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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        There is a deer (a buck) about 20′ in back of you watching your every move. Don’t bother turning around. If you were to turn enough to see him, you would hurt your back and have to be rescued (or fall on your face).

        Remember the cell phone (with unlimited text) you lost last year. You didn’t loose it, they stole it when you fell asleep and they are texting more than you are. They are using stolen phones to track us. It goes something like this….

        “What happened to the guy with diarrhea?”

        “He’s sitting on a bucket in the back of his buddies pickup.”

        “Anybody tracking the Aqua Velva man?”

        “Yup. He’s walking around in circles in the corn field.”

        “Where is the guy in the smelly old hat?”

        “He calls it a lucky hat. He got soaked when he fell in the creek, Thinking he is frozen to the log he is sitting on.”

        “Anybody seen the short ugly old man?”

        “He is watching the hidden meadow, and farting. The guy doesn’t have a doe tag (they hacked the Fish & Game) Martha is setting up a doe parade.”

        “Any other news?”

        “Rudolf stole a guy’s bow while he was climbing up to his tree stand.”

        “Bambi stole a ladder from a tree stand on Oak Ridge.”

        “The tree rats are dropping acorns on the one of the old farts. Got 4 direct hits on his bald spot.”

        “What happened to the skinny guy with the big tree stand on his back?”

        “He’s caught up in the alder thicket. His feet are off the ground, may be here till spring.”

        “The goofy guy with buck teeth is watching the World Series on his cell. He’s not going to see anything.”

        Anybody else seen their text msg on your cell?

        See yourself in here?

      • David Coulter
          Post count: 2293

          That’s a great laugh to start the day! thank, dwc

        • Ralph
            Post count: 2580

            Have a good day Grumpy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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