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  • Carbomask
      Post count: 39
      in reply to: HELP – STINGER! #60358

      hmm. I will keep this into consideration. I was thinking that my higher elbow was a nuance that I invented, and that I was improving my form over a lower elbow! this is what you get when your sometimes “all alone” with your favorite sport (except for tradbow eh?.) thanks! in summary,though, I havent used the tape for a number of sessions, and the buzzer twang is subcided. I’ll go back to the “sweet spot” deeper toward the joint crease. but I know I’ll need a new glove, maybe with some fancy hide or synthetic.

        Post count: 39
        in reply to: 3 Rivers Archery #58156

        I went there. My 5yr old son, and I went upstairs, and they graciously let me shoot any bow I wanted. I walked out with a new bow (the tred barta longbow ). Every bow side by side, I felt awkward because I could not make up my mind, but..the guys who helped me, love bows, and kinda felt me out enough to “fit” me up with a bow that had all the performance assurances within the economy range I felt comfortable. They did not know that I was “carbomask”, until later I asked if they knew of it (of course, as 3rivers sells it).. they pulled out their own bows and there was carbomask on them! (for camo)! I was thrilled.

          Post count: 39
          in reply to: HELP – STINGER! #58123

          you guys are very kind. here is the news. I took some “bandage tape” and ripped it 1/4″ width off the roll, did two laps around the finger, and with glove- VoiLA!no problems.

          now, i can shoot a bazillion arras again! I hope to get a new glove and see how much it will improve my shooting.

          Currently, my leather is seemingly “sticky”. so, the release has been very closely (observed), and.. I found that moving the string out toward the tips of my fingers helps alot for the buzzer sensation.. Then I discovered an improved release overall, and better shooting!

          once in a while it seems like I pluck so bad, like my fingers are stuck in the string. yesterday, I missed the target and smashed an arra into the cement wall.

          once in a while when i remember, I dip my fingers in a bit of talc, but that doesnt last long for lubricity. (I tried graphite too).

          Ps. I would rather go to using a spear than using a crossbow.

          Does anyone have calus fingertips?! I feel like a guitarplayer.. the caluses are trying to surface, which makes me want to “peel” them. (a big no-no). the calus is building up on the sides of my nail.

            Post count: 39
            in reply to: HELP – STINGER! #50389

            Not common amungst us I gather. Thanks for the insight Mark. I feel inclined to take a strip of medical tape to the end of the metacarpal, over the pad and see if that helps. otherwise a new glove. laying off it happens too easily (heck, I dont even have to try). As it has been said about traditional archery, (compared to non trad).. it is there is good news and good news: first, you have to shoot alot, and second.. you get to shoot alot! thats how I feel about it anyway. Take Care &thankx. BobRay

              Post count: 39

              choosing NOT to see this movie for political reasons. too bad for me i guess. i’m being a consciensious objector, as I heard its antiAmerican, pantheistic, anti corporate, anti military, and ethnocentrically villianizing against all non-colored species ? you wouldnt hold that against me though would ya?

                Post count: 39

                heres something interesting maybe, would like to share: my first bow was a jetbow fiberglass bow as a youth, I was good under 10 feet..whoopie.I went full archery at age 18 with a compound, self taught, instinctive (whitetail hunter-bear).. moved to oneida in my 20’s, as it looked simple (like a tradbow). never went over 55 lbs. all through my 20’s I was in bodybuilding and rockclimbing. My first real trad bow ( at age 36) my wife picked up at a garage sale.. a howard hill 70# apache. I tried to “get into traditional” with this THING. I thought, it had terrible hand shock, and had no idea how to use it, or tune it. I bought others then on Ebay thinking howard hill was a throwback junkie bow. The ebay bows were terrible creatures, another fiberglass Jetbow 45# pearson, an old bomber recurve takedown.. then I got a modern 45# recurve from 3rivers (greattreearchery bow). Even though at that time I still did not know a thing about traditional.. I of course periodically tried to shoot the 70# apache. All I could think of was.. Massive Handshock, and Cant Pull it = Junk.
                WEll guess what.. I’ve been shooting modern bows now..a 50# longbow, a 46# long bow, and this 45# recurve, and can shoot them all at 18 paces generally into a chew-tin. I have devoted myself over the past 2 yrs into a lifestyle of being in physical condition, and training, specifically for outdoor adventuring. Im 41 now. Im stronger and meaner than I ever been.. at this stage, I have taken great care of the shoulder.. Heres the point of my post.. .. YOuve heard people say their bows are too heavy “now”.. well, I’m thinking my bows are.. too light now. the 50# long bow is my cieiling, it releases better from the glove!! My 46# longbow feels like a toy, but wow. its light, and fast, I am just secretly wishing I could try a 70# bow now.. Im strong enough and know how to shoot a trad bow. (( by the way, you wouldnt believe it.. the apache bow we tried to sell it at a garage sales for like $2.00, and no one would buy it.? guess what, I let my son use it as a harpoon out in the woods, it got destroyed, and then I pitched it )) what an idiot. I would LOVE to have …if not to at least try to tune it and shoot it.. that howard hill apachi 70″ bow.. what an idiot. Any way.. I am going to secretly be in the market for a higher poundage bow this year.. and also, I am going to enough traditional events, shows and jambories to find that one I want.. maybe I’ll see you there!!

                  Post count: 39
                  in reply to: FACEPAINTERS ONLY #10406

                  CORRECTION: My wife informs me to be more accurate in saying “I don’t “take” her hunting cuz she has to watch the young’uns”. Please make a note of it. Cuz she does shoot a pretty mean bow.. for a girl.

                    Post count: 39
                    in reply to: FACEPAINTERS ONLY #9010

                    Halfa, yes, secretly, it doubles as a mud mask.. (keep from wives and girlfreinds, soon they will discover the invigorating, pore cleansing attributes.. then they will use all of your product.. then they’ll want to come hunting with you…)) Take appropriate measures. My wife doesnt count, she dont hunt, and I have unlimited facepaint..

                    anti electromagnetic? reminds me of a request from a procurment guy for the army of maylaysia. He wanted me to validate that the facepaint was Infra-red invisible..(night vision?).. So we generated some interesting chromatograms using an FTIR analytical machine, and found it to be highly reflective in those wavelengths. Perhaps they thought it would play a role in the thermal detection of soldiers!! anyway, so, you may jest.. but, you’d be amazed…

                    Final Disclaimers: Carbomask is not pretty. Carbomask will not cure uglyness, make you lose weight, or attract the opposite sex. NOT INTENDED FOR THEATRICAL USE, SWIMMING OR POSERS. Carbomask is the most ugly face preparation you can buy. Please dont hold that against us.

                    If we put an insecticide in the product, we would have the EPA to deal with.. Notworth it for this seasonal niche market, and a struggling entrepreneur. ( But I have formulated for OFF! ScJohnson!!, I’ve actually a good stint of experience in this arena).

                      Post count: 39
                      in reply to: arrow fletching #8994

                      All I can say is this.. I found some aluminum arras from my compound days.. noted the fletch (vanes) were straight, and meant to shoot cock down through my old rest. now, I tried it cock up, changed to a 145gr tip, and I am amazed to tell you.. the arrow shoots, with NO SOUND. now, I know the spine is a bit much for my longbows, but, the vane travels between the space of my rest mat, and my riser wall (remember Cock UP) so the…5oclock vane is the “business” vane on the release. UNBELIEVABLE. zero…noSOUND. I’m gonna pursue this..thats for sure!!!

                        Post count: 39
                        in reply to: FACEPAINTERS ONLY #57080

                        Bear Creek Archery 3340 South Knox Court
                        Englewood, CO 80110
                        (303) 781-8733

                        One of my longest and largest customers (since the late 90’s). They sell to high country archers, year in/year out, because these archers have come to realize you cant go day after day with grease paint; too much build up. Carbomask will detox, purify and invigorate the skin when removed- even with multiple uses. the basis for our “great for backcountry” claim..

                        thanks for your reviews guys. Its my pleasure. Getting ready for the shows, so, have a great new years. please tell a friend where to find us. Thanks Tradbow too.

                          Post count: 39

                          I went to 3 rivers archery and got to shoot all the bows. $800 bows included. take downs, tomahawks etc etc. I shot the montana too, and one thing I came away with after one or two shots… it had a way different feel than the fancy bows, and i recall deciding against it right away in light of all I was getting to shoot. Heres one thing, I got a tred barta longbow, as it wasn’t real expensive either, but seemed to deliver alot of the fancy bow feel, at half or less of the price. even looks like a montana…now, 3 yrs later, I find that bow still feels great to shoot, seems to have alot of power (50# 64″), I like the finish, yet the major drawback…just a bit too long for the woods.. but I still take it with me occasionally, it deliveres a reliable shot it seems to me. perhaps this helps. I also have one of those bows greattree is talking about. walnut and maple recurve..AWESOME low cost bow, stable, simple 45#. I am about 4 yrs in on traditional, and I think that one thing that is missing from my whole bow experience is a higher poundage bow.

                            Post count: 39

                            why not try two vanes and one feather? the odd feather is the one that needs to give as it passes the rest on the release. ??

                              Post count: 39
                              in reply to: Sighting!! #54124

                              sounds like a marty stouffer moment!

                              ‘meanwhile the struggle for life goes on, here an eagle sees opportunity in the success of an osprey’

                              great sighting!

                                Post count: 39

                                I think carbomask is very mysterious, yet just teetering on anonymous. (ya right). carbomask is synonomous in my mind to my favorite thing to do is bowhunt and facepaint. Its just not the same without it. and, after using online for 12 years, its become my “identity”. its always interesting to see someone “recognize” me, I’ve met alot of facepainters you can imagine.

                                  Post count: 39
                                  in reply to: Birders? #54113

                                  well, i wanted to be an ornithologist when i growd up. so, i join you in the birder category. I have a good life list, and most recently enjoyed to see a couple flocks of cranes in a cornfield (unusual), theyre usually flying so high above you can only hear them- rarely spot em.

                                  I started a video/photo log of birds, got a pre-dawn GH owl on film, and osprey caught a fish in the pond! my camera is slow, i cant capture the blue jay they never hold still.

                                  A stray double crested cormorant wandered in too, it reminded me of loch ness.

                                  I saw some really cool jays up in mercer wisconsin last month, scrub jays I think, very “tame”, great flyers, bold.

                                  I saw a few trumpeter swans, on a lake up north, while hunting- beautiful (sounding too).

                                  And one time I saw a pileated woodpecker, which was enormous.

                                  I once caught a goshhawk, that was stunned by flying into someones garage and hitting the window. It took off from my wrist. I felt like marlin perkins, no wait.. steve.

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