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  • aeronut
      Post count: 383
      in reply to: TBM Group Hunts? #167867

      A hog hunt sounds good.  We aren’t allowed (legally) to hunt them here in Kansas.

        Post count: 383

        My daughter had a BBQ for my birthday on the 2nd and I took a few bows for the ‘yard darts’ fun.

        I’m the old pf*rt.

        With my son-in-law

        I’ve been chasing arrows for 58 years now and making bows for 20.

          Post count: 383

          I’m shooting the picture at about a 30* angle to her.  Follow the line on the gym floor.  She’s shooting straight across the gym.

          The set up is two kids shoot at the same target with different color fletch.  The girl behind her is shooting at the same target.

            Post count: 383

            My granddaughter has started middle school and is shooting in the archery in the schools program.  She had a start shooting in my yard since she was six years old.
            She is on the far right shooting at target 12.  She’s doing better with the different type of bow and the shooting regimen.

              Post count: 383

              Winter came back here last night.  Yesterday temps were in the low 80’s.  Right now it is 22* and very windy.

                Post count: 383

                Same here Kees.  The batteries never die on a printed magazine.

                The book is a good read.  The Osage people were really screwed over by the govt and the swindlers.

                  Post count: 383

                  I’ve felt four tremors here and all of the quakes were around the same area in Oklahoma.  The first one was several years ago and it was a mild vibration.  I thought one of my daughters cats was pawing the back of my recliner and then I noticed they were in front of me with the ‘what the heck was that’ look on their faces.  My daughter was on the internet and said one of her friends said there was a quake down there.

                  One morning just before I got out of bed it felt like someone grabbed the end of my bed and shook it as hard as the could.  I felt another slight tremble a year or so after that and if I had been walking I wouldn’t have noticed it.

                  This one was the longest rumble I’ve felt and it’s been long enough it surprised me at first.  My oldest daughter lives in Pittsburg, Ks about 20 miles further east of me and she said it shook the entire house.

                  The authorities say the cause is the fracking method used for oil wells there in Oklahoma.  Lots of oil production in that area.

                  The Osage Indians were placed on a reservation around Pawhuska, Ok and when oil was discovered on their land they became very rich.  There’s a book and a movie about the murders committed there.  The book is a good read about the evil done there.  The movie is very long and hard to keep up with unless you have read the book.  Killers of the Flower Moon is the book if you are interested in a chapter of the native American history.

                    Post count: 383

                    Felt an earthquake last night about 11:25.  I was in bed reading and it came like a wave and shook the house for about five seconds.  Sounded like something very big running across the roof.

                    Initial report said it was around Miami, Ok but later said it was NW of Prague, Ok.  That’s SW of Tulsa a ways.

                      Post count: 383

                      I had the same thing happen back in 2007 or 8.  The laser treatment was like opening a curtain.  I haven’t had any problem with my left eye on that note.

                        Post count: 383

                        Now it’s been raining and we have had dense fog advisories.  And it’s DENSE fog in the mornings.  It’s 9am here in SE Ks and it’s cleared up to about 300 yards visibility.  I’m glad I’m retired and not driving that bucket truck now.

                          Post count: 383

                          Got some freezing rain last night.  Didn’t get much but it sure looks glossy and slick.  I’ll find out how slick in a few hours when I hike out to get the mail.  More is in the forecast.

                            Post count: 383

                            Just a little chilly here this morning.  -3* and the wind chill is -14*.

                            I think I’ll stay inside.

                            • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by aeronut.
                              Post count: 383

                              And an hour later the snow was gone.  Now we have rain forecast for Monday and Tuesday.

                                Post count: 383

                                Well, the weatherman got it right for a change although a little later than they thought.  It’s snowing here now.  The have predicted it for us several times but never had any.  I looked out an hour ago and nothing.  Now the ground is white.

                                  Post count: 383

                                  HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!

                                  I bought a lifetime license when Kansas first offered them.  Paid for itself years ago but the F&G keeps changing the hoops you have to jump through.

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