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Had an encounter with the physioterrorist last night and she suggested I try yoga!
Question, before I go out and buy a leotard and pink drinks bottle whose tried yoga and does it work.
Mark, I don’t do yoga, but I do run an hour long stretch session for guys at work on Friday afternoons. Stretching reduces the risk of injury, increases power and (importantly for archers) range of motion.
If you like I could send you my program. Even an hour of quiet, dedicating stretching a week makes a big difference 😉
My wife teaches yoga. I have done the sun salutation and a few other routines with her. But I haven’t gotten deep into the ritual of yoga.
That said, it depends what you mean by “does it work”. If you are looking for stretching exercises to strengthen your muscles, increase your flexibility, and improve your health, then I would say yes it does.
There are many levels to yoga, as there are to any deep mind/body exercise. Sound like any other “sport” you know?
If I was smart, I would take advantage of my wife’s experience to develop a yoga routine that would help with my archery. Maybe you can do that and write an article for TBM 8)
Bottom line, no pink leotards necessary.
Jim, thanks for the offer I would appreciate that, I need to strengthen my core and stretch so sounds good, I thought 60 situps a day would keep my core strong but evidently not.
Steve, I looked briefly this morning and it all got a bit Zen, perhaps your good lady might suggest something.
Thanks for the reassurance it was the leotard that had me worried.
I have dabbled in it and like it. I have friends who have seen amazing transitions. I have gone through the Beachbody Insanity fitness program – very intense and demanding. Tried the Tai-Cheng program, got frustrated because I was not catching on quickly enough and quit. And now do the T25 workout.
Still. am looking into Hatha yoga as I think that will be a good choice for me.
Like breathing meditations, and stretching, but some of the yoga moves really work you and keep you fit and serene.
Best of luck with your journey.
Check out MovNat.com I am looking into that one as well. Probably combining some of those moves with yogs moves to make my own program. You want to keep your heart rate at or under you ideal which is your age subtracted from 200 I believe. If you do that you will see the best results in the long term.
I started doing Yoga last year because I had a sciatica issue flare up. It has helped tremendously. There are muscles I never knew I had that I stretch in Yoga.
Forget the leotards. Yoga is Hard! I guarantee you will be shaking and struggling to support your body in some of those poses when you thought you were a strong guy (I sure did and still do struggle, its freaking tough!).
It has improved my balance, range of motion, and strengthened muscles… All of which helps when stalking game.
I have gone to ONE yoga class with my girlfriend. I was not a fan of the whole class thing, but taking time each day to stretch, take deep breaths, and clear the mind can’t be all that bad. I know when I came out of the class it felt great and I felt refreshed
Its a form of exercise so it cant be that bad. stretching and clearing your mind. You dont have to dive head first into the whole spiritual thing. Just go to see if the physical part works for you. You never know till you try.
I’ve been doing Bikram Yoga ( 1 hour and 1/2, 26 poses in 104 degrees room ) for 2 years regularly… up to 4-5 times a week if I’m home. It’s the fountain of youth and well-being!
Yoga works. The best thing to do is get video that shows every new stretch slowly.
Oh and mute the tv, most of the people doing the videos sound way to in tune with the hippy zenny stuff for most guys.
Do not under any circumstances push your stretch past the point of excessive discomfort or pain, meaning don’t force your body into a knot, just stretch the best you can.
Remember you are supposed to move ssslllooowwwlllyyy in yoga doing the stretches and going from one stretch to another.
Good luck
Thanks for all your comments I was very unsure about this but will give it a go now, initially I was put off by some of the ‘zen hippy’ stuff but reading a little more and with your encouragement lets see what happens.
Also looking forward to Jim’s workout schedule.
I’ve been doing some basic yoga with my wifey in conjunction with our running (And I don’t own a leotard8)).
What’s wrong with Zen Hippies?:lol:
tailfeather wrote: I’ve been doing some basic yoga with my wifey in conjunction with our running (And I don’t own a leotard8)).
What’s wrong with Zen Hippies?:lol:
There’s nothing wrong with Zen Hippies, but for most guys I’ve noticed that it is hard enough to start out in yoga with out have some one telling you to look inside yourself for inner piece while we twist you into a knot. 😯
Getting a bit real now just had a text out of the blue, my sons girlfriend has a free yoga pass at the gym..oh, I’m really feeling a bit anxious about this now even with all your positive comments.
My wife says ‘I hope its somewhere a long way away where I don’t know anyone’ is it a wonder that I’m anxious.
Perhaps I should not be so hard on hippies as they are probably an endangered species, don’t tell the Dallas safari club.
Hey Pot….you’ll probably be the only guy in the class….so be sure you get in the back of the class. You know….just to keep from feeling conspicuous. That’s the only reason. Really.
I second tail feathers suggestion. :D:wink:
I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.
Hmmm…lots of good advice, but the biggest thing I see reading along is being ok that you can NOT do what others might be able to do vis a vis, flexibility.
As for the Zen and hippies… that is one pretty Zen-like commentary for your signature line, there! Ooommmmmmm:D
I have used yoga to stretch and to strengthen but I don’t go to any classes. Guidance from an expert is recommended I hear so you don’t do poses out of sequence and hurt yourself. I use a set of cards and go easy. Maybe I’ll try some of the videos. Hippy Zenny sounding people don’t bother me. Heck I can learn something from almost anybody.
Just do it. It really is good stuff–but as tailfeather said–back of the class–just so you won’t be embarrassed when the gals kick your—. Many many years ago we did it as a warm up in the judo dojo– good thing cause then the sensi threw us all over the mat:x
Enjoy the free pass8)
Yoga is good stuff, kinda like bourbon on the rocks. It starts out real smooth, then burns a bit, but leaves you all warm and fuzzy afterwards:) I used Yoga quite a bit when I was a climbing guide. It is a great way to stretch out sore or injured muscles and joints. It really does increase balance, circulation, strengthens the core and everything else, and calms the mind. Don’t get all wrapped up in not being able to “do it” as well as those who have been at it awhile. It’s a learned physical skill, just like shooting tad bows, and takes time and practice. I recommend giving it a good 6 month go before you throw in the towel, then get back to all of us and let us know what you think. Good luck
Tailfeather, I was heading that way, preserve a littel dignity.
Doc, heard that about the time we lost my nephew it summed up things I could not put into words.
Duncan, I’ll report back if it goes well you may even like to try a class.
Mike, Judo, Jujitsu I know where your coming from suffered at the hands of the ‘Poison Dwarf’. Free, you know it will cost me one way or another.
Jans, that’s an analogy I can relate to.
Thanks for all your encouragement, my nearest and dearest said something about gorillas and ballet, we’ll see.
I’ll second the ‘back of the room’ suggestion. Yoga girls are fit.
I used to do yoga, at a studio. Yoga is no joke; you’ll sweat like crazy. Granted, some folks do take it pretty far in a metaphysical Boulder/Berkley/Ann Arbor kind of way, but not all. Alot of them are more like Crossfit people. Pretty hard core.
Well Ive had my first yoga session! cant believe how nervous I was, anyhow booked a one-to-one lesson as I wanted to get the most out of it.
Firstly lots of stretching, top half appears to work OK although a bit stiff bending sideways, even knees didn’t let me down however rotating leg/hips to the side that hurt. Even with the sit ups I do each day the core exercise was telling and I only did that about five times.
Work rate was not high but enough to raise pulse and breathing comfortably for about 40 minutes.
The big plus for me was that the exercises are really well balanced and number of reps was quite low so no repetitive exercise that might aggravate injuries.
My conclusion its a bit like DIY physiotherapy, best part was driving home I felt really chilled.
I wont be able to go next week but have five stretching exercises and will definitely be going again.
I knew those hippies were hiding something.
Brief update:
Don’t overdo core exercises, the pain had me doubled over I seriously thought something was very wrong, my wife wanted me booked in for a thorough examination.
Yoga has reduced my back problems dramatically and I would suggest anyone that is looking for a different form of exercise give it a try.
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