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    • Charles Ek
        Post count: 566

        Right up front, I’ll acknowledge that this thread has seemingly little to do with bowhunting with traditional equipment. For that reason, I understand and accept that it might get deleted by our wonderful administrator, whose work I applaud every time I see it in practice. 😉

        Having said all that, it’s the “seemingly” aspect that motivates me to share this. There’s a new movie opening today, “The Grey”. A review today in the NYT suggests that it might be just the sort of thing that would interest many of us here.

        I don’t hang out face-to-face with bowhunters. (In fact, I don’t hang out face-to-face with anyone, other than the vegetarian I live with who wishes me luck every time I go hunting.) For that reason, this forum is for me a way to connect with like-minded folks who maybe don’t do all that much face-to-face stuff themselves. So I thought you might be interested in the movie, the review and/or a discussion of either.

      • Stephen Graf
          Post count: 2426

          I saw a trailer for the movie. It looks to me like another Jaws movie only this time the wolf gets to be the bad guy. Just what we need, another movie demonizing nature.


          I read the review you posted. It’s amazing to me how such a gratuitous boogieman movie can be portrayed as something meaningful.

          Oh, I would love to make some analogies here to illustrate the moral depravity of this “movie”. But I know the tread would get deleted then 😳

        • Bruce Smithhammer
            Post count: 2514

            I only saw the preview, but it looked incredibly hokey. These are “wilderness” movies for clueless people who never actually spend time in wilderness. Bread and circuses for the zombie fodder.

            IMHO, of course…8)

          • David Petersen
              Post count: 2749

              OK gents, let’s not get what my wife calls “agitato” about a flik. It is a borderline topic here but as long as we can have some fun with it and don’t drive one another’s blood pressure up, what the heck. In a weird conjunction of input on this topic (I read the NYT review this morning and watched the clip just minutes ago), I was just reading the three posts above while listening to NPR news in the background … when suddenly there’s the director of “The Grey” doing an interview and attempting to explain that if we pay attention, this is not just another “man versus killer wildlife” film, but has a deeper layer, namely, exploring how men, males, deal with fear of death. Liam’s character apparently is a pragmatic man with no supernatural faith and is dealing with the recent death of his wife. He believes in what his senses tell him. Another in the group is very religious. Etc. These topics get brought out in campfire conversation and more subtly via lines and actions in the flick – this examination of how different men, with varying degrees of macho, religion, etc., deal with extreme threat of danger, prolonged fear, and a fear or even conviction of pending death. Is there an afterlife or will my “afterlife” be limited to bones in wolf scat? The NPR interviewer said, as a compliment, “This movie is no more about wolves than Moby Dick is about whales.”

              And so on — that’s how the director is hoping it will be perceived, his intent, and so far all the bigtime reviewers are being pretty generous. And Liam Neeson is not your usual Bigfoot Killer Grizz low-end actor. Yet, from what I saw in the preview, I don’t think I’ll be seeing it at a theater and may or may not when it comes out in DVD. For one thing, I’m not much of a movie guy (nor novels either). For another, this clearly ain’t no Moby Dick. I do think it’s a cut above, or several cuts above, the usual “killer this or that” flick, but it still functions to distance man from the rest of nature and promote outright BS. Wolf packs sometimes follow people, sometimes quite close (I have some close subsistence-trapper friends in deep-bush AK, and also Val Geist on civilized Vancouver Island, who have experienced this) but it appears mere curiosity. The idea that a pack of glowing-eyed wolves would stalk a group of stranded humans for the purpose of killing and eating them has NO basis in reality. And that part I too resent. Now, if they’d had ARnie with them he could have made a bow from natural materials that shoots through large trees, as he did in Predator, which is among my favorite cult-camp fliks.

            • William Warren
                Post count: 1384

                Yep, I saw the reviews and it seems they have taken a gamble as to how this will be percieved. There is some concern how well it will do at the box office. I have to wonder how many that will be attracted to the Jaws type hype will actually get the deeper aspect that is intended.

                I’m not a big movie goer. Have a tough time with crowds if I can’t see an “out” so maybe I’ll catch it on Netflix someday or better yet, read the book and get the real story.

              • Stephen Graf
                  Post count: 2426

                  Dave, you are so levelheaded. I guess that’s why you get to be the Grey-Beard 😀 After reading my post again, it did sound uppity. Sorry Folks.

                  I rarely go to the movies, but through a series of paradoxical events, we ended up going to the new Sherlock Holms flick. And I was really disturbed by several of the trailers we saw before the movie started. I guess that’s what got me going…

                  This movie reminds me of Leopold’s discussion of Ulysses treatment of his slaves upon returning from his Journey.

                • Bruce Smithhammer
                    Post count: 2514

                    Likewise. Sorry if I came off harsh. I realize that the preview and the actual movie can be quite different things in some cases, and it sounds like that might be the case here as well.

                    Like others have mentioned, I just get pretty tired of simplistic, “man vs nature” themes, and the tired old demonization of predators. As fewer and fewer people spend time in wild places, such treatments become the primary impression many people have of what wilderness is, and I don’t think that’s a good thing.

                    Has anyone actually seen the movie yet?

                  • paleoman
                      Post count: 931

                      It’s so easy to find fault or virtue wherever someone decides it is. Unless you want to be a professional critic and not enjoy anything anymore, hell, it’s just entertainment and I think most people get that. Just my couple cents…now as much as some people can’t stand Sean Penn, I just love a lot of what he’s done – Into the Wild had beautiful imagery and love it or hate it I thought Tree of Life was thoughtfully done too. I don’t think this stuff is off topic for the site. Lots of thoughtful people kicking around here!

                    • David Petersen
                        Post count: 2749

                        Scott — re Sean Penn, don’t leave out “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.” :P:lol:

                      • Bruce Smithhammer
                          Post count: 2514

                          paleoman wrote: It’s so easy to find fault or virtue wherever someone decides it is. Unless you want to be a professional critic and not enjoy anything anymore, hell, it’s just entertainment and I think most people get that.

                          Yeah, I would tend to agree…to a point. I like brainless entertainment as much as anyone (‘Zombieland’ is absolutely one of my favorite movies of the last few years…). But I think it’s also true that a lot of entertainment still hints at deeper cultural significance. And it’s pretty clear from his interview on NPR, etc, that the director in this case wasn’t just going for entertainment, but is apparently also trying to delve into some fairly deep issues…

                          Ah, hell it’s the off-season. And a Saturday. I’m all for a pint of hops and spirited, but friendly, debate!

                        • SteveMcD
                            Post count: 870

                            Great review, Dave! One thing though< "Liam's character apparently is a pragmatic man with no supernatural faith and is dealing with the recent death of his wife". That may be the reason why he took the part. This to some extent is Art imitating Life. As Liam Neilson just lost his wife unexpectedly a year or so ago. He also Flyfishes quite a bit up my way here in Southeast New York. I will probably go see it. Seems to be good entertain with a moral message.

                          • David Petersen
                              Post count: 2749

                              Bruce — Do you mean Zombie Nation with Woody Harrelson? If so, I’m with you that it’s a hoot … right there on my list of favorite frivolous film entertainment with Arnie’s classic Predator and of course most of Cheech y Chong. If there is also a Zombieland, then I’ve missed something … or else you’ve already hopped a few pints today. 😛

                              Steve, indeed that unfortunate parallel of Neeson’s film and personal losses was brought out in the NPR interview.

                              To get more back toward bowhunting, a while back my wife watched a flick about some female assassin who used a bow, a stickbow I think. Anyone see that one? Any good, so far as being realistic in the archery arena? I wouldn’t watch such a movie, but I might speed through and hi-grade the “bowhunting” parts if they’re any good. Like our resident Hammersmith 😛 (many of my Danish ancesters also were horseshoe makers) points out, sort of, it’s winter and life is slow to the point of silliness.

                            • Bruce Smithhammer
                                Post count: 2514

                                I know the film she’s referring to – I believe it’s called “Hanna.” It’s about a girl who’s been trained by her father to be a bad@$$ assassin who can survive anywhere. It started out ok, with some fairly decent trad bowhunting footage somewhere in Scandanavia, but that was only a few minutes at the beginning and then it got more and more far-fetched as it went.

                                However, on similar theme (trad bows in movies, that is), I think that this will probably hold my attention longer:


                                Based on a great trilogy of books.

                              • David Petersen
                                  Post count: 2749

                                  Well, since we’re talking visual entertainment here in the boring deptsh of winter, some tradbow related and some not, I might as well pass this along since it’s easy enough to ignore it. Yesterday was Edward Abbey’s birthday, and in celebration a friend sent me this link to one of the better bio-films about him, with lots of gorgeous SW scenery, plenty of Abbey footage in various modes, and interviews with his friends, including a couple of bit parts by me, always embarrassing when I see it now. But it’s a good flick anyhow for Abbey fans and anyone interested in learning a bit more about this southwestern cult icon who changed so many lives for the better.

                                • David Petersen
                                    Post count: 2749

                                    Well, since we’re talking visual entertainment here in the boring deptsh of winter, some tradbow related and some not, I might as well pass this along since it’s easy enough to ignore it. Yesterday was Edward Abbey’s birthday, and in celebration a friend sent me this link to one of the better bio-films about him, with lots of gorgeous SW scenery, plenty of Abbey footage in various modes, and interviews with his friends, including a couple of bit parts by me, always embarrassing when I see it now. But it’s a good flick anyhow for Abbey fans and anyone interested in learning a bit more about this southwestern cult icon who changed so many livesand the West, for the better. http://vimeo.com/27417586

                                  • Stephen Graf
                                      Post count: 2426

                                      Dave – I tried the link, but I guess you have to be a member and I just try to avoid being a member of anything these days…

                                      What’s the name of video, and maybe I can find it on Roku…

                                      I had my famous movie moment too. It lasted for exactly 0.02 seconds during the filming of Apollo 13. They were filming a scene and caught me walking through the firing room. But alas, I think it ended up on the editing room floor…

                                    • SDMFer
                                        Post count: 54

                                        Since Dave mentioned Ed Abbey, and this is a moving picture thread. I recently finished Postcards from Ed, and out of curiosity this morning I searched for “The Monkey Wrench Gang Movie”, and apparently Hollywood is going to butcher another novel with a slated release for 2013. At least thats what I learned from the internet this morning.

                                      • David Petersen
                                          Post count: 2749

                                          STeve — right after I posted that, for some reason the site “locked up.” Talked to the owner, Eric Temple, and he fixed it. You should be able to get it now.

                                          Anthony — They’ve been talking about a Monkey WRench Gang flick for decades. Ed joked long before he died that “I’ll go broke if they ever make this film,” as he was getting a nice annual retainer “on option.” Countless scripts have been written and rejected, and at one time of another it has been under option by Rbt. Redford, Carroll Ballard (Never Cry Wolf) and last I heard, Woody Harrelson. I’m out of that loop now and haven’t a clue. But unless it’s done as a serious comedy-action flik it will suck. Ed wasn’t a hunter and really disliked a lot of what he saw down in AZ and in UT under the guise of hunting (so do it), yet loved to eat elk when visiting and called me “a gentleman elk hunter,” whatever that means.:lol:

                                        • JodyS
                                            Post count: 114

                                            This is hilarious. This thread was pretty quick to abandon the themes of man vs. wolves, afterlife vs. no-afterlife, and such. I am glad that our administrator has allowed this thread to roll on.

                                            First, as 12 year boy who saw Fast Times at Ridgemont High when it landed on cable TV, I barely recall Sean Penn being in it; I seem to just recall, vividly, Phoebe Cates taking the cake in that flick.

                                            Second, and on a more serious note, the Abbey film that Dave recommended is a good one. I watched it after he informed me of it. It is a good tribute with great scenery and thoughts from those who knew Mr. Abbey well. There is a scene of a young Dave Petersen, grinning and gangly, that is worth the price of admission. 😆 Sorry Dave, I couldn’t resist.

                                            Did I mention how good Phoebe Cates was in Fast Times at Ridgement High?? 😳


                                          • jmsmithy
                                              Post count: 300


                                              I’m trying to get that Abbey film and not working. What was name?

                                              As for Phoebe Cates in Fast Times….:shock:

                                            • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                Post count: 2514

                                                That’s hilarious.

                                                A free set of Zwickey Deltas to the first person who can link Pheobe Cates to Kevin Bacon, and then back to Liam Neeson to bring it full circle…


                                              • JodyS
                                                  Post count: 114

                                                  Here goes my dignity…

                                                  Phoebe Cates to Sean Penn in Fast Times at Rigdemont High; Sean Penn to Kevin Bacon in Mystic River; then

                                                  Liam Neeson to Natalie Portman in Star Wars: Phantom Menace; Nataile Portman to Jack Nicholson in Mars Attacks; Jack Nicholson to Kevin Bacon in a Few Good Men.

                                                  There you go Smitty: the lovely Phoebe Cates to Kevin Bacon and KB back to Liam Neeson.

                                                  Dang, I feel like I just lost come IQ points by doing that…:cry:


                                                • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                    Post count: 2514

                                                    WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!

                                                    Must be the off-season!! Haha…PM me your address and the Zwickeys are yours. Well done, sir.

                                                  • David Petersen
                                                      Post count: 2749

                                                      Notwithstanding how impressed I am with Jody’s flick-trivia knowledge … you two guys must really be bored.

                                                      I think “stir crazy” is the term? Bruce, with you special talen for lifting images from movies, please send me a link to an image of old Phoeby at her best. While you young hippies were watching Fast Times, I was … well, doing something else I guess.

                                                      attached file
                                                    • JodyS
                                                        Post count: 114

                                                        Thanks Smitty,

                                                        Yes, Dave it is the off-season. It appears that the dwindling, and slow, bow season, as well as catching up on tying flies for fishing this spring, has resulted in me being a bit stir crazy.

                                                        For the record guys, I have only seen two of those movies. I remembered the people in most of them from movie trailers over the years (photographic memory), but got a little help from the internet too.

                                                        I think that we have exhausted this thread…:wink:

                                                      • David Petersen
                                                          Post count: 2749

                                                          Jody said: “I think that we have exhausted this thread…”

                                                          Who says???

                                                          For instance, none of the expert bowyers here has ever explained the technical intricacies of how Arnie, by firelight while being stalked by the Alien trophy headhunter, fashioned a bow that shot completely through a very large tree, with no broadhead I could see. And what I’ve always wondered did he use for a bowstring? This is important stuff for bowhunters to know in case we’re ever stranded in Central America and pursued by Predators. For instance.

                                                          And who said “Skin that ‘un and I’ll go get you another one.”? Etc.

                                                          And by the way, I found the famous Phoeby scene via google.

                                                          When the going gets tough, the tough get … silly.

                                                        • Raymond Coffman
                                                            Post count: 1227

                                                            Dave —

                                                            I think Arnie’s BH was a 40mm HEDP round, and probably used Paracord for the string —-

                                                            Bear claw Chris Lapp to Jeremiah johnson

                                                            and isn’t it wonderfull we can always find Phoebe via the internet –hahaha


                                                          • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                              Post count: 2514

                                                              David Petersen wrote: Jody said: “I think that we have exhausted this thread…”

                                                              Who says???

                                                              For instance, none of the expert bowyers here has ever explained the technical intricacies of how Arnie, by firelight while being stalked by the Alien trophy headhunter, fashioned a bow that shot completely through a very large tree, with no broadhead I could see. And what I’ve always wondered did he use for a bowstring? This is important stuff for bowhunters to know in case we’re ever stranded in Central America and pursued by Predators. For instance.

                                                              And who said “Skin that ‘un and I’ll go get you another one.”? Etc.

                                                              And by the way, I found the famous Phoeby scene via google.

                                                              When the going gets tough, the tough get … silly.

                                                            • David Petersen
                                                                Post count: 2749

                                                                Ah, Scout, those riddles obviously were way too easy. But in movie trivia I am seriously challenged. I am dazzled how easily Jody nailed Bruce’s very difficult riddle. Smithhammer, I know this man Jody and he truly does have photographic memory, with a very fast shutter speed … you just may have met your match there for quick wit! I’d give a giant bottle of George Dickel to be sitting in the shadows beyond the campfire light and listening to you two guys slugging it out over intellectual trivia, ho! Me, I’m always at my most intelligent when I’m alone. A lesion in my own mind 🙄

                                                              • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                  Post count: 2514

                                                                  Your skills are certainly impressive, young jedi. But now the gauntlet has been thrown. In trying to somehow keep this thread relevant…

                                                                  Can you connect Howard Hill to Kevin Costner?

                                                                • JodyS
                                                                    Post count: 114

                                                                    Wow, now that is a challenge. Thanks Smitty!

                                                                    I am going off pure memory here, and responding quickly, so here it goes:

                                                                    a. In Howard Hill’s book, Hunting the Hard Way, he describes a buffalo hunt in which he hunted, shot, and killed a buffalo on horseback on the Great Plains.

                                                                    b. Kevin Costner, playing Lt. John Dunbar, had a scene in Dances with Wolves in which he too hunted buffalo on horseback on the Great Plains.

                                                                    Dances with Wolves is a great movie!

                                                                    That may not be what you are looking for but it is a connection that I can make from memory.

                                                                    As to great movie quotes fellas, where did this line come from: “Nonsense gentlemen, I not yet begun to defile myself.” Hint: a great western from the 90’s.


                                                                  • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                      Post count: 2514

                                                                      Easy – Tombstone.

                                                                      Which had another of my favorite quotes, by the same character:

                                                                      “My hypocrisy knows no bounds.”

                                                                    • JodyS
                                                                        Post count: 114

                                                                        Well done. Tombstone is hard to beat for one liners.

                                                                        Was that the connection between Howard Hill and Kevin Costner that you were looking for?

                                                                        I propose that we continue this conversation somewhere in a central location to all of us, so that we can burn a lot time around a campfire with stories, grilled red meat, and no recording devices or cell phones; all after a day of chasing longbeards.


                                                                      • Bruce Smithhammer
                                                                          Post count: 2514

                                                                          JodyS wrote:

                                                                          Was that the connection between Howard Hill and Kevin Costner that you were looking for?

                                                                          That was good, but not quite. I’ll give you a hint – they are connected by a movie in which they both played the same role, and it can be done in 4 steps.

                                                                          I propose that we continue this conversation somewhere in a central location to all of us, so that we can burn a lot time around a campfire with stories, grilled red meat, and no recording devices or cell phones; all after a day of chasing longbeards.

                                                                          I’m in.

                                                                        • JodyS
                                                                            Post count: 114


                                                                            Both Howard Hill and Kevin Costner had a role in a Robin Hood movie. If I recall correctly, Howard Hill did the major shooting scenes for Errol Flynn in the old B and W Robin Hood. Kevin Costener played Robin Hood in the 90’s version Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

                                                                            That is about as good as I can do on a Thursday night at 10 pm CST.

                                                                            If we can’t find a suitable location, let’s go with somewhere close to you and Dave so that I can hunt quail, chukars (not native here), and Merriam’s turkeys all in one trip. 😀

                                                                          • kjlarson
                                                                              Post count: 26

                                                                              The Grey. I would give it a zero. I wanted to leave but didn’t want to embarrass my wife. I wish the wolves took everyone out the first five minutes. It would have saved my ears of having to listen to the f word for the hundredth time and the pointless hopeless story line. Thank God I fell asleep for a while.

                                                                            • JodyS
                                                                                Post count: 114

                                                                                Well…since the movie got a bad review, maybe we should crank up another episode of trad bow guy movie trivia.

                                                                                Perhaps we might switch to “Rock songs from the 70’s/80’s” instead…Dave may dominate this one.8)

                                                                              • tailfeather
                                                                                  Post count: 417

                                                                                  If I can dodge the flying popcorn, I’d sure like to watch that link to the Abbey film. Is it working for anyone else?

                                                                                • David Petersen
                                                                                    Post count: 2749

                                                                                    Tailfeather — I’ve given up. The link works for a while, then locks us out again. I have, via an intermediary, contacted the producer three times and he’s got it working three times … briefly. His name is Eric Temple and if you google “eric temple edward abbey” you might come up with a way to contact him directly or get a different, friendlier link. If I’d know it would be so cranky I’d not have posted it. There are three or four excellent Abbey programs out there, and this is the only one I’ve found that’s downloadable. Maybe someone with better internet skills than mine (that’s almost anybody) can straighten this out. Sorry …

                                                                                  • skifrk
                                                                                      Post count: 387


                                                                                      is the video the documentary excerpt? I can find that if I google and can get to it other wise no go.

                                                                                    • DAbersold
                                                                                        Post count: 111

                                                                                        The Grey? Quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen, and I’m one of those guys who generally like movies others don’t. Complete waste of several thousand heartbeats, unless you like foul language, poor CG animation, bad acting, and a terrible story line. If you like THAT kind of movie, this one rocked! 😕

                                                                                      • Charles Ek
                                                                                          Post count: 566

                                                                                          DAbersold wrote: The Grey? Quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen, and I’m one of those guys who generally like movies others don’t. Complete waste of several thousand heartbeats, unless you like foul language, poor CG animation, bad acting, and a terrible story line. If you like THAT kind of movie, this one rocked! 😕

                                                                                          Thanks to kjlarson and DAbersold for saving me $12 and the time it would take to drive sixty miles round trip and see this flick. Leaves more time and money for making arrows. 😀

                                                                                        • YankeeRedneck
                                                                                            Post count: 15

                                                                                            Hey, the new movie the Avengers has a super hero shooting a recurve in it.

                                                                                            attached file
                                                                                          • Raymond Coffman
                                                                                              Post count: 1227

                                                                                              I see most of my movies on DVD —

                                                                                              I remembered the comments on this thread so watched “The Grey”

                                                                                              the other day much to my regret [ all the trad bow reviews were correct] horrid film.


                                                                                              I also picked up a Korean film titled “War of the Arrows”

                                                                                              Basically a period piece action adventure, with a lot of { Recurve }archery in it, with a well done “archery duel” in the last third. Don’t get me wrong it’s “Hollywood”. but no more so than Most of the “Robin Hood” pixs which I also enjoyed — after all — they are just Moving Pictures—


                                                                                            • Don Thomas
                                                                                                Post count: 334

                                                                                                Come on, folks. Anyone who lives with a vegetarian who wishes him luck when he goes hunting deserves our full support. I know–my daughter is a “vegetarian” who loads up a cooler full of venison every time she comes home. Don

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