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    • Etter1
        Post count: 831

        Just wondering what everybody shoots and what your results have been. I have shot whitetails with both zwickey deltas and tree sharks, but the tree sharks have proven to me to be the superior head. Even from my 50# bow, they have great penetration and are just brutal on deer size game.

      • Terry Lightle
          Post count: 24

          49# Cari- Bow with 135 grain 2 blade Magnus with 75 grain Woody Weight behind it.Total arrow weight is 710 grains

        • tailfeather
            Post count: 417

            Magnus 1 out of a 51 @ 28″ longbow….thought at my draw length its more in the neighborhood of 48 lbs.

            The Mag 1 is a 1.5″ cut, which is also pretty serious. I’ve always been concerned about the penetration of those huge, concave Simmons heads out of my bow. But seeing your results and those of several others…..they are wicked, indeed.

            I’m happy with my Magnus, though……:D Though I am getting some single bevels next year, as I think I’ve told you repeatedly. 8)

          • William Warren
              Post count: 1384

              145gr Bear Razorheads with and without the bleeder blades. 130 gr Rothaar Snuffer (now Magnus Snuffer) Pass throughs with both with decent blood trails. Alot more blood with the Snuffer.

              Have yet to get a deer with the Zwickeys. Am interested in the Simmons heads though. They look wicked.

              Razorheads with 47# and 50#. Snuffer with 58#. My draw length is 26 1/2″

            • archer38
                Post count: 242

                I shoot 47# from a Howatt X-200, arrows are around 500 grains tipped with 145 grain Bear Razorhead. Works out to a touch over 15% FOC. Only killed one big game animal with this set up but it passed through a black bear like butter. Never touched bone though

              • Jason Wesbrock
                  Post count: 762

                  My normal setup since 2004 has been a mid-50s recurve with 125-grain Ace Standards on arrows weighing 500 grains, give or take a couple grains. I’ve put them through everything from small game to deer, elk, one especially nasty boar hog, and a mature bull moose. I don’t think I’ve ever left one in an animal. Before switching to Ace heads I had similar results with Zwickey four-blades (both Eskimos and Deltas), various three-blade heads, and once with a four-blade Zephyr.

                • Stumpkiller
                    Post count: 193

                    Stos 130 gr & RibTek 125S (& 125W, but I prefer the “S”) & Magnus II 125 gr out of 63# and 55# @ 31-1/2″ full-tapered shafts with a 30-3/4″ draw and 600 to 620 gr arrows. Good results and usually a full & clear pass-through with broadside hits.

                  • David Petersen
                      Post count: 2749

                      53#, 300-grain Tuffheads. Shoot plumb through elk.

                    • Bruce Smithhammer
                        Post count: 2514

                        57# draw and 225 gr. Steel Force Traditional (+ 100gr. insert).

                      • BuckyT
                          Post count: 138

                          56# @ 28″ Magnus 2 125gr. I have 100gr brass inserts in my arrows as well.

                          Performed well on my only big game kill at moment. Whitetail.

                        • Bowhunter57
                            Post count: 15

                            53#@29″ Zipper.Using Full length Easton Axis 340’s Snuffer Head,and 100 grain Brass inserts.

                          • lyagooshka
                              Post count: 600

                              125 gr. 50# @ 28″. Magnus BH. Seems to work great on the broadhead range 😆 . Hope to let you know how it works on a deer some time this season.

                            • David Coulter
                                Post count: 2293

                                #46 Leon Stewart Slammer Special longbow, Beman Bowhunter 400s, 50 grain insert, 75 grain adapter, 225 grain Tuffhead. No experience to report, but they fly nice. dwc

                              • jaytbuzzard
                                  Post count: 80

                                  Last year I shot Full Metal Jackets with 145 grain Bear Razorheads out of a 60″ 50lb Shakespeare recurve. I took a nice size doe with that setup. This year Beman ICS Hunter 400s, Bear Razorheads with steel adaptors now weighing 250 grains out of a Ben Pearson Mustang 58″ 50lb recurve. No kill yet, but these things fly straight and true.

                                • Etter1
                                    Post count: 831

                                    tailfeather wrote: Magnus 1 out of a 51 @ 28″ longbow….thought at my draw length its more in the neighborhood of 48 lbs.

                                    The Mag 1 is a 1.5″ cut, which is also pretty serious. I’ve always been concerned about the penetration of those huge, concave Simmons heads out of my bow. But seeing your results and those of several others…..they are wicked, indeed.

                                    I’m happy with my Magnus, though……:D Though I am getting some single bevels next year, as I think I’ve told you repeatedly. 8)

                                    But this one has eleven….:D

                                  • Leo Carrisalez
                                      Post count: 78

                                      100grn Insert, 260grn Abowyer Brown Bear, 340 Beman Camohunter


                                    • Kent Hansen
                                        Post count: 9

                                        I shoot a 93lb Howard Hill Big Five…have for the last 12 yrs or so…broadhead is the Howard Hill 11/32, 160 grns…it’s a beast. Properly sharpened, it’s wicked effective. Everything from Elk to Turkey have “gone to heaven” as a result of it…

                                      • bruc
                                          Post count: 476

                                          48 lb. Caribow recurve @ 27 1/2′

                                          145 GR. Stos 2-blade, 125 Gr. Zephyr 2-blade with bleeder blades, older snuffer 3-blade. The snuffer is the first in my quiver to use. It is very sharp !!


                                        • J.Alex
                                            Post count: 11

                                            Blacktail recurve 48# @ 30″ and a 31″ 65/70 POC with a 160 gr. Ace broadhead.

                                          • Etter1
                                              Post count: 831

                                              lbhunter63 wrote: I shoot a 93lb Howard Hill Big Five…have for the last 12 yrs or so…broadhead is the Howard Hill 11/32, 160 grns…it’s a beast. Properly sharpened, it’s wicked effective. Everything from Elk to Turkey have “gone to heaven” as a result of it…

                                              Wow. I don’t understand how people shoot these bows accurately. I’ve read of a lot of guys going on large game hunts with 80-95 lb bows and just always wonder how it’s possible. I’m a pretty big fella, and have been lifting pretty heavily for the last 17 years but a bow like that is way beyond me. More power to ya!

                                            • Roger Norris
                                                Post count: 91

                                                Pictured below is an Ace 200 grain head alongside an elk track. I like BIG broadheads, primarily for the damage they create. My set up is 57# to 60#, and this head wieghs 230 grains with the insert. I have not had a chance to shoot an elk with it, but they absolutley zip through a whitetail.

                                                My only concern is that I have never had a “bone” encounter with this set up. I believe in the Ashby theories…and am considering something along the lines of a 3:1 single bevel. I killed a few deer with the Grizzlies several years back, but again, it wasn’t a real test, no bone encounters. And I’m damn sure not going to take a bad shot just to experiment.

                                              • Jason Wesbrock
                                                  Post count: 762


                                                  If they hold up anything like the 125-grain Standards, you should have no concerns. I’ve put those through quite a bit of heavy whitetail bone (on the exit sides, as it should be) and I have yet to encounter anything in a deer that will damage them. To me, Bob and Jan at Ace are like Jack at Zwickey, if they put their name on it, the quality is excellent.

                                                • ray montoya
                                                    Post count: 40

                                                    For years, my go to head was the 100 grain Muzzy Phantoms on beman mx shafts or easton fmj’s out of 57# bows…but this year, for the first time since the 80’s i started shooting wood arrows, and am using zwicky deltas again for a 573 grain arrow…complete pass throughs on mule deer, and im happy to be shoot wood arrows again…

                                                  • Raymond Coffman
                                                      Post count: 1232

                                                      I Hunt with 56-60 lb bows and gold tips /”N”fused axis carbons or wood [poc]arrows with 225 gr tuffheads [carbon heads weights are 425 total]. carbons are about 730 – wood around 640+


                                                    • jmsmithy
                                                        Post count: 300

                                                        Allegheny Mt Longbow 54″ 60#@27″. OR

                                                        Black Widow PMAII 62″ 50#@28″. OR

                                                        Bear Kodiak Magnum 52″ 50″@28″ OR

                                                        Fedora Stalker 52″ 52#@28″

                                                        Each are fed steady diet of either Beman MFX 400 or GrizStik Alaskans ….

                                                        Broadheads never change. Ashby 315gr…. Nothing is safe 😈

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