Home Forums Campfire Forum What are your favorite trad pictures?

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    • shaneharley
        Post count: 118

        I’m curious what your favorite pictures are? Is it a hero shot? A great scenery shot? A pic of you hunting? Anyway I thought it would be fun to see your best archery pics. The one I’m posting here is of my daughter. She will be old enough this summer to do some small game hunting with me. –Blessings-

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      • james gilmer
          Post count: 131

          I like things i find while hunting like this rub on a red cedar

        • james gilmer
            Post count: 131

            and pictures of the local scenery too

          • shaneharley
              Post count: 118

              I love stumbling on little places like this while exploring

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            • James Harvey
                Post count: 1130

                I had trepidations wading out into this creek to take this shot, as I am pretty new in crocodile country and this seemed like decent croc habitat! But hey, the water was clear, I figured I’d see em coming and have time to scream like a coward before I was eaten 😉

              • Ben M.
                  Post count: 460

                  Jim–HA! You’re a hoot, as always.

                  I posted these last summer, but they’re still my favorites.

                • archer38
                    Post count: 242

                    Wow ! Great form Ben !! Great pics too !!

                  • Stephen Graf
                      Post count: 2426

                      Well, not really too archery related other than I was going out when the neighbors came over… This is my little sweetheart. She kissed me once and said we were married. Now she’s a few years older and won’t give me the time of day:(

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                    • Ben M.
                        Post count: 460

                        Pretty cute, Steve.

                        Archer- Thanks, man. This kid is a total natural.

                      • Bruce Smithhammer
                          Post count: 2514

                          This pic sums it all up for me. A Mountain Juniper, a Robertson Fatal Styk (w/the same wood as the tree) and the foothills of the Tetons behind our house:

                        • James Harvey
                            Post count: 1130

                            I took this one a few weeks ago. A little rock wallaby’s hopping track (if he were walking they’d look very different). Those are 4 inch feathers for scale. We’re not allowed to hunt them, but thought it might be interesting for some of you. That animal is probably about the size of a dining room chair when he’s standing up. I’ve seen little guys as small as maybe a pigeon? I’ve had the little ones licking the condensation off the end of my bivvy bag just before dawn on several occasions. It’s real dry here in the dry season and I guess an enormous camouflaged condom is not very threatening to a little kangaroo rat 😛

                            I love all the kid pics btw. Can’t wait till my kids can play too! Ben, your little man could be in a shooting manual. Talented little son of a… Sorry, jealousy is a stinky cologne…

                          • Ben M.
                              Post count: 460

                              Yah it’s great when the kids can start shooting with you; even better when they can hunt. I fixed up two of my son’s arrows with Zwickey eskimos last fall & we’ve been out small game hunting together all winter. He’s so darned proud of those hunting arrows! Sometimes he asks me to get them out just so he can look at ’em. I’m going to fix him up with a reel this summer for frogging and bowfishing. Now, THAT I can’t wait for! I’m not sure if he could actually bring himself to kill yet; I’ve seen him miss a few squirrels and a few rabbits that I was expecting him to hit. No worries. Don’t want to rush it. One tip to keep kids interested: Give ’em lots of arrows. More arrows means more shooting time and less retrieving time. Keeps their attention longer. My kids have ~7 dozen arrows.

                            • Ralph
                                Post count: 2580

                                Diamond doesn’t “point” my arrows per se but she usually manages to mosey over to where they be laying.

                                And if I could practice what I teach…..

                              • Ben M.
                                  Post count: 460

                                  Yes! Great pics, R2! Aren’t the kids amazing?! It comes so natural to (most of) them that it’s enough to make me wonder if we have a genetic memory of the bow and arrow. (Or at least a genetic memory of flinging projectiles accurately.) Adventure Time is pretty cool, too. That’s another thing my kids & I like. 🙂

                                • Ralph
                                    Post count: 2580

                                    The way my bowhunting went last year I think I have a genetic memory of long, hard, cold, hungry winters. But I did get a good pic of this guy and broke “tradition”:lol: and went home and had a steak!

                                    Can’t see drought conditions can ya?

                                  • James Harvey
                                      Post count: 1130

                                      R2 wrote:

                                      Can’t see drought conditions can ya?

                                      Pretty much a rainforest mate 😉

                                    • David Petersen
                                        Post count: 2749

                                        Why not? …

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                                      • David Petersen
                                          Post count: 2749

                                          The ones that got away …

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                                        • James Harvey
                                            Post count: 1130

                                            ^ Great pic Dave.

                                          • Ben M.
                                              Post count: 460

                                              Rabbit hunting last winter. They chased off five or six rabbits, then handed me all their tackle to carry out because their hands were full of rocks and bird’s nests. It was a good hunt.

                                            • SDMFer
                                                Post count: 54

                                                My favorite isn’t one I took, but can be found on the cover of a book titled “Aldo Leopold’s Odyssey: Rediscovering the Author of A Sand County Almanac” by Julianne Lutz Newton. You guys/gals will have to track it down in an attempt to avoid plagiarism.

                                              • Mohawk13
                                                  Post count: 24

                                                  Me with an old Bear Polar about 7 years ago in an old apple orchard in WA State. About and hour before I arrowed the nice Blacktail in the bottom Pic

                                                • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                    Post count: 2514

                                                    This is a pic I took of a buddy of mine last season as we climbed the hill behind the house on a late September day:

                                                    I also love this pic, from last year’s Scout Mountain Trad Shoot:

                                                    Yours truly, out stumping and poking around in the sage for sheds this past spring:

                                                    Tackle pic:

                                                    Glassing on a nice, early season day:

                                                  • James Harvey
                                                      Post count: 1130

                                                      Bruce, I remember the pic of your mate climbing that hill. It’s a beautiful shot. Here’s a couple of mine from this year that I like:

                                                      My supermag when I first got it…

                                                      An old Tusker Aztec I put a patina on after reading Jason Samko’s ‘how to’:

                                                    • Toehead
                                                        Post count: 34

                                                        This is a pic of my dad and I after he killed a little nubbin head a few years ago on my lease. Set him in my best acorn tree and helped him blood trail it. Thr pic was from my point and shoot camera set on timer. This was before we “posed” for thr camera. Definitely captured the moment. You can tell by the orange it’s rifle season.

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                                                      • paleoman
                                                          Post count: 931

                                                          Frame that. I butted heads with my father like that was “the way it was done”. Learning late in life what a waste of time that was.

                                                        • David Petersen
                                                            Post count: 2749

                                                            My favorite “trad” pictures? That’s easy: Would have been my wife table-dancing in camo scanties … alas, she didn’t like camo and they don’t make girlie scanties in plaid. Even if they did, the wool would likely be too itchy for that application. Life is full of disappointments.

                                                            Barring that ideal, I like bear-naked girls in mud …

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                                                          • Ralph
                                                              Post count: 2580

                                                              That’s a cool picture David:D

                                                              I bet I could get in a lot of trouble if I said something about needing a bigger table at my house. 😯

                                                            • Ralph
                                                                Post count: 2580

                                                                Just because it’s cool to see the dynamics of a bow going on when a bow is shot. Note the arrows in the quiver. That’s a Great Northern quiver, Yellowjacket bow. Couple of years older now archer.:wink:

                                                                Very lucky that my camera went off when it did.

                                                              • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                  Post count: 2514

                                                                  A new favorite ‘trad’ pic that ties two of my obsessions together. My Robertson longbow with a cocobolo riser, and a Marble’s USA “Loveless Sport 99” knife (also in cocobolo), which I was lucky to find unused and still in the original box. I think these two beauties deserve each other:

                                                                • David Petersen
                                                                    Post count: 2749

                                                                    Hammer, just when I’m starting to worry that you’re a “gear guy,” it belatedly comes to me that you in fact are an art appreciator. I get it! 😀

                                                                    Ralph–great picture! That string, in that moment of its life, looks as old and wrinkled as me! 😳 But like me, it still gets the job done.

                                                                    “He’s old, but he ain’t dead.” –Abbey

                                                                    Great end quote, too. Ain’t it the truth!

                                                                  • tailfeather
                                                                      Post count: 417

                                                                      Here’s a few I like. The group pic is Broadhead, yours truly, a cross-wheelie guy who shall remain nameless, and Etter…taken on Blackbeard Island.

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                                                                    • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                        Post count: 2514

                                                                        David Petersen wrote: Hammer, just when I’m starting to worry that you’re a “gear guy,” it belatedly comes to me that you in fact are an art appreciator. I get it! 😀

                                                                        Ha – a sometimes fine, but critical line, Dave!

                                                                        Or, as I like to say, I’m not a “collector,” – I just have really poor impulse control and a hard time getting rid of things.

                                                                      • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                          Post count: 2514
                                                                        • Alexandre Bugnon
                                                                            Post count: 681

                                                                            Here are a few:

                                                                            Paradox! Shooting a 68″ Classic yew longbow, cedar arrows!

                                                                            Joey Downing

                                                                            December hunting in NY! 2007! Shooting tomahawk longbow and compressed cedars! The best!

                                                                            Early season sunset on the Hudson Valley! 2008! Shooting my Schafer one piece longbow, lodgepole arrows!

                                                                            Shrew Haven West with the 2 Davids! 2010! 3 Shrew CH !

                                                                            My Super Kodiak, indestructible and quiet as a church mouse’s longbow! 2009! I might return to this bow one day!

                                                                            The man himself!! I’m so happy to have made Compton rendezvous in 2005.

                                                                            On the last day of my 2011 Elk Quest, Caroline Petersen loaned me this little statue to put in my pocket for good luck!

                                                                            My Osage self bow with Kudu tips, Montana prairie rattler skins and beaver fur handle made by Paul Brunner! I never let anything but wood or river cane touch my self bow!!!:D

                                                                          • Col Mike
                                                                              Post count: 911


                                                                              Those are some great photo’s!

                                                                              We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

                                                                              It doesn’t get much better then that.


                                                                            • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                                Post count: 2514
                                                                              • Ralph
                                                                                  Post count: 2580

                                                                                  Man that’s a crooked stick. 😀 Nice bow.

                                                                                  Really nice picture.

                                                                                • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                                    Post count: 2514

                                                                                    Thanks, Ralph. That was taken this past spring while I was out looking for bear in the Big Hole Mtns. Didn’t see any bear, but of course, since they were all out of season, I saw lots of elk, moose and deer…

                                                                                  • Ralph
                                                                                      Post count: 2580

                                                                                      I played cat and mouse with this buck and the 3-4 does that were with him for quite awhile in order to get this picture. I’m not even going to try to fool myself that at the beginning of this episode that they knew not that I was there. They just weren’t too worried about me.

                                                                                      Trying to get on a buck with that many does around is nigh on impossible anyway, especially in this mostly open country.

                                                                                      If I’m hunting still I’d rather just let them roam of and try to out guess them than spook’em. Mulies don’t just slip away and hide, they clear out.

                                                                                      There’s a sixth sense animals have I believe that tells them whether or not they’re on the menu or not. This guy wasn’t as I’d already filled my tag and I’d of never had a bow shot anyway.

                                                                                    • Alexandre Bugnon
                                                                                        Post count: 681

                                                                                        colmike wrote: Alex

                                                                                        Those are some great photo’s!

                                                                                        We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

                                                                                        It doesn’t get much better then that.


                                                                                        Thanks Mike! Yes we are, and indeed it doesn’t get better than that! Looking fwd to hook up with you in the Fall!


                                                                                      • Ralph
                                                                                          Post count: 2580

                                                                                          Many hidey holes out there to explore. Going back next week. Truck is repaired.

                                                                                          I can roam and hunt and stump to my hearts desire.

                                                                                          The drought hasn’t hurt the tumbleweed population one bit. That’s what’s growing under my bow.

                                                                                        • wojo14
                                                                                            Post count: 325

                                                                                            Great pictures guys. I cant wait till I get some memories to capture and hold onto!

                                                                                          • James Harvey
                                                                                              Post count: 1130

                                                                                              A couple of favourites with two of my good pals…

                                                                                              PS: Webmom… I understand completely if you need to delete this due to the brazen lack of decency shown by my son, but I find his dirty little butt kinda charming 😉

                                                                                            • Col Mike
                                                                                                Post count: 911

                                                                                                😀 You talking about Dutch or the wallaby?:lol:

                                                                                              • Robin Conrads
                                                                                                  Post count: 916

                                                                                                  ausjim wrote: PS: Webmom… I understand completely if you need to delete this due to the brazen lack of decency shown by my son, but I find his dirty little butt kinda charming 😉

                                                                                                  Ha ha! No problem, but please, no butts over 5 years old! 😉

                                                                                                • burgess
                                                                                                    Post count: 24

                                                                                                    a good idaho bull taken at five yards………way back when……..

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                                                                                                  • burgess
                                                                                                      Post count: 24

                                                                                                      the pine ghost…….we played a chess game for five years and grew old doing it…………

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                                                                                                    • burgess
                                                                                                        Post count: 24

                                                                                                        and last year ….two old warriors ended the game in november………he was aged to be ten years……i’m to old to talk about mine anymore.

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                                                                                                      • Col Mike
                                                                                                          Post count: 911

                                                                                                          burgess wrote: and last year ….two old warriors ended the game in november………he was aged to be ten years……i’m to old to talk about mine anymore.


                                                                                                          That is one great photo. Trust most of us would like to hear the story behind that years long pursuit:D.


                                                                                                        • burgess
                                                                                                            Post count: 24

                                                                                                            mike……..it’s on “pirates of archery” in the bowhunting forum under the heading of “checkmate” …on the second page of that thread. now poa is not for everyone even if i am one of the four that started it……so be warned ……but some of the most knowledgable bow builders and traditional hunters are on that site…….anyway………this magazine was interested in the story also….i just have not re-written it yet…….soooooooooo let me see if i can start a new thread here and bring it over……we’ll try and just call it the pine ghost……..it’s kinda long and i might need some help doing it…..but a good read…….b

                                                                                                          • Col Mike
                                                                                                              Post count: 911

                                                                                                              burgess wrote: mike……..it’s on “pirates of archery” in the bowhunting forum under the heading of “checkmate” …on the second page of that thread. now poa is not for everyone even if i am one of the four that started it……so be warned ……but some of the most knowledgable bow builders and traditional hunters are on that site…….anyway………this magazine was interested in the story also….i just have not re-written it yet…….soooooooooo let me see if i can start a new thread here and bring it over……we’ll try and just call it the pine ghost……..it’s kinda long and i might need some help doing it…..but a good read…….b


                                                                                                              Brief look at your site–more detailed will be after this very busy weekend–first impression need to study, kinda complicated –but I will give it a look. For us more simple minded could you just publish the story in this mag. or on this site?

                                                                                                              Sorry, your dealing with another recovering Marine and we like it short and to the point.:D

                                                                                                              Semper Fi


                                                                                                            • sinawalli
                                                                                                                Post count: 222

                                                                                                                Late November 2013, after about 12″ of snow overnight and a 15 degree drop in temp. Nothing beats a nice warm tent, hot meal and a taste of rum!

                                                                                                              • Yohon
                                                                                                                  Post count: 5

                                                                                                                  Sunrise on the Sika marsh in MD

                                                                                                                • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                                                                    Post count: 2514
                                                                                                                  • Tradnut
                                                                                                                      Post count: 5

                                                                                                                      Some really great pictures in this thread. Thanks for sharing folks!:D

                                                                                                                    • Timbow
                                                                                                                        Post count: 23

                                                                                                                        I’ve always liked this one.

                                                                                                                      • Vance Brewer
                                                                                                                          Post count: 23

                                                                                                                          Dead DOWN WIND

                                                                                                                        • James Harvey
                                                                                                                            Post count: 1130

                                                                                                                            Iron Bull, that’s a great photo mate 😀 Is that a full ghillie or just a head and shoulders?

                                                                                                                            Here’s a ripper BHA published somewhere:

                                                                                                                          • Alexandre Bugnon
                                                                                                                              Post count: 681

                                                                                                                              Great Picture, Iron Bull!!

                                                                                                                            • Ralph
                                                                                                                                Post count: 2580

                                                                                                                                A friend sent this to me yesterday. From 03/96, our little group and club we had back then. We shot at a friends ranch near McClean, TX. It was a neat place on McClellan Creek.

                                                                                                                                The lady kneeling in the middle is my wife with lucky me to the right of her. The old gentleman to the right of me, Reese Field, was the father of our trad group, mentor of a bunch of us.

                                                                                                                                Bill Foreman, Great Plains Bows, is standing on the right.

                                                                                                                                Thought I’d mention that after nearly 20 years, all are still lean and mean:wink: shooting machines, except for Reese, he’s with the Great Archer in the sky. Great and talented man he was.

                                                                                                                                Alzheimer’s is an awful disease.

                                                                                                                                Sorry about pic quality but the idea is there.

                                                                                                                              • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                                                                                  Post count: 2514

                                                                                                                                  Classic pic, Ralph.

                                                                                                                                • James Harvey
                                                                                                                                    Post count: 1130

                                                                                                                                    Great photo Ralph!

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