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    • aeronut
        Post count: 404

        I’ll start it off again this year.

        I went through spinal fusion surgery yesterday morning and just got back home.  I was diagnosed with Stenosis and Spondylosis and now am on the mend.  I won’t be out shooting my bows or guns for a while but will get back into that soon.

        I hope everyone else is starting off the new year in good health.

        Stay safe and shoot straight.


        • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by aeronut.
      • Raymond Coffman
          Post count: 1232


          Glad to hear you came thru your surgery in good shape. Wishing you a complete and full recovery.

          I have one coming up myself … OK otherwise,  still shooting my bow….

          Scout aka Ray


        • richard roop
            Post count: 527

            Ok ………… First of all, you clowns get healthy; Ya got shootin’ to do.

            I’m working on the details of a couple of fun rounds.

          • Robin Conrads
              Post count: 32

              Dennis and Ray, best wishes for a speedy recovery. Get lots of fresh air, even if you can’t shoot anything. Richard, be sure to keep us posted on your fun rounds.

              All is well here, except it’s winter and I can’t wait for spring. T.J. and Kerri are getting ready to go to the Expo in Kalamazoo. Always a fun time, especially after last year’s show was canceled. I hope to see all my friends at the PBS Gathering in Reno in March, and this summer at the Compton Rendezvous in Michigan.

              I hope all of you are getting a good start to 2022!


            • Raymond Coffman
                Post count: 1232

                Webmom – Richard

                Thanks for the kind words and sentiment. Continuing to persevere and moving forward. Still shooting ok. Yes on can’t wait for spring….

                All ya all have a great trip and gathering at the expo. I would Like to go to that one of these days, but not this time.

                I hope this year is a fine one for all.

                Scout aka Ray

              • aeronut
                  Post count: 404

                  I’ll give a short update on my happenings.

                  Two things I hope will pass by soon.  The Dr said it would be hard to swallow bread.  Yes, it is, along with other foods.  That is getting a little better but not soon enough.

                  Second is the shoulder and neck cramps.  My incision doesn’t bother me at all.  They pull your arms up and back so they can get to their work easier.  The incision is at the front of your neck, not the back.  It feels like they tied my arms in a knot.

                  I went out to feed the dog and do my driveway walk a while ago.  While out I spotted a duck setting its wings and landing in the crop field across the road.  I could see a lot of movement in the field without any problems.  It is nice to live in the country and have a front row seat to nature.

                • Raymond Coffman
                    Post count: 1232


                    That not swallowing well sucks.. I like a piece ot toast ( fresh sourdough bread)with my coffee!

                    I have shoulder problems coming– but so far – shots and stretching are working .  Wishing you a quick and full recovery…[ wishing me one too 😜 haha]

                    The woods are my church . I go as often as I can

                    Scout aka Ray

                  • aeronut
                      Post count: 404

                      The storm hit here last night and is still threatening 3-5″ of snow.  We are on the south edge of it and got a skim of ice and about 1/2″ of snow so far.  That’s enough.

                      My surgery follow-up appointment was this morning.  Didn’t really want to travel 50+ miles to the dr’s office in this so they rescheduled me for next Monday.

                      Right now I wish the wind would die down to a gale force.

                    • Raymond Coffman
                        Post count: 1232


                        Looks like we ( NM) are getting a bit of snow 3/4 inches+ today . Not much wind , so not to bad so far.

                        We shall see what tomorrow brings. Not big on the cold , but we need the moisture….

                        Scout aka Ray

                      • Ralph
                          Post count: 2580

                          Hey, you guys hurry and get over your ails.

                          Been way dry then a bit of snow here in Amarillo. All the trees we have here in the panhandle kinda helps in the ******* persistent wind :-)…

                          The 1st snow, 2-2″ fell without the wind blowing, the second one, 1-2″ piled up in feet in places and none in others… Usually the case here.

                          I live on the very edge of town and have a sheep and goat pasture to the north of me that is also getting inhabited by prairie dogs. Whilst out back shooting my bow I got movement out of the corner of my eye over the top of the fence. I keep two ladders against fence so I can see what’s going on (there’s aplenty on our long open edge of town alley out back).

                          What I saw was a big hawk taking a prairie dog and a bald eagle taking the prairie dog from the hawk. It wasn’t much of a tussle. I have a pic but too far for my phone to be a good pic.

                          My living on the edge ain’t so bad usually. Nobody has figured out tho how my stump I have my vise mounted on by my little barn has gotten an indention in it and a .45 bullet laying on the ground where it bounced off. Scary what goes on at times.

                          Anyway,  Y’all get well, good luck on the weather and hopefully covid will start leaving us alone…

                          • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Ralph.
                        • Stephen Graf
                            Post count: 2428

                            I’m sure that stump will show you some respect now 😜

                            We’re supposed to get 3 days of nice weather starting tomorrow.  Looking forward to it.  Saw the first Daffodil flower yesterday.  Just a month early.

                          • aeronut
                              Post count: 404

                              Woke up around 5:30 this morning and I could see a thin layer of ice on things.  Then it started raining and the wind started howling.  Now there is about 1″ of snow on everything and the wind is still blowing.  I think the only outside journey I’ll take today is to get the mail if any shows up.

                            • Raymond Coffman
                                Post count: 1232


                                We got the same thing here in NM, over night — Didn’t last long , burned off by end of day. However we are always happy to get precip here… “winter is a long time going huh”

                                Scout aka Ray

                              • aeronut
                                  Post count: 404

                                  Well the bottom fell out of the thermometer last night.  I saw a high temperature of 71* here yesterday.  This morning it was 18* when I got up.

                                  When I was working construction back in the 90’s we were building the Cessna plant in Independence, KS.  We had a 63* temperature drop in an 8 hour period one day at work.  Some of the travelers didn’t watch the weather forecast and showed up wearing T-shirts and didn’t bring any cold weather gear.  I sure got tired of listening to them moan and groan.

                                • Kees
                                    Post count: 124

                                    So Dennis, how is the back healing up?  Hope the Dr. is satisfied.


                                  • aeronut
                                      Post count: 404

                                      My shoulders are still achy but not much more than usual.  The tingling in my right shoulder and arm and the heavy feeling on my shoulders hasn’t come back which is a great improvement.  The bad part is I still have a hard time swallowing any solid food.  Unless I can chew it up to a liquefied state  it doesn’t go down with a lot of trouble.

                                      It’s been five weeks and right now I would rather be able to eat normally and just put up with the shoulder pain.  They keep saying that will improve but I’m not too sure.

                                      My last appoi8ntment was two weeks ago.  We could have done that over the phone and saved me a 58 mile one way trip.  My next appointment is March 2 which is my birthday.  They said they are going to schedule another xray and MRI to check the progress.

                                      The Dr also prescribed a bone growth stimulator.  According to the manufacturer it emits magnetic fields to make bones grow.  ??  I have been an electrician all my working life and the last 19 years before retirement I worked as a substation journeyman.  I was exposed to magnetic fields from everything from 13kv to 138kv.  I should have bones growing out of every part of my body.

                                      I told them unless the stimulator was free don’t send it.  It is far from being free.

                                      Otherwise I am doing fine.  I just had a session on my Bowflex and am now going to stare at all the snow we got last night.

                                    • Raymond Coffman
                                        Post count: 1232


                                        I fully understand your situation,  dealing with the medical establishment can be very frustrating.  Especially under all the stress of the covid….at least they sorted out the shoulder – sounds like.?.

                                        Hopefully you’ll be shooting as good as before soon

                                        Best wishes on a full recovery

                                        Scout aka Ray

                                      • aeronut
                                          Post count: 404

                                          Had another follow-up appointment with the Dr today.  They took some x-rays and he said everything was looking good on the fusion.  Now I am waiting for my throat to get better so I can swallow better.

                                        • aeronut
                                            Post count: 404

                                            I went out yesterday afternoon to scout for places to hang bee swarm traps and swung by to check the local eagle nest.  Around the 30 second mark you can see one chick raise its head up into view.  This nest is at least 20 years old and they add a little bit to it every year.  I always wonder how much it weighs.


                                          • richard roop
                                              Post count: 527

                                              Totally cool !!!!!

                                              There’s something about eagles. They just have ‘presence’ for want of a better description.

                                            • Raymond Coffman
                                                Post count: 1232


                                                I have a friend with a similar neck repair. His I think was on the back side. Glad it’s working out.

                                                I see more Goldens than bald Eagles here… not enuff water I imagine…

                                                Scout aka Ray

                                              • aeronut
                                                  Post count: 404

                                                  I was busy a couple of days.  It felt good to be out and about.

                                                  My daughter’s boyfriend had car trouble.  We figured the starter might be acting up so I did the mallet test on it.  One rap and it sounded like the starter was full of gravel.  It took us a while to find the starter on the engine and I wasn’t going to try to wrestle it out of the nook it was hidden in.  Towed it to a garage Tuesday for repair.

                                                  Wednesday was a very nice day in the 80’s so I went out and hung five bee swarm traps.  My method to hanging them is to fasten a large sinker to some paracord and use a slingshot to launch the sinker over a limb.  It’s similar to shooting a bow anyway.  I did more in those two days than I had in the last two months.

                                                  It was windy, rainy, and 40* yesterday so I just took it easy.  My back and neck was a little sore from the activity.  Today will be in the 60’s and fairly calm winds so I’m headed back out to hang a few more traps.  Then maybe do a longbow glue-up I’ve had in the works for a while.


                                                • Raymond Coffman
                                                    Post count: 1232

                                                    Pretty good weather here. Supposed to rain tomorrow.  I sure hope so , we need the moisture here in NM.

                                                    Hey aeronut – how many bee swarm traps do you put out and how much honey do you get per ” season”…

                                                    Scout aka Ray

                                                  • aeronut
                                                      Post count: 404

                                                      I’ve got eight traps hung and three more that I haven’t decided a location for yet.

                                                      The honey yield depends on a lot of things.  I have five hives right now, two real strong ones, two that are building up, and one that I’m a little worried about.  I have gotten about four gallons average a year since I started.

                                                      I told my cousin I was going to try keeping just six hives and try selling the bees I catch this year.

                                                    • Raymond Coffman
                                                        Post count: 1232

                                                        Very interesting. We need more bees out there…

                                                        I know different areas cause different taste in honey. Can that also have effect on the texture of the honey?  The reason for that question; a friend of mine used some beeswax from a local friend who makes his own . The bullet lube he made from this was thicker, than that made from commercial. Which was preferred….

                                                        Scout aka Ray


                                                      • richard roop
                                                          Post count: 527

                                                          I don’t know much about boolit lube but I’ve been known to use toilet bowl wax ring seal (new) for bowstring wax.

                                                        • Raymond Coffman
                                                            Post count: 1232


                                                            Sounds definitely like a ” field expedient ” available everywhere … 😄 if one runs out of ” regular” bowstring wax..

                                                            Scout aka Ray


                                                          • richard roop
                                                              Post count: 527

                                                              Actually, that idea came from a long forgotten post or conversation with a string maker.  There was a formula, also forgotten, that involved the ring wax, rosin and perhaps something else.  We made a batch and kept it at the archery range for all to use. It lasted a long long time even with club use.

                                                            • aeronut
                                                                Post count: 404

                                                                I don’t know about the bees wax being a different consistency in other geographic areas but it will be varying shades of yellow.

                                                                Any toilet bowl wax I have seen is way too sticky and you need to mix some paraffin or bees wax to it to stiffen it up.  I have just used straight bees wax for a long time.   I also use it as a blade lube on my bandsaw.

                                                                I haven’t used it as a bullet lube yet but I will when I cast the next batch.  The batch I made from a recipe on a shooters forum made a sticky mess.

                                                              • Robin Conrads
                                                                  Post count: 32

                                                                  We have a tip on our site called Bowstring Wax. In the comments, one gentleman suggests 75% beeswax and 25% toilet bowl ring wax. Another suggests pouring into a bathroom Dixie cup for easy application.

                                                                  I lost three of my four hives over winter. I’ll split the surviving hive and I’ve ordered more bees. Wish I lived closer, Dennis. I’d buy them from you!


                                                                • aeronut
                                                                    Post count: 404

                                                                    Sorry to hear you lost the hives Robin.  I imagine the winters are pretty hard on them.  Did you insulate the hives and put some food in with them?  I lost one hive this winter.  It was the last swarm I caught and they just didn’t seem as energetic as the rest of the hives.  I set them up for the winter with sugar cakes and winter patties and they did eat most of that but still died off.  Don’t know for sure what happened to them.

                                                                    A guy posted a video on Youtube where he thought he lost a hive from freezing weather and dumped them out onto a board.  As the sun started warming them up they slowly started moving again and 95% of them recovered.

                                                                    The temperature here has been going up and down and the bees aren’t swarming just yet.  80* one day and 35* two days later.

                                                                    You can use about anything to mold bees wax.  Muffin tins, Dixie cups, and I’ve seen guys use ice cube trays.

                                                                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by aeronut.
                                                                  • aeronut
                                                                      Post count: 404

                                                                      It was a wild night of weather here in Ks.  The wind has been blowing hard for several days and yesterday was no exception.  I didn’t have any damage here last night.  Got some hail around 3am but it was small and just made noise.

                                                                      The town of Andover to my west got hit pretty hard just before dark.  Lots of videos out of the tornado that ore through town.  Surprisingly, there have been no reports of any deaths or major injuries.  Lets keep those people in our prayers.  This is the second time that town has been ravaged by a tornado.

                                                                    • Kees
                                                                        Post count: 124

                                                                        I’ve been working, slowly, at getting the veggie garden ready for planting.  12 – 13 years ago I made 8, 3′ x 12′ raised beds, and year before last the wood was so rotten it was time to replace it.  I had made the original beds too close together to get the lawn mower between them so I decided to move the beds over on wider spacing.  I got 5 done year before last but ran out of oomph to do the other three.  The problem is that I have to remove the old wood, shovel the soil over so there is room to put the new frame, then once the frame is in place the soil has to be shoveled back into it.  And being on a wider spacing means that I have to shovel the soil further away to make room for each new frame.

                                                                        Last year I only planted the 5 beds I had completed.  I finally made the 6th one day before yesterday.  Had to mow the lawn and do some other stuff today.  I wanted to get another bed made tomorrow but the weather is calling for 90% chance of rain starting at 2:00 tonight, running through Saturday and it doesn’t look good until Sunday.  The old time gardeners here have told me that it’s best to wait with planting until May 15 because of the chance of frost, so I have a little leeway with completing the new beds, if the weather holds off.  I will plant peas tonight yet as they can withstand a light frost.

                                                                      • Kees
                                                                          Post count: 124

                                                                          Flung some arrows at the hay bale targets in the back yard.  I’m getting ready to build a shelter for them to keep the rain off.  Walked the dog & went to the doctor this morning; my iron level is back to where it’s supposed to be.  It had crashed after I gave my 5th pint of blood for 2021.

                                                                          So what are the rest of you doing?


                                                                        • aeronut
                                                                            Post count: 404

                                                                            I spent 12 days in Texas This month.  Six days, plus one day travel, in the Falfurrias area on border watch OPS then five days at my cousin’s place in east Texas to hunt pigs.  Temperatures were 95* on up to 109*.  About all we did at my cousin’s place was hunt shade.

                                                                            I did take a hike through the canyon one morning when the temp dropped down to the low 90’s.  This is a deer and pig trail, mostly pig tracks.  Jumped two pigs about 100 yards from here and gave one a serious headache from about 20 feet.

                                                                          • richard roop
                                                                              Post count: 527

                                                                              I’m in the process of adding another shot to my modest backyard range;

                                                                              I want to get about 5′ of that expandable a/c ductwork and set it up with a kneeling, shoot-thru  shooting position at one end and a small game target out past the other end.

                                                                            • paleoman
                                                                                Post count: 931

                                                                                Hi All – I was an active member here more than a few years ago and drifted off. So to anyone left that remembers, a big HELLO! I just retired after 32 yrs in the electric utility biz. No more watching the weather for the next disaster:) I had one day “free” after my last day of work and found myself in surgery for a big a-s couple kidney stones! Planning to camp, fish, shoot and yeah, fix up around the house.

                                                                              • Stephen Graf
                                                                                  Post count: 2428

                                                                                  Hi Paleoman!  Not many of the old crew left on this forum.  Some do stop by from time to time.

                                                                                  Glad to hear you have retired.  Enjoy this first season.  Nothiong like the first hunting season after retirement.

                                                                                • aeronut
                                                                                    Post count: 404

                                                                                    Congrats on your retirement and welcome to six Saturdays and a Sunday.  I worked as a substation journeyman and  retired four years ago from the big electric company here in Kansas.  I sure don’t miss all the stand by and call outs.

                                                                                  • Raymond Coffman
                                                                                      Post count: 1232

                                                                                      Hi paleoman

                                                                                      Glad to see you hadn’t ” gone under”. Good to have you back .

                                                                                      Congrats on your retirement….. now you will have less time to get things accomplished than when you were working- seems that way any how…

                                                                                      Scout aka Ray

                                                                                    • paleoman
                                                                                        Post count: 931

                                                                                        Thank you guys for the welcome backs! I will try to contribute and chime in from time to time.

                                                                                      • Ralph
                                                                                          Post count: 2580

                                                                                          Hey Paleoman….Glad you’re back  I know the feeling of worrying on the storm break stuff and for sure on the kidney stones. Last one I had hung up just before entering the bladder.. Those thing are definitely the s******.

                                                                                          I’ve not been very active of late myself. I had a pinched nerve between L4 and L5. That not only messes with the hip but also all the muscle group down the front of the leg, the quads.. I couldn’t put my britches on without the help of a grabber and as for tying my shoes, forget it.

                                                                                          But all good now.. My wife is an RMT that specialized in deep tissue and she got me going. Massage, finding every pain point in my body to mash on with her tools of the trade and teaching me stretches and such. And some pretty blunt comment about should and should not do at 77 years old. Of course we men can have selective hearing too.. :-)).

                                                                                          Glad you’re back and over the stones.. Hydration….way good preventative….

                                                                                          • paleoman
                                                                                              Post count: 931

                                                                                              Yo Ralph! Glad to hear from you and I hope your pinched nerve might be better now? I hope so but I know those things resolve on their own terms. Any day without pain is a good one. I’m coming up on my first month retired and lo and behold my wife was accepted into an early out program our co offered. So I thought I had a few years of “the life” with the Mrs still working! She’s done next week so off into the wild blue economy of retired life we go. Finally summer hit up here in Mi a few weeks ago. Have had a stretch of awesome weather. Maybe a big storm incoming today and it’ll be my first not to have to think about. Life’s good! Stay cool down their in Texas.

                                                                                          • Stephen Graf
                                                                                              Post count: 2428

                                                                                              Hay Ralph, Glad to hear your wife is setting you straight.  Didn’t know it could be done 🤣

                                                                                            • Dima Zimba
                                                                                                Post count: 3

                                                                                                Say goodbye, soon you will run again as before 🙂

                                                                                              • richard roop
                                                                                                  Post count: 527

                                                                                                  I would say that I’m gonna be sore in the morning but I’m already sore.

                                                                                                  Made some changes to my day-pack and went out to hike around the desert for a while with a bunch of blunts and a couple of broadheads. Did quite a bit of roving shooting,  and jumped a few jackrabbits. Got a running shot on one that came close and when it stopped out about 60 yds, almost hit it again.  I call that a win all of the way around.  Made a stalk just for yucks & giggles on a couple of Javelina that I spotted and got close enough to satisfy honor.  Made a 20 minute coyote calling stand just for an excuse to sit in the shade for a bit. Nothing came in but as I was packing up had one in the brush do the bark – howl at me.  Long hike back to the truck.

                                                                                                  So ……….. a couple of  tweaks to the day – pack, more practice roving shots and more hiking to get in shape & deer season, here I come !!!

                                                                                                • richard roop
                                                                                                    Post count: 527

                                                                                                    Email sent ……………….. but with my ‘puter skills …………………… ?????

                                                                                                  • Raymond Coffman
                                                                                                      Post count: 1232


                                                                                                      I get up tired (sore) and get more so as the day wears on …..a well,   almost in the ” golden years “… haha

                                                                                                      Sounds like you had a good morning adventure! I need to suit up and do the same. I got out for the end of spring turkey,  but, I think it went a bit late in my area. Saw some Tom’s but never managed to close with them. They seemed very spooky this year. At least where I was hunting…

                                                                                                      I have not seen much javelina last ( or this) year. Glad you got into some. Always fun to stalk. Keeps the skills sharp..

                                                                                                      Scout aka Ray

                                                                                                    • richard roop
                                                                                                        Post count: 527

                                                                                                        Yeah, the local drought has been hard on everything. Then some kind of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Fever came thru and knocked down the jacks & cottontails. They seem to have recovered this year.  Which is good ’cause I can’t make my secret recipe ‘Elk Burgers’  without jackrabbits.

                                                                                                        Deer season’s coming up fast ………………….

                                                                                                      • Ralph
                                                                                                          Post count: 2580

                                                                                                          I don’t know why they call it “the golden years”? I seem to be silver.  Actually maybe that’s gray and white????


                                                                                                        • Raymond Coffman
                                                                                                            Post count: 1232


                                                                                                            Roger all your last … I hope you are getting some of this rain from Mexico, that just showed up here. Looks like some of it has headed over to R2s neck o the plains…


                                                                                                            Haven’t found anything ” golden ” about it so far.

                                                                                                            Starting to ramp up my archery practice to start getting ready for the fall. Like Richard says – it will be on us quick…

                                                                                                            Scout aka Ray

                                                                                                          • richard roop
                                                                                                              Post count: 527

                                                                                                              More thunder & lightening than rain but every little bit helps.

                                                                                                              Been spending time on the bales. Major emphasis on the mental aspects of form. Seems to be helping; ……….  cow patties out in the dry wash fear me.

                                                                                                            • Ralph
                                                                                                                Post count: 2580

                                                                                                                RAIN??? That seems to be some kind of a four letter word around here.. :-))

                                                                                                              • richard roop
                                                                                                                  Post count: 527

                                                                                                                  Off today with the Mrs. to the Safari Club Museum in Tucson.

                                                                                                                  Neat place to spend some time & get psyched up for hunting season.

                                                                                                                • Raymond Coffman
                                                                                                                    Post count: 1232


                                                                                                                    Does that mean you are getting too much or too little! Not enuff here so far….


                                                                                                                    Did not realize Safari club had a museum In Tucson ! I’ll have to check it out next time i’am thru…

                                                                                                                    Scout aka Ray

                                                                                                                  • Ralph
                                                                                                                      Post count: 2580

                                                                                                                      Not enough. Drier than the proverbial popcorn ****……

                                                                                                                    • richard roop
                                                                                                                        Post count: 527

                                                                                                                        Raymond (or anybody else )

                                                                                                                        Let me know if you’re going to visit. Mayhap we can get together and fling a few arrows. Safari Club International, not to be confused with the Dallas Safari Club, is just down the road from Tucson Mountain Park.  Desert Archers is based out of there with  an Outstanding archery range.  Just down the road the other way is the Sonoran Desert Museum.  Kind of a cross between a museum and an open air wildlife zoo.  Also well worth the visit, just not in the heat of the summer.  And, as long as I’m making shameless plugs, the nearby Coyote Pause Cafe has good food and it’s right across the street from the Tucson Mineral & Gem World if you’re into rocks & fossils & such.  Makes for a pretty full day or two.

                                                                                                                      • Kees
                                                                                                                          Post count: 124

                                                                                                                          My little Ford Ranger has had rust issues since I bought it 12+ years ago.  Most of those on the body I have repaired, but the frame has had rust-through behind the cab.  I took the bed off and brought it to a welding shop where  they patched it up.  I spent the most of last week chipping, scraping and sanding rust.  Then a couple of coats of Rustoleum rusty metal primer followed by another couple of top coats of black and it looks pretty good.  If it lasts another 20 years I’ll be happy, since by then I probably won’t be driving anymore.  Since the bed is off I’ve prepped it and the back of the cab to put another coat of paint on.  It’s about time; the last time I painted the truck was 10 years ago.  I need to repair the rust under the bottoms of the doors  and sand the whole thing down again, then roll another layer or two of fresh paint on.

                                                                                                                          Hope all of you folks with physical problems (Raymond and  Aeronut come to mind) are doing better.  I wish you well!

                                                                                                                        • richard roop
                                                                                                                            Post count: 527

                                                                                                                            I suspect that the guy who coined the phrase “Rust never sleeps”  lived back east where they salt the roads in the winter.

                                                                                                                            Vile stuff; Bad for your truck, bad for your blood pressure, …….good for Margaritas.

                                                                                                                          • Stephen Graf
                                                                                                                              Post count: 2428

                                                                                                                              The “joy” of keeping a vehicle long term is rarely enjoyed by folks anymore…

                                                                                                                              I bought my jeep in ’96 before I was married or had kids.  It had 1 mile on it.  Now the kids are out of college and it is pushing 400,000 miles.  Never washed it and there is still no rust.  That thing has taken a licking and keeps on and on and on…  Can’t imagine how many deer I’ve tossed in the back of that thing.  Chrysler made the perfect vehicle, and as soon as they realized they had, they discontinued it.

                                                                                                                              Now I await my next truck…  the Tesla Cybertruck.  It will be only the 3rd vehicle I have owned and likely the last.  But I hope to toss a Newfoundland Moose in the back of it, and a Colorado Elk, and a few Saskatchewan bear, and many many deer, and…

                                                                                                                            • Kees
                                                                                                                                Post count: 124

                                                                                                                                We will need a full report on that Tesla after you have wrung it out for a couple of road trips!


                                                                                                                              • Stephen Graf
                                                                                                                                  Post count: 2428

                                                                                                                                  I will, if it ever gets here…  But the anticipation is half the fun, right?

                                                                                                                                  We got a Chevy Bolt in ’18 and my wife promptly put 60K on it before we gave it to my daughter.  Then she got a Model Y last year.  Both these cars are fun to drive, zippy, and reliable.  They are the main reason my jeep hasn’t crossed the 400K mark yet.  I take the tesla whenever I can.

                                                                                                                                  My wife won’t let me toss a deer in the back though…

                                                                                                                                  I’ve been converting the farm equipment over to electric for some time now too, Landmaster Electric UTV, chainsaws, weed eaters, trimmers, etc.  All good and reliable.  Been eyeballing an electric tractor, but its gonna be a while on that one.

                                                                                                                                • Raymond Coffman
                                                                                                                                    Post count: 1232

                                                                                                                                    I had a jeep Cherokee back in the 80s that was a great hunting vehicle.. just strapped elk racks on the top…

                                                                                                                                    With people buying more electric vehicles. We should have a lot less traffic noise, which I heartily welcome

                                                                                                                                    I understand the replacement of their batteries is quite expensive though…

                                                                                                                                    Scout aka Ray

                                                                                                                                  • Stephen Graf
                                                                                                                                      Post count: 2428

                                                                                                                                      We will have to see how long the batteries last.  Tesla has tested their batteries to 3,000,000 miles with less than 20% degradation.  I’m sure their newer batteries are even better.  I expect the car’s suspension and bearings will give out before the batteries do.

                                                                                                                                      Our 2018 Bolt has almost 70,000 miles and the battery is still 100%.

                                                                                                                                      The best part is not having to buy gas, and no oil changes.  I’m getting too old to keep crawling under the car.  I have to save my back for dragging deer 😁

                                                                                                                                    • Raymond Coffman
                                                                                                                                        Post count: 1232


                                                                                                                                        As usual can’t rely on any of the news orgs anymore. I guess we are just hearing the sensational oddities or the cheaper poorly designed brands, having battery issues . I thought I would wait a bit before getting into the EV mkt – till they got more of the bugs worked out..

                                                                                                                                        The old hunting truck 2011 Toyota Tacoma is getting a little tired, but at 170, 000 miles still has another 100 thousand to go….might even be able to pick up a good used EV by then…. haha

                                                                                                                                        Let us know how you like the new Tesla after you have hunted with it a bit. It’s one of the models that interests me..

                                                                                                                                        Scout aka Ray

                                                                                                                                      • aeronut
                                                                                                                                          Post count: 404

                                                                                                                                          It turned cold here in SE Ks last night.  It was 23* at 7am and has raised to 33* now with gusty winds.  Just a bit chilly so I’ll stay inside.

                                                                                                                                          I was in Colorado last weekend.  My daughter and her boyfriend didn’t want a big wedding so they decided to go to Garden of the Gods and exchange their vows.  I went along as camera man and witness for the event.  She had looked through some pictures and picked a spot and we set out to find the location.

                                                                                                                                          While I was looking and trying to locate the right spot I noticed some movement to my side.  Thinking it was more than just a bird I stood still and waited and a mule deer doe looked over the rocks at me about 15 feet away.  She seemed unconcerned so I dug out my phone and snapped a few pictures.  In all, there were five deer that walked by and that was a good morning for sure.

                                                                                                                                          I finally located the right spot, we had been right next to it the day before, and we were there at daybreak the next morning.

                                                                                                                                          I had a good time hiking through the areas with the kids and decided to head home after they said their vows, and speaking of batteries, I had to jump start my Grand Cherokee and eventually had to buy a new battery in Burlington, Co..  Just a regular car battery has doubled in price over the last couple of years so I would hate to have to take out a loan to get one for an EV.  New battery installed the rest of the drive home was long and uneventful other than getting sick of looking at windmills.  The old battery in the Grand Cherokee was just over six years old so it was due.

                                                                                                                                          As for EV’s, I’m a retired journeyman electrician and have worked on everything from 4-20ma controls to 345KV transmission lines and have rebuilt all kinds of motors, generators, solar systems, inverters, battery systems, etc. and I retired from the large electric company in Kansas.  Knowing what it takes to supply the needed electricity for the people I am not sold on the idea that an EV will save you money.  Just my honest opinion.

                                                                                                                                        • aeronut
                                                                                                                                            Post count: 404

                                                                                                                                            The farmers are starting to harvest the soybeans, what little there are.  The lack of rain sure hurt the crop this year.  There’s lots of pods but the beans are only about 1/4 to 1/3 the normal size.

                                                                                                                                            With the rising cost of fuel the farmers are going to be hard pressed to harvest this year and plant next year.

                                                                                                                                          • aeronut
                                                                                                                                              Post count: 404

                                                                                                                                              On another note, I have started making the Christmas presents for this year.  I try to do some hand made items every year and decided to do some woodburning projects.  These are 8×10 plywood.  The grain structure makes it a challenge to keep a straight line but I think they turned out OK.

                                                                                                                                              Here’s the picture I chose and copied to the boards.

                                                                                                                                              And the finished picture.

                                                                                                                                              One of the harder parts of this is finding carbon paper.

                                                                                                                                            • richard roop
                                                                                                                                                Post count: 527

                                                                                                                                                Aeronut;  I just went to ebay & searched ‘carbon paper’. 1400 hits came back. Prices seemed pretty reasonable, too.

                                                                                                                                              • aeronut
                                                                                                                                                  Post count: 404

                                                                                                                                                  I’m sure there are but I’m a little leery about using ebay anymore since my credit card got hacked through a paypal processor.  It’s not as safe as they claim.

                                                                                                                                                • richard roop
                                                                                                                                                    Post count: 527

                                                                                                                                                    Sorry to hear about problems with ebay. I guess that maybe I’ve been lucky, so far.


                                                                                                                                                    My latest too much time on my hands project is my tribute to Ben Pearson.

                                                                                                                                                    A Pearson Mercury Hunter with a Pearson bow quiver filled with Pearson DeadHeads mounted on replica Pearson Tracer arrows. Matching target arrows in a Pearson hip quiver w/ Pearson Pro-Staff belt buckle.

                                                                                                                                                    It makes a pretty nice package & I’m going to use it at an upcoming shoot to honor  Ben Pearson.

                                                                                                                                                    If WE don’t remember, then who ????


                                                                                                                                                  • Kees
                                                                                                                                                      Post count: 124

                                                                                                                                                      My first bow was a Ben Pearson archery set my folks gave me for my 16th birthday. Looking at a 1960 catalog copy I found on-line, it was probably the 349 Strato Jet Hunting Set. Solid fiberglass, 45 lb. pull and came with finger tab, arm guard, string, three target arrows and three broadhead arrows. I spent many hours in the back yard shooting that thing.  Probably why I can’t get a decent group now that i am older.  Kind of wish I still had the bow; I don’t remember what happened to it.

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