Home Forums Bows and Equipment twisted limbs

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    • robbin68
        Post count: 49

        I got my wife a 45# Bear Black Panther for her starter bow and it has slightly twisted limbs(it was pretty cheap). How twisted is considered unsafe. It strings up okay. it shoots okay. The only thing I don’t like is that after shooting it the string is to the right of the string groove on the upper limb.

      • Brennan Herr
          Post count: 403

          Go to the home page and on the left side is a tab for the download library. Click on it and there is a article for twisted limbs. I copy and past the below onto your browser and it might take you to it.


          I used the process on a bow I have and it worked great.

          Good luck

        • jpc
            Post count: 170

            Few years ago I resolved same problem as fallow :

            Heat twisted limbs on boiling water

            Then strait them with both hands keep them straight during cold limbs under cold water

            It works . Of course this is possible with wood and glass fiber limbs

            Modern high quality limbs with carbon do not twist

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