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  • Carl
      Post count: 29
      in reply to: longbow press? #19245

      thanks for the info gentlemen – when i get the press built, i will post some photos to show my bowbuilding progress from start to finish be it good or bad!

        Post count: 29
        in reply to: Keepin' It Trad… #53666

        geez, bert, take a breath…lol!

          Post count: 29

          george- you ask is some pickin ok here? this is a general topic forum, and although it’s not related to bowhunting, it is related to what a fellow trad bow brother likes to do with spare time when he’s not shootin his bow, so i say hell yes! and by the way , i play a little too, and it’s guys like you who make me want to throw my guitar in the campfire you s.o.b.! i like it! what kind of amp is that? brian setzer makes me want a gretch, but my ability says can’t have one! sounds great, george, that’s yhe way i aspire to play – thank you!

            Post count: 29
            in reply to: Fixing my bow grip #42088

            cody, i picked up a howatt x-200 cheap but it was fat in the palm also – i reshaped it to fit my hand, started with a wood rasp and then with progressivly finer sand paper and sealed it with tru oil – not only does it feel like a custom bow now, but the finish looks lust like it did from the factory – i’d say go for it carl

              Post count: 29

              tj, this is what i did – shot compounds, then switched to recurves and shot them for years, then decided i wanted a longbow, but didn’t like the broomstick grips that a lot of them have and didn’t want a hybrid – i wanted a true longbow. i contacted roy coursey, a bowyer i was familiar with having met him before and had him send me a brochure – i picked out the “el gato”. i sent him an outline of my hand and drew in the amount of palmswell i wanted in the handle on the picture in his brochure – i recieved the bow and the handle was perfect! i now have a true longbow with a little more meat in the handle than most – i would post a pic if i knew how!

                Post count: 29

                my wet feathers sure dont fly well – the feather end corkscrewed in a circle roughly 12 to 18″ around – learned that one the hard way, missed a shot i would normally have made – i use the powder and it works well – if you use too much though, you get a cloud of white powder at the shot, kind of reminded me of a muzzleloader

                  Post count: 29

                  im not sure i can define traditional, but i know a traditional bowhunter when i see one. where i live and hunt, 99% of hunters use compounds, and all of my friends shoot compounds. thats fine with me. the vast array of compound gadgetry now days just blows my mind! i would worry so much about all of my gadgetry performing properly i wouldnt be able to enjoy the hunting experience. the stick and string is just so beautiful in its simpicity. pure,simple,effective. i wish more bowhunters would give it a try and experience the hunt the way we do. not to put down compounders.our way is just different. simpler. carl

                    Post count: 29

                    steve sr. – bill was a hell of an interesting man to talk to – knew a lot of dirty jokes too! howatt is now owned by martin archery as im sure you know, but still make their trad. bows at the yakima plant, which is a mile and a half from where i live…. excellent thread, i agree… carl

                      Post count: 29

                      voodoo steve – powerful and heartbreaking at the same time – words seem so innadequate in response to your message – but i will say this – though your son’s been taken away, he lives in your heart and your memories, so embrace that and know that someday you will be reunited in God’s Kingdom – God’s peace to you, brother….. carl

                        Post count: 29

                        my mentor was bill stewart. if you don’t no who bill was, he was the creator of many of the bear recurves, as he was the head of the bear design team for many years as well as working with damon howatt and many of the other oldtimers of the day. i met bill by chance – my home had been burglarized and my pse compound had been stolen [ 1983, still a compounder] and was in the market for a new bow. while reading a copy of bow and arrow mag., i came across an ad of bill’s advertising custom made recurves,longbows and compounds featuring his patented “multi cam” limb design and was surprised to see his address was in yakima,wa., my hometown. i called bill and in our conversation he asked where i was from. when i said i lived in yakima, he invited me to his shop even though it was a holliday. i jumped in my truck and and went there, which was about a mile from where i grew up. i wound up ordering one of his short compounds [36″ axle to axle which was very short for those days] and a freidship was formed. that was the first time i met bill. it was new years day, 1983. as we became freinds, i would head over to bill’s to visit and talk archery. he told many stories of the early days with fred bear, damon howatt, dick savora and others of archery’s early days.i became more and more interested in traditional archery. soon after when i would visit bill, he told me he was building a recurve for a customer who was about my size and build. he would have me shoot the bow while he was in the process of building it, asking questions: is the grip ok? too heavy draw? too light? do you like the woods i’m using? and so on. bill was building that bow for me and i had no idea! i received it on christmas day, 1984 and still have it today along with another i had made in 1995. bill has since passed on and i miss himm greatly and think of him often. i owe my love for traditional archery to him. i love you old friend, and look forward to the day we meet again – happy trails, bill. carl

                          Post count: 29

                          wy submission didnt take so i’ll try again – dammit!

                            Post count: 29

                            i have heard the term “stingwalking” alot on this site and others – what exactly does this mean?

                              Post count: 29

                              i shot recurves for years and never did like the straight grip i saw on many longbows i tried – i recently had roy courcey build for me my first longbow and had him add some palm swell and leather wrap the grip – i am VERY pleased with the results

                                Post count: 29

                                r2 – my hunting buddies and i call that whatchagot stew, which i am VERY familiar with

                                  Post count: 29

                                  hey ariel – are you looking for a recurve or longbow? also what weight and can you covert cm into inches? im not so good at metric measurements – carl

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