Home Forums Bows and Equipment Very Short Draw Length and Form???

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    • tradhunter26
        Post count: 1

        I have a question about my draw length – I am a 5’8″ male (slightly shorter, but somewhat average sized) and when I purchased my first trad bow, the guy who measured me told me my draw length was around 26″-27″. He used a method where  I held an arrow nock to my chest and reached out in front of me as far as I comfortably could, and he measured. With that information, I ordered arrows (already cut and fletched) and used spine charts to determine my insert and point weight. That has worked relatively well for me up until now.

        As of this past spring, I’ve been trying to get my equipment really dialed in because I’m hoping to hunt strictly with my trad bow this year. When I began the process of bare shaft tuning, I finally measured my own draw length, and was SHOCKED to find out that my draw length is really only about 24″ – 25″. That seems extremely short for someone that is my height, and I’m wondering if I am not drawing correctly, or if that truly is my real draw length. I keep my shooting arm straight, try my best to utilize my back muscles to draw and anchor at the corner of my mouth and cheek bone. I shoot with a swing draw and always concentrate on hitting anchor. Every time I re-measure my DL, I still obtain the same number, right around 24″-25″, unless I really stretch my anchor point a bit, which feels very unnatural. Even if I stretch, the maximum I can hit is around 26″.

        Does anyone else have a very short DL at a similar height of around 5’8″, or is there possibly something I am doing incorrectly as it relates to my form? I understand a shorter DL affects the actual bow poundage, but does having a short DL affect bow performance, or have any notable disadvantages? It just seems very odd to have such a short DL, and I wonder if I need to change my anchor point.

        Thanks for any feedback or advice anyone can provide!!!


        • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by tradhunter26.
      • aeronut
          Post count: 383

          I’m about the same height and my draw in around 25-26″.

          Some pictures of your shooting form would tell a lot.

          • Ronald Schoening
              Post count: 24

              With a longbow i am 27 and with a recurve i am 28 ,its because of the high wrist grip.

          • richard roop
              Post count: 504

              Yes, photos would be a help.

              A couple of things come to mind, though.

              Are you shooting with a closed or open stance and is the forearm of your drawing arm in line with the arrow or out at an angle at full draw ???

              And, most important, is the short draw working for you ??  If so, I would consider being very careful about making too many changes.

            • richard roop
                Post count: 504

                One more thought; Are you pushing with your bow-arm shoulder or could it be rolling back in ???

              • Raymond Coffman
                  Post count: 1227

                  Tradhunter 26

                  Ditto what everyone else said….

                  I am 5’7 1/2″ and draw around 26+- . When I was younger and taller and no arthritis, I Drew 27″. I shoot an ” open stance”

                  Scout aka Ray

                • Stephen Graf
                    Post count: 2426

                    I think your draw length is about right.  The guy in the store should have told you to relax and drop your elbows a bit.  Had you done that and not overextended, you would have seen the 24-25 inch draw length I think.

                    A comfortable draw length is important to consistent accuracy.  Trying to overextend to get that last inch is where trouble starts.  The deer don’t care.

                    Think about your draw length within the context of your whole shot.  Are you shooting well?  Is the bow quiet? Are you suffering pain from shooting? Are you having fun?  If you get the answers you want from these questions, then your draw length is what it needs to be.

                  • Ronald Schoening
                      Post count: 24

                      I am 5 ‘ 8″ and my draw is about 28 on a compound it’s 27.50 .

                    • Kees
                        Post count: 111

                        I’m 5’10” and my draw length is 25″.

                        Height doesn’t really say much except what the average draw length is.  My father was 6’4″.  When we sat side by side, I was about as tall as him.  I have shorter arms and legs, so standing I was 1/2 foot shorter.

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