Home Forums Bows and Equipment which way to bow?

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    • quiverfull
        Post count: 37

        I am getting back into trad. archery. A buddy gave (you read that right!) me a Black Widow longbow; a great longbow, pulling about 55# at my 27″ draw length. However, I am wanting to buy a recurve as well. I have always liked the Bear Super Kodiak, and don’t mind the length in return for the smooth draw.

        I am open to suggestion. I am a newbie on this forum, and out of touch with the archery tackle scene. Any direction would be much appreciated…JB

      • David Bartlett
          Post count: 75


          I am a recurve guy myself. I have no experience at all with Long bows, so cannot offer any advice regarding that.

          However, I dare say that one cannot have too many bows!

          I own a 1967 Super Kodiak, 45# @ 28″. It shoots very well, much better than I do.

        • tailfeather
            Post count: 417

            You must be livin’ right. Those Back Widow longbows are very nice. Congrats!

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