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    • lyagooshka
        Post count: 600

        Deer season is still a bit off for most of us, so here’s a little something to keep you “in the mood” until that time. Gets really cool at about 2:40, so if it gets too sloo for you, fast forward to there.


        BTW: where are all these deer when I am in my stand? 😕

        Be well,



      • wahoo
          Post count: 420

          I’ve never seen that many deer in a herd. Thanks

        • archer38
            Post count: 242

            where I grew up, Prince Edward County, The whole county is an island in Lake Ontario. They had no deer season for decades and the deer overpopulated severely in the 80’s. It was pretty common to drive down a back road and see 75 to 100 deer absolutely raping a field of crops. They finally had to issue a shotgun season to thin the herd. That was 30 some years ago.

            Over the last 10 years, the coyotes have exploded so bad that they are considering cancelling the deer season due to low deer population. This video brings back some fond memories of a time of plenty !! Thanks for posting !

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