey

They're different birds in the fall. I'd heard a single elk bugle somewhere up the mountain at first light. With no sign of the main herd I'd been dogging the last two days I decided to make the climb even though I wasn't optimistic about locating the bull. When I popped over the [...]

Thanksgiving Turkey2018-04-06T16:38:24-06:00

Big Small Game

April in Montana is a season of renewal, defined by vanishing snow banks, blooming pasque flowers, and the cries of northbound geese overhead. This has always been a favorite time of year for me, and anyone else who has spent five straight months battling blizzards and wrestling with tire chains will understand why. [...]

Big Small Game2018-04-06T16:39:47-06:00

This Land is Your Land

This editorial was published in the Jun/Jul 2015 issue of Traditional Bowhunter® Magazine. Feel free to download this editorial as a pdf file to share with others. Co-Editor's Note Jun/Jul 2015 The idea has been around for a while now, dating back to the Nevada-based Sage Brush Rebellion of the 1980s. Like a lot of bad ideas, it can be dressed up to look good at first glance: Get those vast, "mismanaged" tracts of western public land out of the hands of the distant, incompetent federal government and into the hands of people who know how to use it right. However, in its current iteration the push to disburse these federal lands represents a greater threat to the future of American hunting than anything the anti-hunters could have come up with in their wildest dreams. This potential disaster resurfaced as a sleeper--a little-noticed plank in the 2012 Republican Party national platform that openly called for the sale of these lands to the highest private bidders. When I cal

This Land is Your Land2020-09-18T18:08:38-06:00
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