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    • Leo Carrisalez
        Post count: 78

        I’ve started a set of primitive arrow (Lord of the Rings) arrows for my daughter. Im waiting on my full length feathers to come in so that i can make a cool looking fantasy fletching for her arrows. Question…..I want to straight fletch them but I dont know if I have to get a special processed feather. I ordered RW because that is my preference. Does having a straight fletched arrow negatively affect the flight? Does it matter? I want her to have the best flying arrows I can make her for hunting. Should I just stick to a helical?

        Thanks guys….and thanks to Clay Hayes for his videos… I followed step by step and enjoy every minute of it.

      • Arne Moe
          Post count: 147

          ST, Wing won’t matter, but IF they are for hunting and a broad head arrow, straight fletch will be a little weak. Don’t misunderstand, straight fletch works and works well but if trying to “spin” a broad head might be a little weak.

          Second, “fantasy” fletching can be noisy and may not be a best choice for hunting. Feathers are feathers and either left or right wing can be fletched straight, there is no “special processed” feather for that.


        • Doc Nock
            Post count: 1150

            Isn’t it wonderful how Trad Archery, like so many other venues, is so full of different experiences?

            I have used straight fletch jig for the past 12+++ years exclusively.

            Once I got to better tuning my bare shafts and using more FOC, I found my arrows flew truer and faster with straight fletch slightly offset with LW feathers.

            I saw no difference in BH flight or I’d still be tuning.

            I got the impression this or these LotR arrows might be for display…cause I agree totally that large fletching increases noise exponentially.

          • jason samkowiak
              Post count: 141

              You mention that she is going to use them for hunting. For that reason I would recommend staying with a helical fletch. Fletching may only need to “stabilize” the arrow in flight with a field tip. But with a broadhead you need the fletching to spin and take control of the arrow. if it can the broadhead will “plane” and throw her arrows off. I think making her “lord of the rings” arrows would be awesome, but if they are going to hunt I’d keep them helical or at the minimum a heavy offset.

            • Bruce Smithhammer
                Post count: 2514

                South Texas wrote: Does having a straight fletched arrow negatively affect the flight?

                Obviously, from the responses already, you’re going to get a variety of thoughts this, and none of them are necessarily wrong, by any means. My experience has been much like Doc’s – with increased FOC, I have found less and less need for a lot of fletching, and less need for helical. A whole essay could be written on the “whys” of this (and several already have), but suffice to say that I find no difference in flight between my field points and a number of different two-blade broadheads that I have shot with a 29% FOC arrow, using 2-1/4″ x 4 straight fletching.

                So yeah, I think that helical can be helpful, just as it can also be not all that necessary, depending on how the rest of the arrow is weighted and tuned. Hope that is helpful.

              • Leo Carrisalez
                  Post count: 78

                  Thanks for all the advice. I shoot 360 up front of my arrows with AA fletching. My daughter has bareshaft tuned her POC shafts out of her 40# bow. I am keeping her arrows simple with 125 grn broadheads because I really dont know how far i can push her FOC. I really dont want to over load her arrows. What would be a descent weight? 150grn out of a 40# bow at her DL? Now as far as what she will be hunting with these arrows, it will be javelinas and hogs. I totally agree that these shaft will be to noisy. Her deer arrows have a plain trad fletch at 4″s. I will post pics of her arrows when they are completed. Anything to keep bow hunting for her exciting….so Fantasy arrows it is. I will be staying with the helical because it is a light arrow and i want it flying true with a BH. This was awesome advice… thanks

                • Doc Nock
                    Post count: 1150

                    Sounds like all are in agreement they will be noisy.

                    Might have her stand behind a safe barrier like a shed and shoot arrows down range so she can hear them go by… mix em up with big and little feathers…

                    Then ask her which was which. Fact might make her want to have a few fantasy arrows for fun and practice but not hunting, but at least she gets first hand evidence and not a bunch of us old guys telling Dad what’s up!?

                    If you use Tail Feathers, which purportedly are much softer, they might be much quieter?

                    As for the other question on FOC…hopefully, her bare shafts are weak with bigger feathers cause, isn’t it true, the more bearing surface on the rear of the shaft, the more it stiffens the shaft in flight??

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