Home Forums Bows and Equipment Takedown longbow recommendations please

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    • Reddwarf
        Post count: 31

        I am interested in a 2 or 3 piece longbow to make things a little easier on the mountain bike.

        The main characteristics required are that it is quiet, forgiving, durable and can throw a heavy arrow fairly efficiently.

        Max. length 62″

        Any and all thoughts greatly appreciated.

        Red Dwarf

      • grumpy
          Post count: 962

          I would be more worried about carrying the deer home on the mountain bike.

        • David Coulter
            Post count: 2293

            There’s a great Vermont postcard called DUI in Deer Season with a guy with a buck on his back peddling his way through a snow storm. dwc

          • John Dilts
              Post count: 135

              There’s a guy here that Caribou hunts buy bike.

            • David Coulter
                Post count: 2293

                So Redd, you’re not getting a lot of helpful answers here… I always recommend Leon Stewart for a bow. I don’t have a take-down, but I’m really happy with my longbow. Leon is a great guy and has been building bows for 25 years now. He’s worth a look to be sure. See the link below. Good luck, dwc

              • Stephen Graf
                  Post count: 2427

                  David, you are always the voice of reason. Good Man.

                  One more thought – If you have a long bow you really like, it might be possible to turn it into a two piece. If that’s an idea you like, you could call Big Jim down in Alabama and see if he would do it for you.

                • Bruce Novinska
                    Post count: 2

                    I have seen folks that here in Alaska use a mountain bike pulling a kid hauler filled with essential gear using their quads to get places I can’t go. More power to them. Even had one guy tell me about getting off the haul road for caribou with friends. If you put in the effort, enjoy the hunt!!

                    I have had several takedown long bows. I like em 66 inches for the smooth they provide. I liked my Great Plains a lot and it was a good solid 3 piece. You can get recurve limbs as well for the same riser (Texas Long Curve). I currently shoot a Black Widow 2 piece and enjoy it’s company often. The birch greybark limbs are awesome and you won’t be disappointed going that route. They are spendy though.

                    Failure to plan is planning to fail:idea: !!!

                  • Reddwarf
                      Post count: 31

                      Thanks for the suggestions guys. I will look into those options.

                      I have decided to take a trip down to see Dan Toelke at Montana Bows later this week. He has a great reputation and I like the look of his 2 piece take-down system; I will let you know how things go.

                      Although I have shot longbows almost exclusively since I got into archery about ten years ago, I have just borrowed a set of new 53# Bear limbs for the 1973 take down that has been sitting on my rack for the past seven years (Original 2 sets of limbs are too heavy for me at 57# & 66#) and am quite impressed with how they feel and perform. Also,I love the way the grip just feels “right”. Maybe I just enjoy confusing myself?


                    • David Becker
                        Post count: 112

                        Have you checked out a Montana scabbard?

                        I’m going to carrying a 68″ longbow on my MTB this elk season, and I’ve got the Montana scabbard on my short list of things to try. I should be ordering it in the next month or so.

                      • wahoo
                          Post count: 420

                          Dan is a super nice guy and builds a great bow. Good luck let us know what happens.

                        • Edgar Kepfer
                            Post count: 1

                            Reddwarf, How did you make out?:?:

                          • Reddwarf
                              Post count: 31

                              I had a great visit with Dan and Jared on Thursday.

                              I shot their Super D, Whip and Pika longbows, all of them are great bows.

                              Even though I went down there with the Super D in the forefront of my mind, I ended up taking the plunge and ordering a 2 piece 62″ Whip as it just kept putting arrows where I was looking with quiet, comfortable efficiency: exactly what I am looking for.

                              Dan and I discussed grip shape and size and we decided to go with the grip style that Dan puts on their short Pika bows which felt a better match to my shooting style.

                              If all goes well I should have my bow around the first week of April. I am excited already!


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