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    • Patrick
        Post count: 1148

        I see a lot of interesting and unique usernames. How did you come up with yours?
        I’ll start: Mine is my first name. I like to think outside the box. 😆

      • Bert
          Post count: 164

          Patrick- interesting topic- it intrigues me also. As to “HalfaHun” its because I’m half a Hungarian on my father’s side- aka Attila the Hun, Magyar and I pull a 50# longbow. If I move up in draw weight I’ll have to change my “nom de bow” to perhaps “60aHun” or whatever or since I’m 60 maybe “1/3aHun. I’ve found you don’t grow stronger as you grow older just more obstinate! Make do with what you have and what you can pull- any exteme Foc on 35# arrows?

        • Jesse Minish
            Post count: 115

            HalfaHun, You must be a good shot from your horse then:wink:

          • Rocks
              Post count: 104

              Mine is my nickname from work – I’m a wellsite geologist, and look at drill cuttings (rocks) for a living.

            • Mark Turton
                Post count: 759

                Mine could be because I can never find the teapot, but no, I’ve always hunted food for the pot never trophies, if I ever get the opportunity of a large beast it is an unexpected bonus, and it happens rarely.


              • Daniel
                  Post count: 247

                  I met a medicine woman a while back and without even speaking a word, she came to me and called me a Standing Bear. Immediately after doing so she told me about how I had been protecting people all of my life and she was right. Those were the only words she spoke that evening, made me think, but again, she was right because that’s what I am meant to do.


                • Chris Shelton
                    Post count: 679

                    Wow I like this thread, good one patrick. My user name I think has everyone confused. But of course there is a reason for all madness. My youtube user name is Guitararcher. Simply because I love my guitar and my bow. But when I tried to use it here it wouldnt let me, so I though for a split second and my prized bow, my 55 pound take down that I ALWAYs use basically, is the deer master by greatree. So there you have it, kinda like a user name I have seen before, bearbowman, I think he is a subscriber on my youtube channel. But I am a greatree archer, I would recomend a greatree bow to anyone, and they are cheaper, which is good for someone getting started. They do like to specialize in competition type stuff though, but they have a line of hunting bows. Anyway that is that, I like what I have seen, pothunter I laughed so hard when you said yours, what you said at the end is what I thought it was. All great names!! Again great thread!

                  • Bert
                      Post count: 164

                      Jesse Minish wrote: HalfaHun, You must be a good shot from your horse then:wink:

                      Jesse- I admire horses-from afar! The last time I rode a nag it tried to scrape me off against a barbed-wire fence- at a full gallop- after my feet slipped from the misadjusted stirrups. Visions of my body hurtling through the barbed-wire like a cheese slicer! Guess I’ll just use the quads God gave me.
                      Good hunting-Bert

                    • Hubertus
                        Post count: 99

                        St. Hubert, patron saint of hunters. (Hubertus is the latin version, I suppose.)
                        My heritage and current church membership lie with a denomination that has historically shunned the veneration of saints (one of those lovely theological quibbles that makes everyone love religion, right?), but in the story of St. Hubert, I found the valuable lesson. The wilderness can provide a mere distraction from or a real encounter with truth. And since (as those of you who have read my other posts & threads know) hunting does not feed my family, I try to remind myself what tofocus on in the hunt.

                      • M
                          Post count: 107

                          Not good at making up usernames so I hit a key at random.

                        • Patrick
                            Post count: 1148

                            M wrote: Not good at making up usernames so I hit a key at random.

                            LOL! Are you serious?!

                          • William Warren
                              Post count: 1384

                              Good one Patrick!
                              OK, a “snuff-or-not” is a cheap baffle for a motorcycle straight pipe. It is basically a small “pan” shaped piece of stamped steel with four 1/8″ holes drilled in it. The handle or tab goes through a 1/4″ hole drilled in the end of the pipe and is held in place by a spring loaded nut. It flips open or shut on an indexed washer. A very simple muffler, hence the name snuff-or-not. Of course I preferred my pipes wide open!
                              Now that was probably not what everyone was thinking about my handle, right?

                            • M
                                Post count: 107

                                I am serious. if you dont like it I can change it to ………… S

                              • Mark Turton
                                  Post count: 759

                                  The worrying thing is that M is currently deep in a rocket silo…………..don’t push the big red button:shock:

                                • Mark Turton
                                    Post count: 759

                                    Double post

                                  • SDMFer
                                      Post count: 54

                                      No BLS fans on this forum?

                                      SDMF can have 2 meanings;

                                      Strength Determination Merciless Forever, title of Black Lable Society song,


                                      Society Dwelling Mother F***er

                                      since I add the ‘er at the end you can see where my preference lies.

                                    • Patrick
                                        Post count: 1148

                                        M wrote: I am serious. if you dont like it I can change it to ………… S

                                        :lol::lol: No need to change it, the letter M is just fine:wink:

                                      • Carbomask
                                          Post count: 39

                                          I think carbomask is very mysterious, yet just teetering on anonymous. (ya right). carbomask is synonomous in my mind to my favorite thing to do is bowhunt and facepaint. Its just not the same without it. and, after using online for 12 years, its become my “identity”. its always interesting to see someone “recognize” me, I’ve met alot of facepainters you can imagine.

                                        • johnny2
                                            Post count: 135

                                            Dad was Johnny1. When I was a kid everyone called me Johnny Junior. I thought johnny2 sounded a little more hip and cool.

                                          • covert
                                              Post count: 14

                                              I use it on a couple of other sites and it’s too hard to try and remember a bunch of different names.:)

                                            • LadyHawk
                                                Post count: 9

                                                Last fall I shot my first buck. He went 60 yards down wind of me and laid down. While I waited for him to pass, a hawk landed in a tree between us. The buck and I watched the hawk for 10 minutes before the hawk left. The buck started to notice my scent. He rose and came right back to me. I shot him again(this time low). He ran off. I went after him in 30 minutes but found him in a creek alive. I left him to die overnight. When I came in the am he was gone. I spent 1 month searching for him. I found out 2 months later that a man that owns the property he died on beat me to him and hid the evidence. Now everyday on my way to town I pass his head hanging from a dog cage.
                                                It was hard on me. My 1st buck. Anyways, Ron LaClair deemed me LadyHawk due to my buck being named Hawk Buck because of the hawk that landed between us.

                                              • Chris Shelton
                                                  Post count: 679

                                                  wow that is a rough story! Sorry about that, hopefully you can/have overcome that disaterous hunt!?

                                                • bruc
                                                    Post count: 476

                                                    My first name is Bruce. So this is a shortened version. This is the first time I’ve joined a group or forum like this.I’m enjoying and learning a lot. Not very good with computers but my sweetheart of 36 years helps a lot. Lots of good people that seem very willing to help others!

                                                  • Bert
                                                      Post count: 164

                                                      Welcome Bruc!- What do you shoot and what do you hunt? By all means, check out the Dr. Ashby leathality studies- most of us are busy experimenting with EFOC on our missiles- anybody have a source for depleted uranium!? ( Just jesting Homeland Security, then again maybe not………..)

                                                    • bruc
                                                        Post count: 476

                                                        Thanks Bert. I have a 58# Fox recurve that I’ve had for awhile. At present I’m using a compound, sad to say.javascript:addSmiley(‘:cry:’); I want to be ready for next season with a recurve. I live in Southwestern Manitoba and I enjoy hunting whitetails and elk.

                                                      • Voodoo
                                                          Post count: 50

                                                          I’ve been Voodoo long before the internet, it has nothing to do with religion, but with my ability to breathe new life into discarded things,Cars,Bikes,Guitars,Bows,etc. I first got it 20 years ago because of my 67 ford truck, it had been used abused and left in a field for 16 years, it didn’t run or drive and had not one sraight panel on it, but within a year it had won it’s first car show and flamethrower show…..and the name stuck…… I still have my truck too.

                                                        • Bert
                                                            Post count: 164

                                                            BRUC wrote: Thanks Bert. I have a 58# Fox recurve that I’ve had for awhile. At present I’m using a compound, sad to say.javascript:addSmiley(‘:cry:’); I want to be ready for next season with a recurve. I live in Southwestern Manitoba and I enjoy hunting whitetails and elk.

                                                            BRUC, don’t be sad or apologetic about using a compound bow on this forum- check out Konrad’s posts. You won’t find a less judgemental group of guys and gals- we’re all archers at heart and tend to focus more on the arrow than on the launcher, on ethical hunting and sharing stories and info.
                                                            I have an old Bear Whitetail 11 compound that re-started my passion for bows- I call it my portable-nautilus-machine as the draw weight can be easily adjusted down to 35# to get those deep back muscles in shape. Currently I’m pulling a 50# 68inch PSE “Sequoia” longbow- for a relatively cheap (250 bucks) bow it works great.
                                                            Got to get ready as late season archery deer opens here in the PNW tomorrow and I get to amble bow and arrows in hand after the elusive black-tail- just hope and pray it stops raining. Who knows, I might find the longbow too civilized and revert back to an atlatl and sling!
                                                            Good hunting-Bert

                                                          • MSARCHER
                                                              Post count: 93


                                                            • texasota
                                                                Post count: 47

                                                                I’m “Texasota” because I live in Texas now, but my roots are in Minnesota!

                                                              • SteveMcD
                                                                  Post count: 870

                                                                  Well, almost 10 years ago on one of the other start up stickbow sites, I started out with “LongbowHunter”. But then it occurred to me that half of us are all longbow hunters so I changed my handle to my name. On AT I’m still Longbowhunter. Most sites – SteveMcD. Besides I work in the IT Industry.. I got so many freakin’ userid’s it’s almost impossible to keep track of them all. Hopefully, I won’t be forgetting my name, any time soon! 😆

                                                                • Hiram
                                                                    Post count: 484

                                                                    Hiram of Tyre, I am!:)

                                                                  • aeronut
                                                                      Post count: 404

                                                                      Mine came along in 1977 when I got my pilot’s license. I had a personalized license plate on my car and could use only seven letters. It fit because I love to fly.

                                                                      This was my get-away machine. 1941 Piper J5A Cub Cruiser.

                                                                      I took this picture of my skydiving instructor over Baxter Springs, Ks. in 1977.


                                                                    • Mark Turton
                                                                        Post count: 759

                                                                        Hi Dennis

                                                                        I’ve always wanted to fly, did my principles of flight course and lucky enough to get about six hours in airforce single engine trainers as a teenager but got no further.

                                                                        Nice aircraft, go on forever with a 1/2″ spanner and a hammer.

                                                                        Bit concerned about your instructor, is he trying to get in or out:D


                                                                      • aeronut
                                                                          Post count: 404

                                                                          Hi Mark.

                                                                          I took the picture of Doc in freefall and was hoping for a picture of me too. I was kind of bummed because his camera malfunctioned and I didn’t get a picture.

                                                                          The cub was a relaxing way to travel. With a small headwind you could watch cars pass you on the highway below. The only real excitement was some of the crosswind landings.:shock:


                                                                        • Mark Turton
                                                                            Post count: 759

                                                                            That would have been a nice picture.

                                                                            Used to parascend with friends off the back of a land rover, great fun but a few scary moments running out of room.

                                                                            My youngest son went to NZ and leant to free fall over some fantastic country, in fact he blew a whole years money in two months diving, bungeeing (if that’s a word) parachuting.

                                                                            He told his mother and I that he was having a gap year before going to university, never did get to uni, to tame for him.


                                                                          • tom-wisconsin
                                                                              Post count: 240

                                                                              My first name is Tom and I live in Wisconsin. Hope to bloddy my Indian Archery Recurve 40# circa 1965 before I die. I bought brand new back then but never really learned to shoot it until I two years ago when I bought the book, “Become the Arrow”.

                                                                            • Lousyhunter
                                                                                Post count: 19

                                                                                Went to traditional gear in ’92. Have yet to kill my first whitetail with it. Also quit hunting with modern long guns then. I either use one of the flintlocks I built, or go with a revolver during the gun season. Hence, my descriptive name!!

                                                                              • ?ucznik
                                                                                  Post count: 12

                                                                                  On most sites my username is “lucznik” which is a slightly modified way of spelling the Polish word for “archer.”

                                                                                  When I registered for this site I decided to try and use the actual Polish spelling – which includes a letter that is not part of the English language. However, it didn’t work because, while I could type the letter into the registration form, the tradbow site can not recognize or display it so; it substituted a ? and thus, here I am now ?ucznik

                                                                                • 6arrows
                                                                                    Post count: 17

                                                                                    mine is due to the fact that my wife and son came up with a plan to get me my first brand new bow i started out with a compound that i found in a yard sale went out with it and practice for about 3 days then my friend told me i could go hunting with him i was good at 20 yrds he set me up in a ground blind isaw an eight pointer at 10 yrd drew and shot at him thats when i relized just how fast a deer can move he ducked my arrow so i set out trying to figuire out how to get a new bow after trying a dozen or so out i like the elite syengry my son was with me he told my wife and for x-mas they got me my first new bow made by elite i love archery so elitearchery is my name but the site here would not take my name so ilooked at my bow and relized that i carry 6 arrows on my bow so iused that instead.

                                                                                  • jaytbuzzard
                                                                                      Post count: 80

                                                                                      Since my name is Jay, I’ve been called Jaybird for as long as I can remember. I use to work with a guy that took it upon himself to assign everyone a nickname. Instead of Jaybird, he said that I worked at the speed of a Buzzard. I thought it was pretty funny. I adapted it for my username on all the forums I am on. I am new to this site. I am also new to archery. I have two bows that were my Fathers. He passed away a few years ago. The first one is a 48″ Bear Super Magnum. The second one is a 60″ Black Widow recurve. I have been having a blast shooting in the yard. I love this site and I learn something new every time I come on here.:D

                                                                                    • nybubba
                                                                                        Post count: 23

                                                                                        I’m originally from Nebraska and my wife is from Southern California. From the first day I met her she has called me Bubba. I look just like a bubba. Do to the military and various other jobs we have lived many different places so right now we are in Western New York. Thus hence “nybubba”

                                                                                      • nybubba
                                                                                          Post count: 23

                                                                                          :D[quote=SDMFer]No BLS fans on this forum?

                                                                                          “Pride and Glory” I almost love this CD more than ZZTop “Live Fandango”:o

                                                                                        • Tom 6107
                                                                                            Post count: 25

                                                                                            Patrick wrote: I see a lot of interesting and unique usernames. How did you come up with yours?
                                                                                            I’ll start: Mine is my first name. I like to think outside the box. 😆

                                                                                            Hi All, my name is Tom (go figure). I am a police officer and 6107 is my badge number. I am a new member and have not posted yet, although I have been a very busy reader. I reside in southeast Ohio. Thanks for all the good posts.

                                                                                          • Patrick
                                                                                              Post count: 1148

                                                                                              Tom 6107 wrote: Hi All, my name is Tom (go figure). I am a police officer and 6107 is my badge number. I am a new member and have not posted yet, although I have been a very busy reader. I reside in southeast Ohio. Thanks for all the good posts.

                                                                                              Greetings, I too read more than I type. Although it may appear otherwise. 😆

                                                                                            • Buckhorn73
                                                                                                Post count: 77

                                                                                                Where I was raised and my football number

                                                                                              • Trippn
                                                                                                  Post count: 2

                                                                                                  My username, comes from a childhood nickname, “Trippn Troy”. I got the name because, I woudn’t do drugs, drink, have sex, or take the free ride in a PoPo mobile,(break the law). Hence the name, Trippn’. Had a rather uneventful childhood.

                                                                                                • Iamabowman
                                                                                                    Post count: 2

                                                                                                    Well, I think it says it all.

                                                                                                  • mojohand
                                                                                                      Post count: 16

                                                                                                      I’m a big blues fan. I lifted this name form a Lightning Hopkins song..”I’s goin down Lousana, and get me a MOJOHAND!

                                                                                                      A mojohand is a little bag that holds roots, herbs, and charms. Kinda like a good luck charm.

                                                                                                    • Patrick
                                                                                                        Post count: 1148

                                                                                                        Iamabowman wrote: Well, I think it says it all.

                                                                                                        Not necessarily so! I was looking at your name, trying to figure it out, thinking to myself, “Maybe he misspell Llama”? LMAO! I thought the “I” was an “L”. It took me a bit. Unfortunately, I’m not joking.:oops: Yes, I know, somethings are best kept to ourselves.:lol:

                                                                                                      • Bipolar Hippo
                                                                                                          Post count: 3

                                                                                                          Bipolar Hippo – I just thought that it would be funny to see one:shock: And my wife laughed.


                                                                                                        • Hiram
                                                                                                            Post count: 484

                                                                                                            Only Hiram King of Tyre could ship Cedar to King David for his house. TB1ASK1:)

                                                                                                          • bkyrdshooter
                                                                                                              Post count: 12

                                                                                                              My name is Trent. If you want to find me that is where I will be. In the backyard shooting. I’m back there shooting something. Don’t do a lot of hunting but I sure like hitting those targets

                                                                                                            • johnny2
                                                                                                                Post count: 135

                                                                                                                =”Patrick”][quote=Iamabowman]Well, I think it says it all.

                                                                                                                Not necessarily so! I was looking at your name, trying to figure it out, thinking to myself, “Maybe he misspell Llama”? LMAO! I thought the “I” was an “L”. It took me a bit. Unfortunately, I’m not joking.:oops: Yes, I know, somethings are best kept to ourselves.:lol:

                                                                                                                [In best Tonto voice]You not Lone Ranger Patrick, me johnny2, think same thing!

                                                                                                                I really am a doofus, how do you put the quote you want in the little blue thingy?

                                                                                                                Never mind I figured it out.

                                                                                                              • masternu
                                                                                                                  Post count: 1

                                                                                                                  my last name is nunez, i am 50 yrs old and while my 3 sons were growing up I was a karate instrutor. we traveled the tournement circut for years and we became affectionly known as masternu and his kung-fu crew.

                                                                                                                • hawg
                                                                                                                    Post count: 18

                                                                                                                    this seems like the appropriate place for my first post.

                                                                                                                    hawg was an old childhood nickname in the neighborhood

                                                                                                                    it seems I used to be able to put away the food

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