Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Getting Ready for Deer Season #28817
Well.. maybe beginners luck. But, I took some of the new arrows out to the range last night, here’s a group of 3 arrows at 20 yards. I was worried about spine and paradox, and hoping I got it right….
in reply to: Favorite Game animal to hunt and why? #28810For me it will always be the beloved Whitetail Deer, archery and deer hunting have always been synonymous. It has deep roots into me.. back when I was a little boy, playing with cedar arrows and watching deer in the same fields. I have never lost my love or fascination with the whitetail deer or traditional archery.
in reply to: a familiar cooling breeze #28782That cooling breeze finally made it here to southern New York State. Appalachian Mountains – ecologically speaking is nothing more than a gigantic Rain Forest! With High heat and very, very humid… for most of the summer. I sure am glad, Autumn is not far in coming now!
Wow! To Robin & The TBM Staff! Thank You! Very, Very Much! I am pleasantly surprised!
This is a wonderful website. Built from the foundation and principles of TBM Magazine. Need I say more!
It is really cool to see a forum and website where folks like TJ, Don Thomas, Dave Petersen and others can share their knowledge and opinions. I find their shared experiences and opinions very helpful.
Thank you Again!
A Happy, Safe & Successful Hunting Season to Everyone!
Successes being those measures we carry in our heart….in reply to: Dave Johnson — Thunderbird Archery #27078That’s terrible. My sincere condolences and prayers sent for the family.
in reply to: ANYONE ELSE THIS CRAZY? #27020I have no problem hunting Grouse, Pheasant, Turkey, rabbit with Bow & arrow. However, Duck! I would not even consider it. I am not that good.:roll:
in reply to: Anniversary issue is out! #26585Oh Man… The undeniably best magazine ever. I got mine on Saturday afternoon and by Sunday evening, I had read everything cover to cover! Which is usually the norm for me, where TBM is concerned. You can’t say that about most magazines. TBM is that good! Great artcilces, great format, great writers. The Don Thomas interview on the 20th Anniversary was informative as well. I tip my hat, to TJ, Robin, Larry Fischer, Don Thomas and the entire TBM staff for all their good work and their ethic and principles that have guided the publication so successfully.
Thank you!
in reply to: Name the New Department #23582How about “Sylvan Insights”
I like “Traditional Insights” better but it goes beyond the 18 character requirement.
in reply to: Getting Ready for Deer Season #20926Dave, if you go over to TradGang Classified Sponsors – Joe Skipp has them for sale. $30 per 100.
in reply to: Recurve vs. Longbow #18222HAHAHAHAA.. Hope I’m not throwing rocks at the bees nest! 😆
I never like recurves with their big gaudy risers, and that’s how I saw them 4o years ago. The reality is I have no reason not to like them. My first bow was a longbow. It is what I learned to use – a Howard Hill style longbow. So it is simply what I am most comfortable and famaliar with. I shot a recurve (once)… never liked it. The handle felt weird. For that matter though, I don’t like pistol style grips on longbows either. Longbows tend to be lighter and more durable. And will allow flexibility in shooting positions, the recurve most likely will not.
in reply to: hunting shows part 2 #18211Hmmm… this is a tough subject. There are some good shows out there too. I cannot lump them all into one category as bad. Easton Bowhunting with Fred Eicher, Eastman’s Sportsmans & Bowhuinting Journals, Bowhunter Mag TV. As far as making a living from the hunting industry, you’d have to broad brush a wide spectrum of occupations, professional and other wise. Isn’t Primal Dreams a hunting video? What about magazines like TBM and Bowhunting, and Bowhunter Magazine to name a few? Don’t they all make a living from this industry? I say industry because technically that’s what it is.
Much of this media, for many is all they have to get information. I remember when the Amercian Sportsman with Curt Gowdy was the only sportsman’s show there was. Most of what I learned about bowhunting then, was either from friends or whatever I could get my hands on and read, and experience is a hard teacher. Maybe the best – but still a hard teacher.
No sir.. I am glad for the media and sources of information we have today. Just recognize the bad ones for what they are (30 minute infomercials) and change the channel.
in reply to: Still Getting Ready…….. #17719I’m VERY Jealouis! You folk out west have all the fun! Archery Deer Season is still 2 months away here!!!
in reply to: Youth Hunt Update #17139Wonderful! That’s great to hear!
in reply to: Getting Ready for Deer Season #16861Michael, Steve Sr., Dan.. Thanks! I wish you all a Safe & Successful Season,, as well!
Good Hunting!
Stevein reply to: A few of my Broadhead's #15883That’s a nice collection, Cody! I’m getting there….
I’ve used the Hill’s Hornet’s on Turkeys before.