Home Forums Campfire Forum What Have You Forgotten?

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    • paleoman
        Post count: 931

        I’ve probably posted this before, but as I think about getting stuff together for an upcoming trip I get scared I’ll forget something important. Most likely because I wandered off without my sleeping bag once and froze under an od army blanket because of it. Any good ones out there?

      • Jason Wesbrock
          Post count: 762

          I got halfway home from Wisconsin one night when I realized my strung bow was still laying next to the landowner’s driveway. I finally made it home sometime around midnight…with my bow. I was running late for a flight home from a hog hunt a few years ago and left my gear bag on the ground in camp. My buddy ended up sending it back to me via FedEx.

        • Donnie
            Post count: 19

            I was about 20 miles from the nearest paved road…. and I locked my keys in my truck.

            (Forgot to take them out of the ignition! 🙄 )

          • gigglemonk
              Post count: 146

              2 day horsepack into a Chilean valley to spend 10 days climbing. The gaucho helped us set camp and then left with the horses. Neither my climbing partner nor I packed the ropes.

            • Mark Turton
                Post count: 759

                Kind of related, three of us once shared a billet with a compulsive ‘packer’, he would wake up in the middle of the night and repack something in his rucksack.

                It starts to rub off after a while and I began doubting what I had packed, no names but someone superglued all the buckles on his rucky, not very funny at the time he went ape.

              • Roger Norris
                  Post count: 91

                  I routinely forget my arrows….:oops:

                • jmsmithy
                    Post count: 300

                    Roger Norris wrote: I routinely forget my arrows….:oops:

                    Too many times to count! 🙄

                  • Bruce Smithhammer
                      Post count: 2514

                      Left my sleeping bag behind on a 5-day trip to the Sierras once. Spent a cold night rolled up in a plastic tarp the first night, and then drove out and hit up a saddle store on day 2 to buy a blanket. Never heard the end of that one.

                    • jaytbuzzard
                        Post count: 80

                        This doesn’t have anything to do with hunting, but, I left our daughters suitcase at home when we went to the beach for a week. Money was very tight at the time, thank goodness my mother in law was in the area and so was a Walmart.

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