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    • paleoman
        Post count: 931

        I have had my evolutions over the years. From a country boy exploring the hills of home to my “serious hunter” phase. In the end I think I always just enjoyed potting around the woods with no real goal but to enjoy being there…seeing how many brookies were in a stream pool…how the deer used the terrain…big shaggy rubs where no one goes..the excitement of bear tracks in the mud…the yipping coyote escorts on the way out. All in all having a touch stone in a place I love. An elusive something to hold onto in a sacred way has done me good. Who else cares to share?

      • David Coulter
          Post count: 2293

          Paleo, that’s beautiful. Sums it up nicely. Sometimes even when there are deer nearby, I’m really happy to just watch. I only get anxious about not killing a deer or two when I’m staring into an empty freezer! I think I enjoy the off season of getting ready for deer season just as much, if not more. The birds of spring, stretching the arrows further, looking for firewood and deciding where that perfect stand is going to be for the fall. Nice post, dwc

        • robbin68
            Post count: 49

            I have always felt at home in the woods. The woods have always been my escape from real life. There is no boss man to critique you, no dead lines to meet or production quotas. Whether we are bow hunting, fishing, or any other outdoor pursuits any one enjoys, there is a sense of personal accomplishment and satisfaction that can’t be earned anywhere else.:)

          • Alexandre Bugnon
              Post count: 681

              My wife and I just had a conversation about our mutual basic needs in life and she thought that my basic needs were partnership and Nature. She couldn’t have said it better! I couldn’t function alone in life as good as being with her. And I absolutely need Nature on a daily basis, wether it’s running hiking or hunting. The call of the mountains and the woods has been in me even before I can remember since my aunt tells me to this day how weird I was as a 5 year old to always want to be in the woods, sitting by a tree! 😀

            • wTk
                Post count: 103

                Thats what its about Paleo thats for sure. Even when I’m driving through an area similar to places I’ve hunted I can feel my shoulders relax and the stress leave.

              • longbow_hunter
                  Post count: 10

                  I grew up in the woods. From the time I was about 3 my Dad had me in the woods with him every chance we got, whether it was fishing, hunting, or hiking trails we did it. Dad was 50 years old when I was born, 4 daughters came before me but he was determined to have a son. He was old enough to be the other neighborhood kid’s dad, but it was him who would cut timber all day and spend his evenings throwing a ball or baiting hooks for me and the other neighborhood kids while their dads were in the recliner. Age never slowed him up. He was never too tired to take me into the great outdoors. When I was about 10, my Dad was in a real bad logging accident which put a damper on our time spent afield, but we spent as much time in together in the woods as we could.

                  So for me, spending time in the woods is my heritage, it’s a big part of who I am. No matter what is going on in life or at work, I can load the family up in the truck, head up the mountains and find peace. I lost my Dad in March, so this season, success or failure, will be dedicated to him and all the things he taught me.

                • wTk
                    Post count: 103

                    Longbow-hunter I am so glad you have had a strong father who took real interest in you. I feel for your loss as my dad died when I was two and I’ve never stopped missing him. I pray for your comfort and that you feel your dad’s love in the field.

                  • Ralph
                      Post count: 2580

                      Over a ridge to see what’s there.

                      Ahhh! Breathe in the air.

                      On a boulder to sit.

                      Ha! What a view from it!

                      A stone to skip across a pond,

                      An arrow to loose,

                      That,just for fun.

                      The life I love when all is done

                      And comes my time to be alone.. R2

                      So grateful I am that nature gave me a chance to share with her.

                    • paleoman
                        Post count: 931

                        I really appreciate the thoughtful replies and hearing from you all. Keep them coming! We’re having our first stretch of warm, humid summer air here in Michigan. I’m loving it….

                      • David Coulter
                          Post count: 2293

                          We’re having our first hot and humid spell since February. Two days ago I made an attempt to be the first one to complain about the heat. I was in heaven with the 40 degree days, overcast with a breeze, listening to the birds and toads. I always adapt, but have to go through an uncomfortable period of adjustment. Nothing like getting up at 5 am and deciding to wear a flannel shirt for a walk. Ahhhh.

                        • David Coulter
                            Post count: 2293

                            [quote=R2]Over a ridge to see what’s there.

                            Ahhh! Breathe in the air.

                            On a boulder to sit.

                            Ha! What a view from it!

                            A stone to skip across a pond,

                            An arrow to loose,

                            That,just for fun.

                            The life I love when all is done

                            And comes my time to be alone.. R2

                            So grateful I am that nature gave me a chance to share with her.[/quote

                            R2, that’s beautiful. Thanks for posting it. Peace, dwc

                          • grumpy
                              Post count: 962

                              Grew up north of here with a back yard big enough to get lost in, and a river (stream) across the corn field across the street. Really had no neighbors. With a barely functional family (lots of up roar) I escaped to the woods. I could go “out-back” anytime (unnoticed amid the uproar) and always felt safer out side. I still do. It was not unusual for me to get up in the middle of the night to go “out back”. No supervision, no one noticed, That is where the whippoorwills, the owls, the trout, the coons, muskrats, squirrels, the stars, the moon, the heat, and the cold, the rain, and the snow, the skunks, snakes, and everything else important (did I miss anything, I missed everything). When I was 16 my parents (with the best of intentions) moved us to the city. Started my career inside for 15 years (weekend warrior climbed every peak in New England), then worked outside 🙂 for 20. I’m back working inside now, as I am getting old, yet still miss outside. When I was repairing slate roofs, I told customers that I would rather climb Mts. for a living, but it didn’t pay as well. Loved being up on a roof!! Audrey can sense when I’ve been inside too long, and sends me out for a walk in the woods or out in the canoe. I have never felt the least fear in the woods, day or night, good weather or bad. Although Arwen doesn’t share my love of the outside, she is comfortable with the woods, and expects me to go. She senses a lot she doesn’t express, kinda spooky/scary at times.

                              She asked me what the meaning of life is, I gave her “The Hitch Hikers Guide to The Universe”.

                            • Stephen Graf
                                Post count: 2428

                                If she reads it, she will indeed know the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. If she correctly answers the question then get her the whole Douglas Adams anthology. It’s a fun and interesting story that can give new perspective to daily life.

                              • grumpy
                                  Post count: 962

                                  She has it “The Ultimate Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy.”

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