Home Forums Bows and Equipment Trail cams

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    • gigglemonk
        Post count: 146

        Hey all

        I looking to purchase my first trail cam. With my birthday coming Im not too concerned about the price tag, but….. If you could recommend a trail cam for under 200 bucks which would it be? And if you could recommend a higher end model, which one?

        Thanks all


      • Brennan Herr
          Post count: 403

          I have an old moultrie which works well….but for a new one it would have to be a cuddeback attack ir.

        • Timbow
            Post count: 23

            No problems with my Bushnell Trophy Cam. The batteries last a very long time. Try googling trail cam reviews.

          • David Petersen
              Post count: 2749

              I have a Covert, a few years old and cost only about a hundred new. It has been flawless and takes shots up to about 2mb. It’s small compared to most, camo rather than black, totally water and weatherproof, uses infrared flash, and best of all I can leave it out and take hundreds of pics all summer, flash and daylight, on one set of 8 AA batteries and they still have plenty of juice left to run a flashlight, etc. I’ve not seen another I like as much, but then I’m hardly a camera expert and it’s hardly top-end. But it might be worth checking out the newer models when you’re shopping. I bought my online directly from the manufacturer. I strongly advise you to avoid the really big ones I’m seeing lately, unless you’ll be carrying it no farther than your extended backyard. There’s no point in posting sample photos here since they have to be compressed so much you can’t tell anything about quality. Enjoy the search.

            • lyagooshka
                Post count: 600


                Hope this link works, but there was another similar thread recently.


                I have a Primos Truth 35. Got it on Amazon. Was like $75. Takes decent pictures. If you like it (I think there are some samples on the other thread), you could probably get 2 for the price of some higher-end cameras. Check out the link. Be well.



              • Stumpkiller
                  Post count: 193

                  I have a Primos Truth 55 that I just picked up when they went on sale in December. So far so good . . . just not capturing any bucks.

                • Bunyan Morris
                    Post count: 135

                    I have a Moultrie game cam that is approximately five years old. I paid $95.00 for it at the time. Cheap! I’ve never had a problem with it. It has out exceeded my expectations.

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