Home Forums Campfire Forum The view from above (the corn field).

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    • George D. Stout
        Post count: 256

        Well they chopped the corn down by the creek this past week. Now the bucks will be relegated to the ridges above the fields and hopefully more approachable. Saw a good eight point Saturday morning, but he caught me in the open…like they can pretty often. 😕

        Anyway, this still gets the heart pumping after nearly fifty years of bowhunting….and they can still make me look pretty silly at times.

      • lyagooshka
          Post count: 600

          Great looking piece of land. Good luck. Be well.



        • kellydockter
            Post count: 67

            good feelings and good luck

          • David Coulter
              Post count: 2293

              Nice view, George. I think perhaps we’re the silliest when we’re taking ourselves to seriously. Love the venison and glad to have some chicken in the freezer. dwc

            • Wexbow
                Post count: 403

                Oh the potential… 😀

              • Roger Norris
                  Post count: 91

                  Now you gottem George!

                • George D. Stout
                    Post count: 256

                    Saturday was a nice day to be in the woods. It was about 25 degrees on the ridge, and when the sun finally hit the tree tops, the leaves started to fall and the whole woods was in motion for awhile. Nature never fails to keep me alert and energized. Don’t know why anyone would take I-pads or books into the woods with them when one only needs to pay attention to see a naturally entertaining show.

                  • archer38
                      Post count: 242

                      George D. Stout wrote: Saturday was a nice day to be in the woods. It was about 25 degrees on the ridge, and when the sun finally hit the tree tops, the leaves started to fall and the whole woods was in motion for awhile. Nature never fails to keep me alert and energized. Don’t know why anyone would take I-pads or books into the woods with them when one only needs to pay attention to see a naturally entertaining show.

                      Well said sir…well said

                    • William Warren
                        Post count: 1384

                        Sounds great George. I agree. Not just the sights but the sounds too. Just listen to the quiet patter of the leaves hitting the ground along with squirrels cutting acorns or hickory nuts. It’s just nature doing what it does. If you blink you’ll miss it.

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