Home Forums Campfire Forum WHITETAIL TWO-STEP

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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        Scouting/stumping today (OK its bear season, so I do have broadheads), doing the WHITETAIL TWO-STEP (2 steps, look & listen, 2 steps, look & listen …). It actually worked! Shortly after getting into the woods I saw 2 deer (1 had head gear, the other ?). I don’t mean snorting, and crashing off into the brush, wagging the white flag at me. They were just strolling along within 30 feet (got a glimpse of a few more too). Nap time at Wortleberry Hill WMA. It is the first time that has happened to me. OK, I have read all kinds of stuff about still hunting, I even ran into an old geezer about 50 years ago in the woods who told me I was moving too fast, and making too much noise to see any deer (at 12 I was 2 years away from a small game license and 4 years away from a big game license). So I guess I BELIEVED (because youse guys said so) that you could encounter deer that way. Kinda like when I first used big gaudy deer hair bass bugs… Didn’t really believe. And the first time Audrey saw me put a big yellow/green with black legs on my fly line. She was polite but did not believe. But just a few days ago we were out in the canoe the sun was setting and every time the bass bug landed on the water, the conversation ended, and both of us had our eyes riveted on the bug. We KNEW it would work. And it did.

        There are some people with a lot more faith than I have (not just the pastor at church) Musky and Steelhead fishermen have to make 10,000 casts to get a bite. I can’t do that. But now that it has happened, I don’t just BELIEVE in the whitetail two step, I KNOW it works. There is a big difference between BELIEVING and KNOWING.

        Now if I can just sit still for a few hours on stand…

      • paleoman
          Post count: 931

          Good for you Grumps! It’s the getting it to work part when I want it to work that gives me gas. It’s downright insulting when you believe you have good sneak skills but the critters seem to sense something is moving out of rhythm, even though the chickadees are almost landing on your nose and you can see the spider webs shimmer in the faint breeze…Then again I can be stomping around like a Squatch in old logging slash, not even trying and they nearly run you over…I hope you have found THE secret. I will PAY:lol: Sounds like a real good day. I wish you more!

        • Charles Ek
            Post count: 566

            Good on ya!

            Two steps was about all I could take during this first week of the NH archery season before falling down from heat prostration.

            OTOH, the resident snowshoe hare that hangs out at my backyard range has started to change coat color, so there’s hope on the horizon.:D

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