Home Forums Bows and Equipment Texas Nilgai

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    • Crystalshrimp
        Post count: 125

        Has anyone here ever taken a Nilgai with Tradtional equipment? If so what arrow setup would you recommend. For my hog and whitetail i use a 500 grain setup with a 21% FOC, shooting out of a 55# Longbow. I just tuned a couple of arrows at 650 grains for Nilgai if im lucky enough to get within range. Any Suggestions. I’m guessing that Nilgai have a significantly thicker hide than that of Elk Or Moose but i would do not know for sure. If anybody can shed some light on this topic I’m all Ears……

      • wildschwein
          Post count: 581

          Only one I have ever heard of is Mike Mitten. I think he had an article about it in TBM sometime back. Wish I could tell you more.

        • Troy Breeding
            Post count: 994

            A friend of mine took one several years ago with a longbow on the King Ranch. The only one I’ve ever seen was haulng butt at light speed before I could even raise my bow. Supposed to be some of the best meat out there.


          • Crystalshrimp
              Post count: 125

              Troy Breeding wrote: A friend of mine took one several years ago with a longbow on the King Ranch.

              King Ranch? Ouch. I’ve been able to work there due to my job and I will only dream of Hunting There. As for Nilgai Meat, I have some buddies that harvest a couple each year on their leases and I can confirm that Nilgai meat is Delicious only second to Scimitar oryx in my opinion. Man, have you seen the going rate for Hunting on the King Ranch or any of the adjacent Ranches? In anycase it is doable, I was wondering if anyone here had any experience hunting these guys. Ill be stalking them this year on a public hunt in Texas.

            • Troy Breeding
                Post count: 994

                My friend hunted the King Ranch several years ago before they kicked out all the outfitters that used to lease parts of it. The one Nilgai I saw was on the King ranch as well. Like my friend, my hunt was several years ago. I paid $75.00 a day to hunt back then. We could hunt hogs, varmits and if we had a chance we could take a nilgai as well. Like I said, the oly one I saw was gone in a flash. After afew articals on huntig them the Ranch figured out they were more of an investment than a curse.


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