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Okay, bear with me for a second. I’ve been trying to find another big hunt to do after our Idaho lion trip last year. I really loved just hiking and experiencing the country last winter. That is most important to me in a big trip; a sense of adventure and learning new land. I love the mountains, hiking, glassing, and any kind of spot and stalk hunting.
I was trying to go back to Idaho for another lion hunt but I don’t think my finances will allow it. All of my big travel trips have to be in the winter time (nov-february) as I own a pool service and repair business.
So I got to thinking, what about javelina in the desert southwest? They make a great bow quarry, are widely distributed, generally can be hunted on public lands or paying a trespass fee, and are an exotic species for somebody from the east.
They really fit the bill. I could drive out, camp in a tent, spot and stalk all day, learn some new turf, maybe even fit in some bird hunting and fly fishing.
Anybody done a trip like this or live somehwere that this sounds possible? I would think New Mexico or Arizona would be better suited land to my liking, but I suppose anywhere with a desert feel and some topography would be great. The most important things would be availability of open hunting lands, game densities, liberal seasons, and other options like rabbit hunting, trout fishing, etc.
Thanks so much for any advice. I’ve never been to the southwest and it’s been on my list for years.
Anybody with any other thoughts along these lines, I’d love to hear them as well. I’ve been to canada a lot, been to the western mountains a few times, and hunted extensively in the northeast and southeast. New adventure is really what I’m searching for.
Thanks for any advice. This just occured to me today.
I could be down for joining you. Been wanting to do a good javi hunt for years. And I’ve got some general idea of where to go in southern AZ, as I lived in Tuscon for a spell. Not a whole lot of trout fishing around those parts, but there can be good quail good hunting, if that interests you.
Let’s make it a TBM Rendezvous!
That’s what I’ve heard as well. However, there is hardly any public land in Texas, which means you need to know someone with a lease, or pay to play, as far as I understand it. But I’ve never hunted there.
etter1 wrote: Know what the season is in AZ? I read its pretty easy to draw tags.
Here’s a link to info:
From what I’ve heard, they’re not hard to draw either. For a non-res, you’re probably looking at $200+ for a license/tag.
I was looking at the AZ regulations and seems like all the Javelina hunts are for Juniors only. There is a draw for Spring javelina hunts but no information about the season, quotas, or junior/adult.
I would also be interested in camping out for a hunt like this. Something to extend the season into the winter.
I’ve been spending time in Arizona during the winter for years. Spent three weeks there this January hunting quail. Archery javelina season is generally the first three weeks of January, but, as always, check the current regs. It is a drawing, but tags are easy to get unless you are looking at a district near one of the population centers. It’s almost all public land. Quail season is open at that time as well, but not much fishing then. (Warm water fishing gets good for bass and panfish during the spring.)The SE corner of the state is best, and they always have leftover tags in some of those districts after the drawing. Coues deer are also open for archery then, with over the counter tags. Have fun! Don
Are you planning for 2015? if so do you have room for one more.
I’ve done arizona , we have driven and flew . I spent most of my time in Bagdad , public land lots of javie and as said birds. You can hike all day set up a nice camp. The hunt is in Jan and it used to be if you put in you had a tag . It is a great time and those javie don’t get up early either so it’s nice
Yeah. Looking for 2015. And just feeling it out right now to see what our options are but come one come all!
Jeez, that Arizona regs guide is quite a piece of literature! Not used to that being from the east!
For those that have done it, how did you go about gathering all the necessary info? Best management units? Maps of those units? Camping regs? Etc. these Ga boys will be a long way from home out there!
My next-door neighbor actually just got back from a bow hunt for javi in southern Arizona last week. Let me pick his brain a little…
I just had friends that worked at the mine so I had a pickup and guides – That Bagdad area is nice and no people – the road systems are really rough – we had a Sazuki side kick when we drove and then we just pound the desert and did a ton of glassing
Maps are important, but since it’s public land they’re easy to come by. Pick the area you want (anywhere in the SE corner of the state is as good as any other) and get both the FS and BLM maps. the first is better for back roads, the second is better for land ownership. The backroads can be very rough–definitely high clearance 4-WD country. But you don’t have to beat your rig up to find pigs. Go as far as you feel comfortable, then get out and start walking. Look for some elevation at the base of the mountains. The javelina are usually at the same level as the prickly pear. The hiking is great. Don
I always seemed to bump into them pretty regularly when I was chasing quail down in that part of AZ. They’re not exactly uncommon. And even though they have poor eyesight, you better watch your scent and noise.
Yeah, the AZ regs are a long read and the draw process can be confusing… More public Land then you could hunt in a life-time, and you can get into areas that get little to no hunters… Javi tags are mostly over the counter, and there are normaly left-over tags from the draw hunts, but in recent years they have been going fast (gone with-in hours)… I dont really hunt them anymore because Javi season is during the Bow Deer season, Bow deer tags are over the counter, either from AZ game and fish or Walmart/Sporting Goods stores…
I’m in 34A and host a few Wounded Warrior hunts each year, mainly Coues deer, but also share info for the spring bear season to some residents of AZ… Come on down, I can point you into some great (safe) country…
Good Luck
etter1 wrote: Smithy,
You’ll surely bring that wonderful bird dog of yours right?:D
I doubt the little freak would leave me a choice. 🙄 😀
A flying dog in camp is always good fun:D
Ha – thanks, folks. He’s definitely one of the most entertaining dogs I’ve ever owned. No shortage of personality.
I’m getting pretty serious about this guys. As long as my wife isn’t expecting around that time, I will be somewhere in the desert next january. Plan to do most of the planning this summer. Start thinking about it if you feel like it fellas!@
I’ll be driving out from atlanta with possibly a buddy or two. Nothing but recurve, shotgun, camping gear, and my nissan titan! Getting pumped up just thinking about it. I need another adventure.
I’d sure like to. Just depends on when in Jan you go.
That does sound like some good fun!
And not to put a damper on it, but I haven’t heard anybody talk about eating those critters and enjoying it. Last I heard the cutting board was better eating than the critter.
Now I know that can’t be true. So maybe someone with real experience will chime in with what to do with a javelina in order to make it tasty.
Alot of Javis and Coues, along with some monster mule deer, jackrabbits(both kinds, the “Black-tail” jack rabbit is massive), 3-4 different types of quail and dove galore.
Archery deer tags are over the counter, Javi tags are draw only, get Deer tags at walmart in Green Valley, camping at Bog Springs campground in Madera Canyon($10.00 at day), Coronado National Forest, open hunting 1/4mile from your camp site, either oak/pinion forest or head west for more open terrain, good for glassing/spot and stalk.
The Santa Ritas are a steep Mt range going from 4500ft to around 9000ft, but I use some of human trails to get me up-slope then cut off into the canyons I want to hunt, so it’s realy not that bad for the most part…
Very little hunting pressure in the Canyon, many cuts to explore, safe area from the illegals, though carrying a side-arm is always a wise move…(legal to carry during archery seasons, or anytime for that matter)…
1shot wrote: Alot of Javis and Coues, along with some monster mule deer, jackrabbits(both kinds, the “Black-tail” jack rabbit is massive), 3-4 different types of quail and dove galore.
Archery deer tags are over the counter, Javi tags are draw only, get Deer tags at walmart in Green Valley, camping at Bog Springs campground in Madera Canyon($10.00 at day), Coronado National Forest, open hunting 1/4mile from your camp site, either oak/pinion forest or head west for more open terrain, good for glassing/spot and stalk.
The Santa Ritas are a steep Mt range going from 4500ft to around 9000ft, but I use some of human trails to get me up-slope then cut off into the canyons I want to hunt, so it’s realy not that bad for the most part…
Very little hunting pressure in the Canyon, many cuts to explore, safe area from the illegals, though carrying a side-arm is always a wise move…(legal to carry during archery seasons, or anytime for that matter)…
Sounds like just the spot! Ill be in touch as we get a little closer.
GREAT!!!Always welcome to show others the amazing Santa Ritas…
It’s Mt. Lion hunting season for me now, untill the aug23-Oct3 archery bear season, velvet deer is open aug23-sept12, but I’d rather deer hunt while they are in hard-horn…(1jan2015-31jan2015 in 34A)….
1shot wrote: GREAT!!!Always welcome to show others the amazing Santa Ritas…
It’s Mt. Lion hunting season for me now, untill the aug23-Oct3 archery bear season, velvet deer is open aug23-sept12, but I’d rather deer hunt while they are in hard-horn…(1jan2015-31jan2015 in 34A)….
Good lion hunting? What kind of hounds do you have?
An Omen
Late yesterday afternoon all chores done I found a quite spot in the sun and broke into the latest copy of Traditional Bowhunter, opened it randomly to be confronted by Lucas R Schmidt and a Javelina shot in Arizona, spooky.
I’ve checked flights, who else will be there?
So January 2015, southern AZ?
Hey guys,,Just letting you know,,,You can go archery only, or put in for a HAM hunt,,,Handgun,Archery, Muzzleloading hunt. That is a way to get you can get like 4 choices of areas and hunting dates, that is later in the year, than Archery only.
Also Great fly fishing in the ‘White Mountains’ here. They just opened the gates for access.(closed in winter) Also the White Mountain Apache tribe has great fishing. $9.00 a day,Not closed in winter for ice fishing, and the only plase in the world to catch a native Arizona Apache trout.
You have to put in for the hunts in the fall 2014 to draw for 2015 spring. So might be able to help with getting the reg’s to ya when the new ones come out.
Another tip,,the cotton farmers around Safford might give ya access to their field edges, cause the pigs eat up the new plants. And the BLM there is a big help in getting around some of the privite property. Mtn.Lion tags are over the counter here also,,,,:shock:
etter1 wrote: Ive read mixed reviews but when carefully cared for in the field, its apparently quite tasty as bbq and sausage. Maybe our “eat all” expert Don T can chime in.
Hav-a-julina,,are great table fare. They get a bad rap cause of the secent gland. the less ya handle them the better. The best way I have found to take care of them is once you get back to camp, just cut off the quarters, hide and all. Then skin only the quarters,,either wear med gloves or use two people, any way skin the quarters, and don’t touch the meat, or let someone hold on to the cut end and pull while you pull off the skin.Just don’t touch the meat after handling the hide.Get the quarters on ice in a zip lock bag, and get it frozen as soon as possible. Or in the bag in camp add your favorite bbq sauce, and let it marinate over night and grill for supper the next night. My favorite,,,Debone the quarter,,slice the meat into 3/8 in. thick slices. Grind about 4/5 red chile pods with a whole clove of garlic, and a tblspoon of Cumin (ground) in a blinder with boiling water. Be carefull,, the mix tends to expand rapidly n the blinder. Dont’ get burned. Mariniate the slices over night or untill the next meal, Get a big pan of oil or bacon grease hot, just pull out the slices, and leave whatever chile is on them and fry it up untill done. serve up with hot flour tortillas with butter on them and rolled up. Great for breakfast with eggs and toast also.
Cleaning them this way you don’t have to worry about a marginal hit causing bad gut taste.
It was just my idea. With the amount of public land out there, I cant see it being an issue with having whoever wants to show up. Sounds like 1shot can be a big help for us far away folks. Ill start serious planning this summer But I was thinking the first week in january.
Where are you located Arid Zone A??? Maybe there is enough interest for hunters in the northern units as well as down south…
Plenty of room for bow hunters to have their “own” areas, and most are “easy” to get into so you “flat-landers” dont keel-over from alt. sickness hehehe…
(I’m in Green Valley,AZ…unit 34A, and my focus has been on the west slope of the Santa Rita mountains)
One shot,,,up here in 3B,,,hunt units 1,3C,23,24A,fall,,
Jan. 23South,24, 28,31,,Deer and pigs. Like 3B if i can get drawn. Starting to see pigs up here, but few and far between. Hit 23 for those Cous/mulie hibreeds, they have huge bodies, but smaller racks.Up north(23)they have smaller bodys but tend to get eye guards and darker horns. Unit one is tough since fire,,but I been in CO. the last 3 yrs. So gotta spend the summer scouting, They still hve the access gates closed up here,but no snow any-where!
You got just cous, down there?
Just went out and snaped a couple of pictures of antlers, but the post was for Javilina,,,,but if you are in AZ. ? 🙄
1shot wrote: Coues and Mulies, though the Mulies have dropped in population there are some BIG bucks around, along with some hybreds, in the mesquite/oak transition zone…
Don’t want to hyjack the Post,,will put up a photo in a new one.
It looks like the group hunt is a pretty solid maybe. Would you guys like a separate forum for that topic? Then you could post about dates, equipment, etc. without it all being in one thread. Just let me know.
That’s good country, and I will be there for a month next winter. However, I will be concentrating on my bird dog, shotgun and camera for the most part and don’t want to be making noise where people are bowhunting! (I’ll be farther south anyway, but you never know–might stop in for a beer.) Javelina don’t deserve their bad reputation as table fare. It’s not moose tenderloin, but it can be perfectly good. Most of the odor problem arises from the musk gland, which is located, of all places, just above the tail. Stay well clear of that and minimize contact between hide and meat as others have pointed out. The meat itself is fine grained and tasty if treated right but it’s invariably tough. Consequently, I don’t eat a lot of javelina steaks. It does best diced into bite sized pieces and cooked slowly in a crock pot or Dutch oven. I use it for stew, curry, or–my favorite regionally appropriate approach–tacos or chile. The first time I killed one, I spiced up the slabs of rib and cooked them over an open mesquite fire while camped out in the middle of nowhere. It looked good and tasted good, but if I hadn’t given up after an hour I’d still be chewing that first bite. Don
Webmother wrote: It looks like the group hunt is a pretty solid maybe. Would you guys like a separate forum for that topic? Then you could post about dates, equipment, etc. without it all being in one thread. Just let me know.
A forum for just group hunts ? That would be cool. Thanks Mom.
Arid zone A wrote:
A forum for just group hunts ? That would be cool. Thanks Mom.
Thanks, Mom!
Arid zone A wrote: [quote=Webmother]It looks like the group hunt is a pretty solid maybe. Would you guys like a separate forum for that topic? Then you could post about dates, equipment, etc. without it all being in one thread. Just let me know.
A forum for just group hunts ? That would be cool. Thanks Mom.
I can set it up that way, but I think that talking about more than one hunt at a time could get confusing. When there is a second group hunt, topic titles will have to include some kind of hunt identifier…but here I go making it all difficult. I’ll open the new forum today. 😆
etter1 wrote:
This one could get western pretty quick.
I would expect nothing less!
As far as I can tell at this point, I should be able to make a January hunt happen.
I think I could make January work, just need to know dates and where to meet up.:D
I’m definitely down for trying this, assuming we get some:
Would be glad to let you all know when the Regs. come out. Looking at fall hunts now.
April 22, 2014 at 12:45 pmPost count: 124So, are the things worth eating?
Forager wrote: So, are the things worth eating?
Yup. Think sloooow-cook pork recipes…
Just a reminder – for spring 2015 tags, you need to apply by October 7th, 2014. Leftover tags are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
As far as I can tell 6 mos. out, I’m in for a Jan. hunt in southern Az. 3rd week of Jan should be good, but I’m somewhat flex.
Who else is in? This could be a lotta fun!
Guys I’ve been doing a javy/hog hunt down south Texas for the past two years. It’s a great time and there are lots of animals to hunt including rabbits. As far as javy as table fare, this was the first year I killed one and I also took my buddies to eat. I deboned the front and back legs and ground the meat to make jerky, it was delicious. I also took the back straps and tender loins, wrapped them with bacon and smoked for 3 hours to an internal temperature or 160. I must say it was some of the best meat I’ve had! No gaminess or bad flavor at all.
I was skeptical after killing and cleaning mine that this would be a one time deal if the meat wasn’t good ( I always wanted a javy skull as a trophy)and that kept me from killing a second one. However I will now kill and eat as many as I can every year (2). Good stuff
Toehead – that’s great to hear, and now my mouth is watering!
Sounds like you should come meet us in Az – a little more of a drive, but it’s all on big pieces of public land, owned by you and me!
I lived in Tucson for a couple years as well, back in the early 90’s. Great country around there and, same as you – I’ve bird hunted down there a bunch (mostly south of Tucson), and bumped into lots of javis along the way, but never hunted them.
I am definitely interested. I am in Dublin, Ga. Not too far away!!!!
I’m in woodstock, GA. Everyone is welcome!
I’m really excited about this. Around August, I’ll start trying to draw some info from some of you locals and pouring over aerials. This should be a blast! Hell, I would have driven out there just to hike and camp in the desert for the firs time, but tradbow hunting three species of big game plus plenty of jackrabbits and quail might make this the trip of a lifetime.
Third week in January everyone!
Looked at some maps last night, and was thinking about where I’d hunted down there in the past. I’m thinking about basecamping somewhere around the Whetstone Mtns – lots of public land around there, and at least the last time I was there, we bumped into quite a few javis.
But I’m definitely open to any other suggestions, if someone knows of a better area.
Link to the Az regs:
Hey Guys,,Back on here after getting a nasty PC virus.
Any way have some AZ. Springs Regs booklet’s that I picked up today. Also have some paper Application Forms & Pre-addresed envlopes.
If any body wants some just priv-messg,,,me and I will send you a set.
The regs are good for 2015 spring Turkey, Javelina, Buffalo, and Bear.
Deadline is Oct.14 2014
will work out the particklers later,:wink:
Etter1 wrote: We gonna put in for tags soon Smithy?
I’ve been so busy preparing for the bear hunt that I’ve let this fall by the wayside. Don’t want to miss the deadline as I’ll start being out of town A LOT in the next few months!
Hey bud – sorry, somehow I missed this post (my thread notifications seem to be sporadic these days). But yes, we should commit and put in for tags by mid-Oct.
Area 34A, like 1Shot suggested? Sounds like it’s a good area, with convenient camping, etc.
3rd week of September. Who else is in?
Smithhammer wrote: [quote=Etter1]We gonna put in for tags soon Smithy?
I’ve been so busy preparing for the bear hunt that I’ve let this fall by the wayside. Don’t want to miss the deadline as I’ll start being out of town A LOT in the next few months!
Hey bud – sorry, somehow I missed this post (my thread notifications seem to be sporadic these days). But yes, we should commit and put in for tags by mid-Oct.
Area 34A, like 1Shot suggested? Sounds like it’s a good area, with convenient camping, etc.
3rd week of September. Who else is in?
I believe you mean third week of January?
Etter1 wrote:
I believe you mean third week of January?
Ha – yeah. Too many mornings in a row of waking up way too early…
I’m thinking Area 34A (south of Tucson), 3rd week of Jan. How does that sound?
Yup. As non-residents, we have to purchase a “Combination Hunt and Fish” annual license and then a draw app for Hunt #5093 (Archery-only).
I just double-checked the archery-only season dates for that zone, and they are Jan 1st – 22nd.
Smithhammer wrote: Yup. As non-residents, we have to purchase a “Combination Hunt and Fish” annual license and then a draw app for Hunt #5093 (Archery-only).
I just double-checked the archery-only season dates for that zone, and they are Jan 1st – 22nd.
Okay, if you would, since you’ve done this before, would you let me know exactly what you do for your application? Never had to do this before and don’t want to screw it up.
Man, I’ve hunted Ga, Pa, Al, Ar, Id, and Quebec and never saw a regs book like this!
Actually, I’ve never done this before either, in Az at least. I’ve bought an over the counter license for bird hunting down there, but that’s about it. But if you look in the regs book, there’s a section on how to apply for draw tags – it’s pretty self-explanatory.
PM me your ph# and let’s chat at some point.
Etter1 wrote: So I”ve bought my license and understand the application but am I correct in assuming that we send a check with the application for $115.00. That is the way I’m reading it. Just don’t want to mess it up.
That’s my understanding, and thanks for the reminder – I need to get off my butt and get this done!
Ok –
AZ license purchased.
Draw app submitted for Hunt # 5093 (I also put in #5092 as my 2nd choice).
Did the whole thing online. On the draw app, they only charged me the non-res application fee, which is $15. If the draw is successful, then I pay the permit fee.
I don’t know how they taste but I’ve heard they make good tacos and the like. They are not supposed to be anywhere near as good as feral hog and they’re not actually even close relatives.
Smithy, I checked through the old statistics on the areas we put in for. I think the stats were from 2007-2010. There were extra tags available all of those years and success rates seemed to hover around 30 percent. Assuming that a lot of people probably buy javelina tags and never hunt them (especially so close to a big city), I figure that gives us a pretty good shot at doing some good.
Good info – thanks, Sean. A 30% success rate for an ‘archery only’ season is pretty darn good, in my experience – I’ll take those odds!
Some good javelina info here:
Man, you cats are gonna have a great trip.
We’re considering this the scouting trip for next year’s TBM get-together with a larger crew, so just go ahead and block these days out now for 2016 – no excuses.
Anybody know what verizon service is generally like in that area? I would love to have the gps on my phone working for this hunt, as I like to walk a LONG way, but if not I may buy one.
I can find my way back to the truck by compass but in flat land it may be tough for me to find my way back to some pigs.
Hmm….not sure on that one, Sean. I haven’t been down there in several years, and I have AT&T. We’re not going to be too far from the greater Tuscon area though, so I bet coverage will be decent.
I am jealous of your trip – I hope you guys get some great action. And I would love to join the 2016 group. Especially knowing that you have gone before us and have paved the way to success!:D
Cameron wrote: I am jealous of your trip – I hope you guys get some great action. And I would love to join the 2016 group. Especially knowing that you have gone before us and have paved the way to success!:D
Expect a full report of our misadventures, Cameron.
colmike wrote: You all have a great time—but don’t call me for bail money:lol:
No problem. We’ll call Linda.
Looks like draw tags will get mailed out on Nov. 21st…:wink:
Game on…..
Man you guys are going to have fun. My vacation bumps up to 3 weeks right around that time next year, that means 1 week for the PA rut, one week for AZ, one week for the beach…I’ll be watching the report from this hunt closely :wink::lol:
Good luck guys! Be safe!
Thanks, Alex!
Fletched the last of my arrows yesterday, sharpened the (too many) knives that I’m bringing and stocked up on a healthy variety of barley pops to share with my compadres. Hittin’ the road tomorrow morning…
Same here. Headed out around 430-5 and just gonna play it by ear how far I make it tomorrow night.
I have a good bit of the normal light beers and about 18 good ones but I plan to pick up some variety on the way out. There are a lot of microwbrews in texas from what I understand.
Be careful and have fun, Gents. Anxiously awaiting updates. Oh, as of 8:08 am, Etter had just crossed the Tombigbee River in Bama heading west. 😀
Tailfeather and I know the tombigbee from Tom Kelly fame.
I made it to Abilene, TX today from ATL. I will be getting real close to our hunting area by tomorrow evening and hope to be hunting most of the day Saturday.
So far so good as far as truck and any other hickups. Just hope my luck holds. Sure wish I had a buddy to share this journey with but Im about to make two more so should be a great trip.
Im a a bar in a motor inn about an hour west of las cruces NM. Been stopped at one checkpoint already but my drive has been pretty uneventful except for watching 5 cops with bullet proof vests and ar15s put a guy on his knees.
I have a three hour drive in the morning and then Ill be hunting!
Ps- this is a really long drive from atlanta!
I make that about 1500 miles (according to goggle maps)
Take care gentlemen and good hunting.
So how did you guys Do?
I am still stuck in Colorado,,,but just got the grand baby boy Yesterday the 25 Feb. Been here for 37 days, I want to go home,,,,,but I just had to renew my subscription to get back on here. Had my mail stopped. So maybe all is right with the world.
Next Year I will Hunt with you guys and the New crew.
Arid zone A wrote: So how did you guys Do?
I am still stuck in Colorado,,,but just got the grand baby boy Yesterday the 25 Feb. Been here for 37 days, I want to go home,,,,,but I just had to renew my subscription to get back on here. Had my mail stopped. So maybe all is right with the world.
Next Year I will Hunt with you guys and the New crew.
If your successes are determined by bloody arrows and close encounters, we did horrible. Luckily I don’t think any of us judged the trip that way. We never laid eyes on a javelina the entire time. We did a ton of climbing and glassing and saw deer all day and every day. We covered a ton of different elevations and habitat types but could only ever find older sign. I hunted one day near Elephant Head and was in so much sign I couldn’t believe it, but it was about 2 weeks old. I don’t think they were moving much for some reason. I can’t speak for Bruce and Kevin but it was one of the coolest trips I’ve ever been on. I really only wanted to experience the desert mountains and I sure succeeded in that.
I doubt I’ll have a chance to get out there again in the next few years but this is a trip that I will repeat. I am sort of obsessed with the little boogers now and got wrapped up in the country deep.
We didn’t have any issues with any illegals but there was a LOT of sign of them. Lesson learned on the deer too. Have a deer tag in your pocket if you’re hunting out there!!!
And I’ll bring a shotgun next time too. Quail were everywhere.
Etter1 wrote: I can’t speak for Bruce and Kevin but it was one of the coolest trips I’ve ever been on. I really only wanted to experience the desert mountains and I sure succeeded in that.
X 2!!
That country has a way of getting under your skin, doesn’t it?
Smithhammer wrote: [quote=Etter1]I can’t speak for Bruce and Kevin but it was one of the coolest trips I’ve ever been on. I really only wanted to experience the desert mountains and I sure succeeded in that.
X 2!!
That country has a way of getting under your skin, doesn’t it?
If I were retired, I would spend all of January out there….every year.
Etter1 wrote: [quote=Smithhammer][quote=Etter1]I can’t speak for Bruce and Kevin but it was one of the coolest trips I’ve ever been on. I really only wanted to experience the desert mountains and I sure succeeded in that.
X 2!!
That country has a way of getting under your skin, doesn’t it?
If I were retired, I would spend all of January out there….every year.
There are places on BLM land that people live in their R V s and such,,,like little villages,,,easy and fairly cheap. Snow-Birds they ar called.
Etter1 wrote: [quote=Smithhammer][quote=Etter1]I can’t speak for Bruce and Kevin but it was one of the coolest trips I’ve ever been on. I really only wanted to experience the desert mountains and I sure succeeded in that.
X 2!!
That country has a way of getting under your skin, doesn’t it?
If I were retired, I would spend all of January out there….every year.. Smithhammer: where at in Arizona was you hunting?
Cleland wrote: Smithhammer: where at in Arizona was you hunting?
South of Tucson, not far from Sonoita.
Etter1 wrote: [quote=Smithhammer][quote=Cleland] Smithhammer: where at in Arizona was you hunting?
South of Tucson, not far from Sonoita.
Great sig line Bruce!
“Who’s got a million dollars in the back of their car?”how did the southwest javelina hunt go? Anyone going elk hunting on horses?
anyone want to go January 2018? bought a license in order to get an elk pt so good for all of jan ’18. retired, so can spend the entire month for Javi and OTC deer if necessary. I don’t seem to be getting any younger lately and I suspect you guys aren’t either – outta be fun. maybe E. Don could advise as to which zone to apply for .
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