Home Forums Campfire Forum twisted limb fixed itself

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    • delmar
        Post count: 2

        Last winter I twisted a limb on my Predator take-down recurve–I wasn’t using a stringer. After I stopped crying, I took it apart and put it away. My plan was to have a go at easing it back in line with some hot water and gentle coaxing. I put it back together yesterday to eyeball it and get an idea of how far out of line it was. Lo and behold, it looked perfect. I strung it up and shot it–works like a champ. Am I just lucky?

      • rchery59
          Post count: 5

          Not that uncommon if the twist was moderate. The limb will naturally try and go back to it’s original shape. if it happens again twist it back cold. Better to not use any heat. Only as a last resort.

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