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If turning the pages of this newly-arrived issue doesn’t get your heart going and your hand reaching for a bow, you’re not a trad bowhunter. Kudos to all involved in writing, editing and printing it. :D:D:D
Thanks! I will pass that along. It is definitely a group effort and a job we all love. 😀
TBM is the only Hunting Magazine I subscribe too! For the obvious reasons… Quality, Quality and more Quality. And not jam packed with the latest Rage and Carnage and article whose primary purpose is to endorse their sponsors.
After reading Nathan Andersen, Sterling Holbrook and G. Fred last night, when I got up out of my reading chair, although it was bedtime… my heart was reaching for the Bow Rack and my pack!
“All a bowhunter asks for, is the opportunity really”.
SteveMcD wrote: TBM is the only Hunting Magazine I subscribe too! For the obvious reasons… Quality, Quality and more Quality. And not jam packed with the latest Rage and Carnage and article whose primary purpose is to endorse their sponsors.
X2. 😉
X3, and I raise you one: Not only is TBM the only magazine I subscribe to (outdoor or otherwise, save those that come with group memberships)but also has been the only commercial “outdoor” rag I’ve written for, for many years now, even though most others can afford to pay more. Why? Because they’re the only ones who care more about the activity they represent, traditional bowhunting, and about their readers, than about personal profit. The are not owned by some Mad Ave. corporation but are a good old-fashioned family business. They are honest, the genuine article, and way beyond, insofar as willingly turning down tens of thousands or more annually in potential hi-tech and ATV ads. TBM promotes trad bowhunting, not themselves. How great America could be if more media and businesses attempted to emulate TBM. I am proud to be associated with these exceptional folks. dave petersen
I love this magazine.This is a special issue for my family,as I opened it up there was my son’s picture with his 1st bowkill and my 2010 bowkill below him in the traditional harvest section,WOW.Plus,his picture was selected for the Columbia River Knife.A big thank you to the staff of TBM and Rod Bremer.
That’s a lot of gushing about a magazine. I guess I drank the cool aid too. ‘Cause this is the only magazine I have ever given as a gift.
According to the label on my magazine, my 3 years is up next month. I guess I have to remember to renew it. I’m glad I didn’t get 10 zillion renewal notices in the mail. Thanks!
I hope I get another eye glass cleaning cloth. My old one is getting worn out. Either that, or my eyes are getting worse.
I’m reading the magazine online and looking at the website quite a lot. I have to say, it’s been very helpful to me. I’m getting into this a little later than a lot of you out there, so anything I can do to prevent reinventing the wheel is a plus.
Thanks for all of your help! best, dwc -
This was my 3rd issue as a subscriber. I must say, fantastic job, especially on this issue. I love my subscription.
Almost cruel though, that cover photo…..as we swelter in the midst of an unusually brutal summer.8)
I know it is hard to wait, but it should be arriving any day.
To our friends in Canada, I’m told that your magazines will go into the system by today at the latest and it might be a while before they get delivered. 😥
I have decided to make this issue available to all members in a pdf version. Use this link to go to the Download Library to get the Aug/Sep 2011 iPad version. At least you can read it on your computer while waiting for the paper copy to arrive. You do not need to have an iPad to read it, but you will probably need Adobe Acrobat Reader or some other form of pdf reader. All I ask is that you don’t send it to everyone you know. 😉
Thanks for the PDF! Seeing Nathan Andersohn and his caribou on a 27 inch screen was a treat. And I now realize I’ve got to pay closer attention to your advertisers’ offerings — I was missing a fair bit of detail while reading the paper version.
eidsvolling wrote: Thanks for the PDF! Seeing Nathan Andersohn and his caribou on a 27 inch screen was a treat. And I now realize I’ve got to pay closer attention to your advertisers’ offerings — I was missing a fair bit of detail while reading the paper version.
You know…Premium Members get this with every issue. Just sayin’ 😀
If you click on the advertiser’s web address it will take you to their site. I haven’t figured out how to make those links highlighted, but they should work.
Great magazine. Trouble is I burn through it fast and then start going through it backwards for another perspective or the hope I find something I missed. Then comes the long wait until the next one…
Hey Easy, good to hear from you. Welcome and hang around. I for one find this to be sort of an online extension of the magazine, as we talk about a lot of the same things as TBM and help each other keep the fires burning between seasons. dave
Yep just renewed for another year. Great read.
its one of two magazines I subscribe to, primitive archer being the other
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