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    • shawhill
        Post count: 63

        As I’ll be working all day tomorrow (triple pay!! WOOHOO!!)I figured I would post this now. I just wanted give a big thank you to all my fellow veterans as well as those serving now. I’m proud to be your brother and eterally grateful for your sacrifices. Keep up the good fight!

      • Robin Conrads
          Post count: 916

          And a big thanks to you too, Dan. We sure appreciate the sacrifice of all of our servicemen and women and their families. We honor them and keep them in our prayers every day.

        • shawhill
            Post count: 63

            Thank you Robin. It’s sad however that out of the 46 views that this thread has recieved thus far, that no one else had the decency to thank the veterans and those currently serving who also participate in this site. We as tradional bowhunters will talk all day of the high morals we place on a clean and ethical kill, but will cast those high morals aside to neglect giving gratitude (46 times) to those who ensure the fredoms we enjoy (including hunting). I don’t say this for my own good, because I did nothing noteworthy while in the military. But I know we have a few in here that have made sacrifices. For one there is the gentleman who uses the Green Arrow as his avatar (I apologize, I dont know his name or handle off hand). As a combat medic, I believe in Fallujah, he was shot in the wrist affecting what he loves to do. Shoot his bow!
            Anyways I’ll get off my soap box and hopefully you all won’t think less of me for my rant. My hope is next time you have the opportunity to thank ANYONE who has made a sacrifice for you (Vets, your mom, Jesus…) I hope you take full advantage of that opportunity and not disregard it…46 times.

          • Cottonwood
              Post count: 311

              Shawhill, thank you for bringing this up. I am a Vietnam Veteran, served in the USAF during that time. I see your a Veteran as well, thank you for your service. I have 3 nephews serving USMC right now.

            • Robin Conrads
                Post count: 916

                Hi Dan. I wouldn’t be so hard on the folks here. Just because they didn’t reply, doesn’t mean they don’t agree with you, or they don’t support veterans. Many here are veterans and we have a really great group. I read posts all the time, and I’m sure others do too, that I don’t reply to. Everyone is entitled to browse and participate in this forum on their own terms. Please don’t take offense with that.


              • sorno
                  Post count: 13

                  Count as mine at least 6 of those 46 views…sometimes I cant come up with the words to thank someone for something so important. I mean, for me to simply write a two-word response of ‘thank you’ seems wholly inadequate. I apologize for my tardiness, but have intended some sort of profound response for a couple days now…then my computer took a dive and I had to steal my kid’s computer to respond now.
                  We’re off to the Veteran’s Day parade in a couple hours to thank some of the local Vets for their service (Korean War Vets are the Grand Marshals). But to the Vets who are members and guests on this site, my most sincere thanks and appreciation goes out to you.

                • gidaddy911
                    Post count: 45

                    Gotta remember alot of these guys check this on the fly when they only got a few minutes to spare (myself being one of them). Thank you for the shout out though! Being a Soldier can at times be a rough and thankless job, but if it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. I miss out on a lot of hunting due to obligations to the Army, but with a current duty station change I am actually getting a chance to plan a hunt in New Mexico and start planning for a Elk hunt in colorado next year! This will be my first hunt ever with traditional tackle. Planning it is almost as fun as doing it!
                    To all those Vets and those currently serving, thank you.

                  • shawhill
                      Post count: 63

                      I really wasn’t offended, just dissapointed. I wasn’t trying to come off hard on any one its just that when you see a large viewing with only one response its…well its dissapointing. And a thank you doesnt need to be profound, just heart felt. Those two simple words might not look like much on a thread, but they look better than nothing. Anyways I just don’t want anyone to think I was angry or offended. I cant stay serious long enough to be that way. So on that note Im officially off my soap box! For real this time! 😀

                    • Nutmeg
                        Post count: 33

                        Well I haven’t been here in a while so I just saw this. I’ll say a belated Happy Veterans day and thanks to all of our vets and the brave men and women who are in harms way. From an old Navy Vietnam vet. Rich Potter USN EM2 1969-1973

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