Home Forums Bows and Equipment Tip section ……………. paper tuning

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    • richard roop
        Post count: 526

        The link to ‘tuning 101’ doesn’t seem to be working ????

        Question; If the bow is shot canted at a 45* angle, wouldn’t the nock position need to be compensated for that  when interperting the tear ????

      • Robin Conrads
          Post count: 916

          Thanks, Richard for telling me about the link snafu. I try to check those but obviously one slipped through the cracks. It’s fixed now. Here is the link: https://tradbow.com/tuning-101

          As far as the question about canting your bow, I hope someone more knowledgeable chimes in, but I would think it doesn’t matter what angle your bow is at.


        • richard roop
            Post count: 526

            Got it …… Good stuff !!!

            I tend to go a bit over-board when tuning.  I have a set of bare shafts, two each of different weight points. (Anything worth doing is worth over-doing)

            One thing that I haven’t seen mentioned is replacing the weight of the fletching on the bare shaft.  On mine, it’s 15 grains total for the three feathers. It may or may not be enough to affect the total weight or F.O.C. balance but just to be sure, I added lines of glue to the fletch area & re-weighed when dry until I had brought the weight back up.

            There’s a difference between knowing it’s good and KNOWING it’s good.

          • Robin Conrads
              Post count: 916

              Adding glue is a good idea. On Matt’s cheat sheet he indicated that you want your bare shaft to shoot slightly weak (nock left for a right handed shooter) as adding fletching tends to make it appear slightly stiffer. Your glue idea seems to be more exact.

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