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I’ve thought about subscribing which would save a bit of money, but, I’ve been buying off the shelf, usually 3 or 4 issues a month at different stores in the area to keep them on the shelf here, I live in an area where compound is king, and there are very,very few trad archers, kinda been hoping that by doing what I’m doing it will encourage others to check out TBM…..Last tuesday I took my daughter to her first 4-h archery class, and almost every kid there chose a recurve or longbow over the compounds that were also available, I also took a few of my issues and gave them away to whomever wanted one, and they were all gone pretty quick, next week I’ll do the same as the instructor asked me if I would like to help her out……Sure will!
Voodoo — now THAT’s dedication! 8):D
Kudo’s to you. It is great to hear the young ones want to learn the art of archery by choosing the recurve and longbow
I used to subscribe, now i just get it off the shelf. Still waiting on the latest issue to hit the meijer store where we shop though.
Subscribe! Although we place around 40,000 copies of each issue on the newsstand, subscriptions is what makes the world go around here at TBM. The advertisers base their decisions on the total number of subscribers and the subscribers benefit from the advertisers keeping the price of subscriptions low. The exposure we gain from the newsstand is invaluable,and a great way to introduce Traditional Bowhunter to new people, but our goal is to turn them into subscribers. It’s a whole lot cheaper and we’ll even pay for the call 1-888-828-4882.
Larry -
Ok, I’ll subscribe, but I’m still going to buy a couple extra to help keep them on the shelves…..When I first moved here almost 5 years ago I had a heck of a time even finding a TBM in this area and got most at 3rivers,then they cut back to Saturday only walk in sales and I had to give up my trips to 3Rivers, but then I started running into the women who stock the magazine shelves and asked them about TBM, and shortly it was on the shelf too, and I think it would be a shame not to have it there among all the c-bow mags….Last evening was the second 4-H club shoot and Jessica missed a perfect score by only 6 points this time, so she’s getting there, and when she does, I’m taking her out to dinner anywhere she wants!..Thanks,Steve
I’m going to subscribe myself. I just gave a copy that I had from last year to a buddy of mine. It is surprizing the amount of scoffing I get at the range from compound shooters, until they see a few groups.
In bowhunters education, I see more of our instructors with traditional bows, and it helps that a guy I co-teach with is an avid traditionist. Matt Riley, is an awesome traditional bowhunter. I haven’t found out how he did over in Africa yet, as he has not returned from his treck over there.
Last year, I was the out guy, with my modern compound, and this year I have joined the ranks of the traditional instructors.
Just last night I was talking with a friend that is strickly modern wheeled and die hard about it, as he scoffed about my recent 100% turn around, he added that he would never pick up a traditional bow. I added, that I was sorry for him not to experience what I have, but that he was welcome anytime to shoot one of my bows.
My son finally shot my Bear Kodiak, and loved it.
Glad your son finally shot your Kodiak. He’ll get hooked soon enough, then he’ll be selling that Mathews to buy himself a recurve or longbow for himself. Then your daughter-in-law will follow. LOL. My wife has an old Shakespeare recurve, and I recently acquired an old 62″ 25# Grizzly for my oldest son. My youngest boy won a Shafer Liberty longbow at the Fawn Creek Traditional Shoot back the first weekend in May. We’re pretty well set for bows, on my end.
What Larry said! I hate to sound mercenary, but publishing is a low margin business at best, and the magazine is lucky to break even on newsstand sales. More subscribers=greater ability to give readers a better and better magazine. it’s that simple. Don
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