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Personally, most of the arrows I lose are from missing the targets. Haven’t figured out how to beat that one, yet……. 😉
Actually, I lose most of my arrows (usually judo points, on woodies I spent more time on than I should’ve……) when shooting at a target just on the “edge of a draw/drop off”. I’ve sent several arrows into the ravine behind those chosen targets. So, to beat that, I quit shootin’ at those kinds of targets. Now I try to just pick targets with good backstops behind whatever I’m shooting behind.
I guess to answer the question in short form, I “edit” my targets. Not confined to short shots, or ones with no limbs & “objects”. I just plan for a miss (that’s positive reinforcement, huh?), and try to focus on targets & objects with a hill behind them……
I will say I’m not certain you’ll ever not lose arrows stump shooting. It’s just kind something you accept & live with……
Hope this helps!
Great advice from Mr Newton.
I tend to only shoot at ” soft targets ” with a good backstop ( ricochet issues)
Rotting stumps, grassy clumps, sand banks and the like, at varying ranges of course.
Stumping is one of the best archery practice activities ( imho), especially helpful to practice range estimation in the field. I always remind myself to ” be aware of the target ( ok to shoot) and what’s behind it”. A lot of people wandering around out there in the woods these days.
May be some thoughts on targets?
Points? I have only tried once, had a miss and hit my shed- resulting in a shattered carbon arrow.
Also how do you shoot? DO you give distance an estimate, or do you pull the bow up and release?
Tgts — rotten/ wood, stumps , dirt clumps , grassy clumps in sandhills, sand / clay embankment- etc. Here in the west it is pretty rocky which makes picking targets more problematic.
Most folks use small game heads for stumping – hex, judo, 38 special case on wood shaft etc. Some people try to harden their arrow with nock protectors etc.
No matter what you do, you will lose / break arrows – part of the deal. To get the most useful hunting practice for me, from stumping– I use the same arrow I would use for big game hunting but with a commiserate weight ( as close as I can to my broadhead) small game point. This to ensure similar trajectory for consistent training. Stumping requires you to shoot at differing ranges in field conditions, thus forcing you to do range estimation and learning proper hold/ aiming to hit at these varying distances. After every shot I check my arrow to make sure it is not damaged! Careful visual and bending check of the arrow – looking for cracks, bent/damaged nocks – heads, etc. I am very diligent about this today because when I started ( high school) I had a cracked arrow blow up on release, sending a piece of shaft into my hand requiring surgery. Always check the arrow after each shot.
Your last question I had to think about it a moment as I have been shooting bows so long it has become automatic. How you go about this depends on your aiming / shooting style. Stumping allows you to practice estimating ranges in the field and hold / aim accordingly to hit ( hopefully). This requires a lot of practice to learn and be consistent. I would judge each target/ range by eye – shoot- adjust till I hit – then pace to target for actual distance or ( if you have one, and want to use it) laser it after you have shot !
I highly recommend getting- The Traditional Bowhunters Handbook by TJ Conrad. I carry a copy in my warbag. Every thing you could ever want to know about archery.
If you search stumping on the forums there are a lot of threads that discuss your questions in detail by people more experienced and articulate than I. If you have problems working the web – just ask Robin the Webmom – I am sure she will help you.
One of the practice methods I use to save on arrows, is place the portable practice tgts around my property at differing ranges and angles for hunting. This works well as long as you vary tgt position often. I also carry a couple to camp and make a little field course to stay sharp.
My 1st rule is “not here”…
I’m an “instinct shooter” so knowing a specific distance means naught to me.
That’s why stumping is such a valuable tool for my spot and stalk or just snoopin’ and oozin’ through the canyons and draws that I love to do. It let’s my hidden noggin do the thinkin’ instead of the one that’s more wrong than right. Subconscious :-))
Conscious :-((
I see it and I try to hit it. Different angles, different shooting positions, etc.
The way the wind blows in this country, my brain just computes on it’s own what to do. I’ve figured out trying to consciously allow for windage, or distance for that matter, doesn’t work for me.
Arrows? My R2 dozens (woods mostly) that turn in to considerably less than 12 often turn into blunts.
I do have a few judo points but I don’t use them much. Blunts are much cheaper to destroy on rocks. I can shoot through the biggest, baddest yucca and there will be the tiniest baddest pebble behind it that massacres an arrow..
I’ve also shot into yuccas when there’s a strong crosswind using a judo, the judo hangs up and the crosswind has snapped my shaft.
I figure if I only lose or shorten a couple of arrows after a stumping journey at my lease I’m happy.
Our archery range is much friendlier to stumping arrows. Usually I just lose and not break there.
Have fun with it and hopefully you’ll bring all your arrow back but don’t bet the farm on it.
Most lost arrows here are the ones that slide under the grass/leaves. You can prevent this by putting a couple zip ties (the plastic ties used to hold wires together) on your field points. Not a perfect solution, not going to help much if you shoot the arrow into a pile of rocks, or off a cliff… But you wouldn’t do that anyway.
As someone has already said…. Never lost an arrow that hit the stump.
I shoot carbons, so I put nock collars on the front and back and use judos up front. Works really well. Nothing is totally bomb proof, but it’s the cost of having fun. I have been able to train two dogs to help find arrows. I use a belt pouch with dog food treats and keep it on my right side. When my fingers touch the fletch it transfers the dog food (dry) smell and it helps the dog track it. We just got a new dog so I’ll see how it goes with this one. dwc
I also use nock collars on my stumping carbons. It does help keep carbons in one piece, imho. I managed to break an arrow yesterday. Didn’t quite “thread the needle” on a rock ( ran the edge a lil too close) obstacle between me and the target – oh well.
Way Cool training your dogs to find arrows! I would hope their pointers rather than retrievers – lol. Clever using the treat scent on the fletch area. How long did it take you to get the pooches up to speed? What breed?
It still amazes me, how difficult lost arrows can be to locate! Found the front 2 pieces of the carbon that hit the rock. Havnt found the fletch yet. In my own yard to boot —
I like to stump in my hunting areas while scouting for deer or turkeys, usually I use woodies with Judos as I have a couple hundred around home and camp. Break some now and then but not enough to really make a dent in the supply. Hate to lose expensive heads but they’re the best I’ve ever tried. Thought about surgical tubing or shrink wrap behind the tips just haven’t done it. I think it’s the best kind of hunting practice, so I use the same arrow type/spine/head weight as I use for game. The best part is being out there enjoying the woods and exploring to me. Have fun!
Most of what I’d say has been covered. I will add that the Bunny Buster rubber blunts from 3Rivers are frequently kinder to my arrows than even the Judo point (which I love otherwise). I’ve stopped using “The Hammer” for anything other than hunting small game because it causes arrow-wrecking ricochets with distressing frequency.
And beware of rocks disguised as mossy logs, says the voice of experience …
The dogs I’ve trained were both lab mixes. The one I have now is a cattle dog/shelty mix. She’s very alert so I think she’ll work out fine. My friend has a Heinz 57 mutt who is really a good arrow finder. That’s where I got the idea. You have to stay with them as they might start digging and mess up an arrow. Most arrows that have broken for me bounced off a sapling and quickly side-slapped into another close by. That’s hard on any shaft. dwc
Labs always seem to be a good choice –
Do the dogs manage to find most of your arrows? I am sure it is a lot of fun stumping with a canine companion .
Grumpy, you should be ashamed at having a woman pick up after at this age, ha!
Hi people, I use a simple method. Made a small 6×6 foam cube with no centers drawed, kick the cube and then set an eye to estimate the distance and made the shot with an arrow with Judo points.Then take another arrow and try to de new distance. And go on. I never lost and judo point arrow. Simply and fun.
Sounds like archery – ” kick the can” haha. Good fun and good practice.
I am afraid it would break too many arrows in the area around me – too rocky.
I would have to go to the sandy wash across the river —-
I like the idea for shooting in camp – I’ll have to make one up
- Let’s see, moseyin’ round, spottin’ a possibility, evauating the situation, looks safe n ethical so ya make the shot and it is just as ya saw it……..seems like perfect practice to me. 👌
Yeah, stumps are great. Even greater though when they’re up in the air………………..
Go to Wally World and buy the helium balloon kit. Tie the inflated balloon to fishing line on rod / reel. Point the rod up and loop the line down to the ground. Put something like a stuffed animal on the line, holding the balloon in place. Back off 20 or 30 yards and shoot the stuffed animal, knocking it off of the line. As the balloon rises, nock a flu-flu arrow and shoot the ascending balloon. Simple, eh ?? Then you can reel the balloon back down and try again.
Yes, ……………….. I probably have too much time on my hands.
I find rubber blunts the best option for stump shooting. They keep the arrow from getting buried, but they also cushion the shock of impact.
They can be spendy for what you get though… And not hold up to well, imo.
I made some dandy rubber blunts by pushing 3/8 chair leg tips onto a 38 casing. Works great for 11/36 diameter wood arrows. I made some blunts for my preferred 23/64 shafts by using 30-30 casings and cutting them down in length.
Instead of costing $3.00 a head for bunny busters, these cost about $0.32 a head. chair leg tips purchased from amazon.
BTW; 1st Rule of Stumpin’ ………………..
You can hunt the wily dried feral cow patty all day long, narrowly missing and kicking dirt on them with your arrows but the one that you hit will be green inside & a bit gooey. The odds of this happening doubles if there’s someone with you to witness it and tell all of your friends about it.
Don’t ask me how I know this.
I too love stumping , one of my favorite archery game/ practice endeavors..
I have made numerous 38 case wood blunts in the past but really like Steve’s chair leg rubber bottom version . I think I will proceed to order parts and make some . Thanks for the good, do it yourself idea.
Happy stumping all…
Scout aka Ray
Looks like a good hit to me R2…good to see your still out stumpin…
Need to get out and do some shooting . The cold weather had me bottled up for a bit.
Scout aka Ray
Speaking of Stump Shooting …………………………….
Usery Park in Mesa is holding a paper stump shoot this Sunday. If you’re of a mind to, come by and fling a few. I’ll be the handsome bearded old guy wearing a light colored cowboy hat.
Sorry for the late response. Thanks for the invite but I am waiting on some medical issues. Once I get sorted out I hope to get over to AZ again for some hunting / knocking around maybe show up for one of the shoots ….
I hope you shot well 😉
Scout aka Ray
Through a comedy of errors & mishaps, I never made it. one of the rare times I’ve said I’ll be somewhere and didn’t show. Hate it when that happens.
Let me know when you’ll be over this way and we’ll figure something out.
Ohio has a NO TARGET SHOOTING ON PUBLIC GROUND law. I found out recently that this includes stumping. I’ve been blithely ignorant of that and have shot many stumps in the woods behind our village. I imagine that the next time I went out to do so there would be several dozen LEOs coming down on me out of the bushes….
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