Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Excel Spreadsheet Momentum and KE Calculator #49031
I have added this file to our Download Library. There is a link in Dr. Ashby’s first post on this thread, or you can use this link.
in reply to: WYOMING ANTELOPE / ELK #48923We have an Index of Articles in the Download Library that would help you find TBM articles about this subject. Also look for the Issue List to see which back issues are available in print. (Sold out issues are available online if you have a Premium Membership).
Maybe someone else will chime in on books about this subject. Good luck with your search. It sounds like a great trip.
in reply to: cutting wood arrows #46545Here is a Tip of the Week we ran a while back if you need a saw to cut arrows to length.
in reply to: Kalamazoo Traditional Bowhunters Expo #38813Oh man, I wish you had stopped! It was very busy on Saturday, but a lot of the time it’s great folks stopping by to say hi. I know what you mean about the crowds. T.J. would bring me cold coffee that was hot when he poured it but too far away.
Friday is the best time to be there. Fewer lines and better selections. The Posi-Grip is very cool and I sat in T.J.’s new HuntMore stool every chance I got. It is really comfortable.
I am glad to be home but I have a little catching up to do. Tomorrow is ground hog day. How does that work again? If he see’s his shadow it’s six more weeks of winter…if he doesn’t it’s a month and a half! Either way spring is coming! 😀
in reply to: Kalamazoo Traditional Bowhunters Expo #37286It was great to meet Patrick, his son and his friend. You did great at real conversation and never said LOL once! Thanks to all the other folks who stopped by and said how much they enjoy the site and the magazine. Always great to see friends.
I only took pictures at the Air Zoo (Blake made us go and we enjoyed that very much!) No pictures at the show, and I’ll be okay if I don’t hear a turkey call for a while. We were next to the NWTF booth and across from Cherokee Slim. Nice folks but dueling turkeys gets old after about 15 minutes 😆
The next show for me is Compton, but our calendar has lots of great shoots with vendors. Find one near you and go make some new friends.
The error message should be fixed now.
The login will likely require you to enter your password every time now. This is for your security, or so they tell me. 😀 Remember, this software was designed for paying members and some of the things they have don’t make sense for free members, but I can’t change how it works.
Anyone that would like to change their user name to something shorter or easier to type can do that pretty easily. On the Home page, left column under Resources you’ll see “Your Account”. Click that and follow the links to change your account. You will probably have to use your signon and password to get there, but then you can change your user name and password. If you like, you can email me to change it.
Hi guys. I’m traveling so I didn’t see this sooner. I don’t get an error message so I will have to ask one of you to send a copy of the message to my email so I can get with support. I will also ask them about it not remembering you anymore. Please let me know of any other bothersome issues and I’ll submit them all at once, probably on Monday.
Why does this stuff always happen when I am away? 🙄
Long day on several airplanes but we are in Kalamazoo now and it’s happy hour. Later! 😀
in reply to: Bear Custom TD vintage 1973 #33589Photos added.
in reply to: Bear Custom TD vintage 1973 #28727If you would email your photo to me at I will post it in your thread.
in reply to: First Shooter #18149Bow-Cephus wrote: ok so I can’t seem to figure out how to get pictures up here
Sorry I missed this. In the Campfire Forum there is a thread at the top with instructions for posting photos. If it’s a one-time thing I’d be happy to post it for you. But if you play with it a little that will allow you to include pictures whenever you like. Email me at if I can help with anything on this site.
in reply to: traditional shoots? #12089Thanks, Steve. I appreciate you helping Cody. Anyone that has info on traditional events, shoots or banquets can submit it to be included on the calendar.
The site is much more than just a forum. We have:
Feature Articles that are only published online,
Classified ads and a trading blanket area,
Photo galleries of harvests, but also of shoots and families, scenery and camp life,
Calendar of upcoming events,
Bios on all the masthead writers for Traditional Bowhunter,
Download Library where you can get an index of TBM articles, forms for the Ashby Studies and
Shopping areas where you will find print subscriptions and TBM merchandise.All of these things are free to members and we try to keep the information fresh and up to date.
By far, the forums get most of the activity, but don’t overlook all the tools and entertainment in the rest of the site. The advertisers help us bring all this to you so please support them whenever you can.
Wow. Didn’t mean to write a book.:lol: Back to the action…
in reply to: Kalamazoo Traditional Bowhunters Expo #59579I’m going. Be sure to stop by the TBM booth to get a free gift.8)
I looked at the schedule and our own joebuck (Joey Buchannan) will be doing a seminar, as well as Monty Browning. You don’t want to miss either of those guys. Should be a fun weekend.
in reply to: Eclipse Broadheads #58340David’s article on Eclipse Broadheads was in the Dec/Jan 09 issue. It is available as a back issue in the shopping area.
in reply to: Help with Tip of the Week #39762dpowers311 wrote: One sent.
Thanks, Dave. You’ll be sportin’ a nice new hat in about a week. I appreciate the help. 😀