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in reply to: Memorial Day #18437
Mike, that was a good video and it made me think back to my training in the Marines back in the early 1960s and my time as a troop handler at Infantry Training Regement at Camp Pendelton.—and to stay on course I ordered a unfinished longbow today to take with me next week as I will be going up in the mountians at 8000′ for the next five months to work and I figured I could finish the bow in the evenings when not managing a campground—–Semper Fi—Jim Dugan USMC 1963-1972
in reply to: Caroline & David Petersen #36061Dave, I am very sorry for your loss,prayers are with you—jim d
in reply to: Tim Meigs bows #59258The Meigs are still building bows in their shop in Moundhouse, Nevada. Tim works in the shop a few days a week in the afternoons. His son is also working in the shop.
in reply to: Reply To: No Elkheart?!?!? #56062Dave, I will be looking forward to reading your new book.–jim
in reply to: CO BHA shoots down drones! #38832Dave, you are correct about how money speaks. It really upsets me how even some so-called large sportsmans groups have changed their tune about todays hunting. I agree that there are groups that are really trying to better hunting but the majority of todays hunters and sportsman have been brain washed by all the advertizing to increase their take and how to make hunting easy. I am one who really doesen’t care if I harvest a animal,I just enjoy being in the field. It has gotten to the point that I really pick to whom I will donate my money too these days due to what I see as poor real support from todays large sportsmans groups.—jim
in reply to: Merry Xmass to all #14844Hope everyone has a good Xmas and a super new year and everyone stays safe. jpd (jim)
in reply to: A different kind of pay-to-play hunting #11552Well said Colmike. I have to agree with you 100% on finding just where the money is going.—-jpd (jim)
in reply to: On TeeVee hunting heroes #56076Just got through reading on USA today that the next On TeeVee hunting hero is going to be Sarah Palin as she has been named to host a new program called Amazing America on the Sportsman channel starting next April. I want all of you to ensure that you watch her 12 shows—-hehehe
in reply to: How long before your first harvest? #52838I am still waiting for my first big game take with a trad bow as I got out of hunting about 5yrs ago and all my rifles and TC pistols have been in my gun safe during the time I was not hunting. Got a new recurve about 4 months ago and am just getting back into hunting again.—jpd (jim dugan)
in reply to: Good news for hunting #50175This was a good read. The only real thing that I would commit on is the point made about new hunters. I believe it is not just new hunters but also those of us older hunters that have been doing our own thing for years but have chosen to stay out of the light of todays money baised reporting.
in reply to: On TeeVee hunting heroes #48122It has reached the point that the only time I will turn one of these shows on is when I am fed up with the talking heads on the news stations and then I turn off the sound and watch the stupid things these so-called experts do while hunting—
in reply to: Meeting a archery Icon #19825Tim told me that he is now 84 years old and he only works at the shop on part time basis. When I asked if he still built longbows he told me not very much anymore he mostly builds the duo-flex recurves.
in reply to: A first harvest… #53154Congrats to the both of you,hope you have many more good hunting days together.–jim
in reply to: Sacred Places #37627I was 7years old the fist time I went camping. It was with my gandfather who was the man who taught me fishing,hunting and about the forest as my father was not the outdoors type. I went with my gramps for a number of years until I became a teen. The last time I was camping with him we carved our names in a cottonwood tree and today that tree is still standing. I can’t camp in our old campsite as it is now on private property and a resort area but at times I drive by and stop and walk down to the tree and remember the times I had as a youth learning about the great outdoors—jim d